The five-a- Side Soccer for simple mental disability is as interesting and caring as many other sporting events. Therefore, the researchers believe that their basic skills tests are compatible with then level of the tested individuals in terms of age and mental ability. As a means of selecting those who are qualified to practice this game in a simple way, the problem of research has been identified in the design and standardization of two scoring skills that belong to this category and are approved by the training staff during the initial selection process. The research community is determined by people with mental disabilities who belong to the governmental and private institutes and the Special Olympics Union in Baghdad and for the year 2017-2018, who are 12-15 years of age and 9 years of age and above for mental age, (97) individuals, representing (12) institutes, as well as the Special Olympics Union. After obtaining the results and processing them statistically, the researchers reached two conclusions: - scoring skills were first applied in the Iraqi environment, enabling them to choose The five-a- Side Soccer for the Special Olympics Special Olympics Mental Disabilities. - Standardization of the results of the tests by standard to be used in the calendar and comparison. The recommendations of the research: focused on the adoption of test scoring skills, in the process of continuous assessment, and use their own criteria during the selection process. Key words: Design-standardization- scoring -simple mental disability.