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A comparative study of amino acids in stomach regions of Felis catus (Domestic cat) and Sciurus carolinesis (Eastern gray squirrel)

Amino acids were analyzed in stomach regions of males & females of Felis catus (Domestic Cat) & Sciurus carolinesis (Eastern Gray Squirrel ), where it was stated that there are (18) amino acids as following : Aspartic acid (Asp), Glutamic acid (Gla), Serine (Ser), Arginine (Arg), Aspargine ( Asn), Cysteine (Cys), Alanine (Ala), Proline (Pro), Glyscine (Gly), Threonine (Thr), Tyrosine (Tyr), Valine (Val), Methionine (Met), Histidine ( His), Isoleucine (ile), Leucine (leu), Phenylalanine (Phe ) and Lysine (lys). Results have shown there are significant differences in concentration of amino acids between different region of stomach between males & females of Felis catus in part and between males & females of Sciurus carolinesis (Eastern Gray Squirrel) in other part, as stated there are significant differences in concentrations of amino acids between males & females of various types subject of study

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling Human Capital Impact on the Development of the Iraqi Oil Industry

Iraq has the second largest proven oil reserves in the world. According to oil experts, it is expected that the Iraq's reserves to rise to 200+ billion barrels of high-grade crude.

Oil is a strategic commodity for producing and exporting countries in general, and Iraq in particular, as demonstrated by the international experience that oil is an important means to achieve economic growth, an important tool in the overall economic, social and political development. It is also an important source of hard currency for any national economy and a means to connect the local economy and the global economy. In this paper we focus our attention on selecting the best regression model that explain the effect of human capita

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Estimation of Minimum Miscibility Pressure for 〖CO〗_2 Flood Based on EOS

CO2 Gas is considered one of the unfavorable gases and it causes great air pollution. It’s possible to decrease this pollution by injecting  gas in the oil reservoirs to provide a good miscibility and to increase the oil recovery factor. MMP was estimated by Peng Robinson equation of state (PR-EOS). South Rumila-63 (SULIAY) is involved for which the miscible displacement by  is achievable based on the standard criteria for success EOR processes. A PVT report was available for the reservoir under study. It contains deferential liberation (DL) and constant composition expansion (CCE) tests.  PVTi software is one of the (Eclipse V.2010) software’s packages, it has been used to achieve the goal.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multiple Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays From Reaction Using a2-ratio Method

The -multiple mixing ratios of γ-transitions from levels of populated in the are calculated in the present work by using the a2-ratio methods. We used the experimental coefficient (a2) for two γ-transitions from the same initial state, the statistical tensor, which is related to the a2-coefficient would be the same for the two transitions. This method was used in a previous work for pure transitions or which can be considered pure. In these cases the multiple mixing ratios for the second transition ( ) equal zero, but in our work we applied this method for mixed γ-transitions and then the multiple mixing ratio ( ) is known for one transition. Then we calculate the ( ) value and versareversa. The weight average of the -values calcu

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Calculation the number buildup factor of cylindrical samples for Brass, Copper & lead

The buildup factor of cylindrical samples (shields) for Brass, Copper & lead (Brass, Cu, Pb (was studied, where buildup factor were calculated with thickness between (0-12) m.f.p. for Co60 and Cs137sources with activities (30) & (41) MBq respectively , using scintillation detector NaI(T?) with (3"×3")volume .The results shows increases of buildup factor for low atomic number(Z) samples where the energy of radiation source was constant, also shows increases of buildup factor with decreases the energy of radiation source. An empirical equation was obtained using Matlab7 program this equation have agreements with most obtained data for 96%.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Improvement of Dental Composite Resin Using Supra -Nano Chicken thigh Bone Fibers

Supra nanoparticles (submicron) of Chicken bones fibers were used (before and after treated with citric acid solution) as additives  to dental composite with the weight ratios (1%, 2% and 4%). The main mechanical tests represented by hardness, wear resistance and compression strength was carried out on the improvement dental composites.

The addition of treated supra nanoparticles Chicken thigh bones with particles size (300 nm) by weight ratio (1%) to ordinary dental composite resin , significantly improves all of its mechanical properties, in addition to the increase the value of the its  glass transition temperature from  43oC  to 45.4 oC. The techniques X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive Spectr

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Optimal Design of Cylinderical Ectrode Using Neural Network Modeling for Electrochemical Finishing

The finishing operation of the electrochemical finishing technology (ECF) for tube of steel was investigated In this study. Experimental procedures included qualitative
and quantitative analyses for surface roughness and material removal. Qualitative analyses utilized finishing optimization of a specific specimen in various design and operating conditions; value of gap from 0.2 to 10mm, flow rate of electrolytes from 5 to 15liter/min, finishing time from 1 to 4min and the applied voltage from 6 to 12v, to find out the value of surface roughness and material removal at each electrochemical state. From the measured material removal for each process state was used to verify the relationship with finishing time of work piece. Electrochemi

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the performance of government units according to the government accounting system


This study aims at clarifying the current performance appraisal system in government units and the extent to which they contribute to the development of the performance of these units by evaluating and measuring the performance of these units on an ongoing basis to subject their services to an assessment and measurement process in order to improve the efficiency of these units to reach their objectives efficiently and effectively. (Iraqi hospitals) by trying to determine the possibility of the government accounting system in the process of evaluating performance, through the comparison of financial performance for successive years and different hospitals using the financial and non-financial model of the evaluati

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Phonon Confinement Effect on Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Zn4Sb3 Quantum Well Structure

We have theoretically investigated the in-plane lattice thermal conductivity of Zn4Sb3single quantum well structure taking into account spatial confinement of phonons. The calculations were carried out for free-surface quantum wells with thickness 8.5nm in the room temperature. We show that the lattice thermal conductivity is a significant reduce. The reduction is mostly due to the drop in the average group velocity caused by the spatial confinement of acoustic phonons and the corresponding increase in phonon relaxation rates. The predicted decrease is important for the anticipated applications of Zn4Sb3 nanostructure materials for room-temperature thermoelectric devices. Our theoretical results are in a good agreement with available exp

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Diagnostics of Magnesium-Aluminum alloy plasmas produced by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy

In this work, the Al-Mg alloys plasma plume that produced under vacuum (10-1 torr) by Nd:Yag Laser was studied. the plasma spectra were analyzed by comparing the atomic lines of Al and Mg lines with standard lines. The effect of laser energies on spectral lines produced by laser ablation were investigated using optical
spectroscopy .several plasma characteristics like electron temperature, electron density, Debye’s length, plasma frequency and number of particles in the ‘‘Debye’s Sphere’’ were calculated in vacuum .The results show the electron temperature and electron density increase in magnesium, aluminum and magnesium :aluminum alloy
targets . It was found that the lines intensities at

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete T- Section Beams Using External Post-Tensioning Technique

This research is carried out to investigate the externally post-tensioning technique for strengthening RC beams. In this research, four T-section  RC beams having the same dimensions and material properties were casted and tested up to failure by applying two mid-third concentrated loads. Three of these beams are strengthened by using external tendons, while the remaining beam is kept without strengthening as a control beam. Two external strands of 12 mm diameter were fixed at each side of the web of the strengthened beams and located at depth of 200 mm from top fiber of the section (dps). So that the depth of strands to overall depth of the section ratio (dps

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