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The Role of Epineurotomy in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
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Aim: The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of epineurotomy of median nerve with just division of the transverse carpal ligament in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Patients & Methods: We conducted a prospective, random study to evaluate the effect of epineurotomy on the outcome of operative treatment of established median-nerve compression in the carpal canal. Fifty hands (forty-four patients) were selected randomly into two groups: group I had a release of the transverse carpal ligament alone, and group II had a release and adjuvant epineurotomy of the median nerve. The groups were similar with regard to age group, gender, duration of symptoms, and preoperative physical findings. All patients had electrophysiological evidence of sensory delays and fibrillations on preoperative testing. Results: The patients were evaluated perioperatively and postoperatively after 6 months. The results show (60%) in group I and (56%) in group II who no longer had any symptoms referable to the dysfunction of the median nerve. On physical examination, the average two-point discrimination was 5.1 mm in group I, and 4.7 mm in group II. The electrophysiological tests revealed an average sensory latency 4.1 msec in both groups. The follow-up examination revealed no detectable differences between the two groups with regard to symptoms, objective findings, or electrophysiological findings. Conclusions: we conclude that the epineurotomy of the median nerve offers no benefit compared with sectioning of the transverse carpal ligament alone.

Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Ultrasonic and Electrophysiological Evaluation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Diabetic and Non-diabetic Subjects
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Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most prevalent upper-limb entrapped neuropathy. A nerve conduction study (NCS) is the simplest method for identifying CTS when combined with a satisfactory clinical assessment and physical assessment. Ultrasound is a beneficial non-traumatic screening approach for CTS and there is a relationship between the NCS tests and the measures of CSA by ultrasound. Objective: to assess whether or not sonographic observations of the median nerve seems to be varied amongst DM and non-DM CTS individual. Patients and methods: The total of 50 non-DM Individuals with CTS and 50 DM individuals with CTS have been included in this study. All individuals were submitted to full medical assessment NCS testi

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 11 2021
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Correlation of Vitamin D Level with Electrophysiological Findings and Clinical Grading in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a neurological disease that presented with paresthesias, pain, and numbness in the hand's median nerve compression. Vitamin D was assumed to affect both electrophysiological &clinical gradings, the study aims to assess the correlation between the deficiency of vitamin D and both electrophysiological and clinical gradings. This study was conducted in Ghazi Alhariri Hospital during the period from the first of November/2020 to the twenty-eighth of February/2021, fifty five individuals were referred to as Carpal tunnel syndrome patients, and compared to (55) control individuals, blood samples were withdrawn from the patients (3ml), centrifuged and kept in the freezer (-20°C) until the time of analysis of

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Intraoperative Steroid Irrigation in Carpal Tunnel
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Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome
(CTS) is the most common neuropathy of the
upper limb due to compression of the median
nerve at the wrist.
Objectives: to test the benefit of steroid
irrigation of the wound to alleviate the post
operative pain.
Methods: Forty patients had carpal tunnel
release were divided into two groups with and
without steroid irrigation.
Results: Forty patients 38 female and 2 male
with forty CTS had open surgical release were
studied for postoperative pain at the wrist area.
Group 1 (patients treated with surgery alone)
and group 2 (patients treated with surgery and
steroid).In group1, 11 patients (55%) had
persistent agonizing pain at the ulnar side of
the wrist

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 03 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Medical Journal
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Background : Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of upper extremities and Open carpal tunnel release is the most frequent surgical procedure and the gold standard for cases that do not respond to conservative treatment. Aims :This study is used to evaluate the functional outcome of limited palmar mini-incision of carpal tunnel release. This study aims to determine the safety and symptomatic and functional efficacy of median nerve decompression with limited incision in carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. Patients and methods:Carpal tunnel release with a 1.5-2 cm limited palmar incision was performed on 20 patients. Patients were evaluated initially at one month after treatment according to symptom severity

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 03 2015
Journal Name
Al- Kindy College Medical Journal
Proximal palmar mini-incision carpal tunnel release technique
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Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy in humans today. For patients in whom conservative treatment fails, surgical decompression is indicated. Various surgical techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the rapid postoperative recovery shown after endoscopic operations, proximal palmar mini-incision for carpal tunnel release is a comparative alternative. Methods: Ninety four patients [113 hands] with a carpal tunnel syndrome underwent carpal tunnel release through a 1-cm longitudinal incision made just over the distal flexor crease. The self- administered Boston Questionnaire was used to assess the severity of patients’ symptoms and their functional status, both before and after the surgical

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Proximal palmar mini-incision carpal tunnel release technique
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Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy in humans today. For patients in whom conservative treatment fails, surgical decompression is indicated. Various surgical techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the rapid postoperative recovery shown after endoscopic operations, proximal palmar mini-incision for carpal tunnel release is a comparative alternative.Methods: Ninety four patients [113 hands] with a carpal tunnel syndrome underwent carpal tunnel release through a 1-cm longitudinal incision made just over the distal flexor crease. The self- administered Boston Questionnaire was used to assess the severity of patients’ symptoms and their functional status, both before and after the surgic

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 11 2021
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The article examines metaphors as one of the fundamental means used by D. Rubina when writing the novel “Parsley Syndrome” to form images of dolls as equal heroes of the work. The author of the article continues research related to the work of Dina Ilinichna Rubina, a representative of modern Russian prose.

Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Synthetic Metals
Modeling tunnel currents in organic permeable-base transistors
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Role of Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea ) in Treatment For Induced Polycystic ovary syndrome in Albino rats ( Rattus norvegicus )
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The goal of present study was to investigate the benefits of broccoli (as antiandrogenic plant) in protection and treatment for reproductive hormonal and metabolic disturbance, which combined with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The PCOS model was introduced by injecting subcutaneously prepubertal female rats at 21 days old with Letrozole for 39 days, and divided into 6 groups (8 rats each ) as follows:

Group 1: Female rats were injected with 0.1 ml of normal saline. Group 2: Female rats were injected with 0.1 ml of 400 µg Letrozole Group 3: Female rats were injected with 0.1 ml of 400 µg L with orally gavaged of broccoli juice. Group 4: Female rats were injected with 0.1 ml of normal saline and at the end of the last

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
The Nucleus
Studies on the role of retinol binding protien-4 in type 2 diabetic Iraqi patients with metabolic syndrome
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Several adipokines are produced and secreted from adipose tissue, such as retinol binding protein-4, which triggers metabolic syndromes and insulin resistance. Retinol binding protein-4 transfers vitamin A or retinol in the blood. Higher levels of retinol binding protein-4 are interrelated with progress of metabolic disease, comprising obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The present study investigates the role of retinol-binding protein-4 levels in type 2 diabetic Iraqi patients with metabolic syndrome. Sixty type 2 diabetic patients aged 40–53 years were examined. Of these 30 patients has metabolic syndrome and 30 without metabolic syndrome. The patients sampled were from the National Diabetes Center/ Mustansiriyah

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