Objective: To assess the impact of a social support for pregnant women upon their pregnancy outcome Methodology: A descriptive purposive study was used to assess the impact of a social support on their pregnancy outcomes. The study was conducted from (22 \ September \ 2020 to 15 \ February \ 2021). A non-probability sample (purposive sample) was selected from 100 women. Data were collected through an interview with the mother in the counseling clinic, during the third trimester of pregnancy, as well as after childbirth in the labor wards to assess the outcome of pregnancy. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics (frequency and percentages). Results: The most important thing observed in this study was the positive pregnancy outcome for women with high social support during pregnancy. But the women suffering from a low social support in this study (18%) stillbirth at P. value (.042). Recommendations: social support during pregnancy provides some buffer from its enduring effects. Interventions designed to enhance pregnancy social support may not only improve maternal wellbeing, but may also safeguard infant health. Increased social support may improve maternal mental health during pregnancy and this association should be assessed in longitudinalstudies.