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The Impact of Hydrogen Peroxide as An Oxidant for Solvent-free Liquid Phase Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol using Au-Pd Supported Carbon and Titanium Catalysts
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The solvent free oxidation of benzyl alcohol was conducted employing Au and Pd supported catalysts, while utilizing hydrogen peroxide 35% (H2O2) as the oxidant, H2O2 is  very cheap, mild, and an environment friendly reagent, which produced water as the only by-product. Various proportions of Au-Pd catalysts on carbon and titanium oxide activated as supports were synthesized through the use of sol immobilization catalyst synthesis technique. Characterization of the synthesized catalysts was performed using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). It was found that the synthesized Au-Pd/ activated carbon catalyst was  beneficial for the solvent free oxidation of benzyl alcohol after its containing high surface area measuring 871 m2g-1. Analysis of the TEM data and particle dimension revealed smaller and narrower particle size of 1 wt%. Thus, the distribution of Au-Pd/C was attained. Carbon-supported bimetallic catalysts presented a higher conversion compared to catalysts that are supported titanium oxide (TiO2) for for the oxidation reaction of benzyl alcohol. It was determined that this technique was a suitable process for catalyst synthesis with high selectivity, same distribution of the particle size and activations. 

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Survey of Prosthodontics Techniques Applied by Dental Practitioners in Sulaimani City
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Background: Prosthodontic services have changed markedly due to an introduction of new materials, techniques and treatment options. The aim of this study were to identify the type of materials and the methods used by dental practitioners in their clinics to construct conventional complete dentures and to specify the type and design for removable partial dentures (RPDs); and to then compare them with those taught in dental schools. Materials and methods: A total of 153 dental practitioners in Sulaimani city completed a written questionnaire. The questionnaire included 19 questions regarding complete and RPDs fabrication. Results: Most of the practitioners provide complete dentures (81.6%) and RPDs (95.3%) in their clinics. Polyvinyl silox

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Numerical Study of Solid Core Photonic Crystal Fibres with Endlessly Single Mode
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       In this work, a solid core photonic crystal fibre (SC-PCF) has been designed with endlessly single mode of which both centerd core and holes in the cladding are organized by circles. The designed SC-PCF has a single solid centerd core which is ringed by a six rings hexagonal cladding. The computation of  SC-PCF is  achieved by using the finite element method (FEM) with perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary condition. All the designed factors like dimensions and distance of both core and cladding areas have varied with an optimized structure. After ending the numerical calculation, the results shows that there are a link between the air hols in the cladding ,  and the different normaliz

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Publication Date
Thu May 30 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Analytical approximate solutions of random integro differential equations with laplace decomposition method
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An efficient combination of Adomian Decomposition iterative technique coupled with Laplace transformation to solve non-linear Random Integro differential equation (NRIDE) is introduced in a novel way to get an accurate analytical solution. This technique is an elegant combination of theLaplace transform, and the Adomian polynomial. The suggested method will convert differential equations into iterative algebraic equations, thus reducing processing and analytical work. The technique solves the problem of calculating the Adomian polynomials. The method’s efficiency was investigated using some numerical instances, and the findings demonstrate that it is easier to use than many other numerical procedures. It has also been established that (LT

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 11 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Modeling of Plasma Affected Thermal Profile in Solids During Laser Materials Processing
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A new scheme of plasma-mediated thermal coupling has been implemented which yields the temporal distributions of the thermal flux which reaches the metal surface, from which the spatial and temporal temperature profiles can be calculated. The model has shown that the temperature of evaporating surface is determined by the balance between the absorbed power and the rate of energy loss due to evaporation. When the laser power intensity range is 107 to108 W/cm2 the temperature of vapor could increase beyond the critical temperature of plasma ignition, i.e. plasma will be ignited above the metal surface. The plasma density has been analyzed at different values of vapor temperature and pressure using Boltzmann’s code for calculation of elec

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Decoration of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles with Aluminum Nanoparticles by Explosive Strips Method
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In this study, aluminum nanoparticles (Al NPs) were prepared using explosive strips method in double-distilled deionized water (DDDW), where the effect of five different currents (25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 A) on particle size and distribution was studied. Also, the explosive strips method was used to decorate zinc oxide particles with Al particles, where Al particles were prepared in suspended from zinc oxide with DDDW. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction are used to characterize the nanoparticles. XRD pattern were examined for three samples of aluminum particles and DDDW prepared with three current values (25, 75 and 125 A) and three samples prepared with the same currents for zin

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Photostability Study of Some Modified Poly(vinyl chloride) Containing Pendant Schiff’s Bases
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The polymers modified Poly(vinyl chloride) differ in their tendency to photo oxidation comparing with that unmodified. It has been studied Photostability for modified Poly(vinyl chloride) chains using Schiff’s bases derivative of (5-amino-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole-2-thiol) in a manner casting of plastic chips with thickness (40) in a solvent Tetrahydrofuran. It has been determined the effectiveness Photostability of these modified polymers through the photo degradation rate constant for photostabilizer (kd) for the modified Poly (vinyl chloride). Attributed efficiency of these Poly(vinyl chloride) chips in Photostability by replace the atom Cl Poly(vinyl chloride) chains ends more stable than light stabilizer.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluating Supervision’s Performance of Specialist Supervisors in Secondary Schools from Principals’ Perspectives
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The objective of the research is to identify the level of supervisory performance of the educational supervisor from the point of view of headmasters at secondary schools. The problem was the need to evaluate performance. A sample of (97) school headmasters was chosen to collect the needed data, they proportionated (38%) of the total community. the researcher designed a questionnaire consisted of (43) paragraphs with five areas. The results showed that there is a good level of performance among supervisors; there are no significant differences in the variable of the certificate, while there were significant differences in terms of gender for the benefit of males. The research concluded with a number of recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of students' knowledge regarding breast self-examination in Erbil City-Iraq
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Breast cancer is the most common cause of death among women worldwide (1)
. Breast self-exam (BSE) is considered
an important public health procedure; primary prevention should be given the highest priority in the fight against
Cancer is considered the second leading cause of death in developed countries there was some 6.2 million cancer
related deaths, accounƟng for 12% of all deaths globally (5).Patients perception toward this disease and preference
concerning the types and aims of their treatment are vary they may loss hopes and become devastated and crippled
or even dies earlier, if told about the diagnosis (13). The study aimed to assess knowledge of female students regarding
BSE, and to find out rel

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stress Concentration factor Analysis of Helical Gear Drives with Asymmetric Teeth Profiles
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This study investigates the influence of asymmetric involute teeth profiles for helical gears on the bending stress. Theoretically, bending stress has been estimated in spur involute gears which have symmetric teeth profile by based on the Lewis, 1892 equation. Later, this equation is developed by, Abdullah, 2012. to determine the effect of an asymmetric tooth profile for the spur gear on the bending stress. And then these equations are applied with stress concentration factor once for symmetric and once other for asymmetric teeth profile. In this paper, the bending stresses for various types of helical gear with various types of asymmetric teeth profile are calculated numerically for defined the stress concentration fac

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of Earth Canals Constructed on Gypseous Soil by Soil Cement Mixture
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The gypseous soil may be one of the problems that face the engineers especially when it used as a foundation for hydraulic structures, roads, and other structures. Gypseous soil is strong soil and has good properties when it is dry, but the problem arises when building hydraulic installations or heavy buildings on this soil after wetting the water to the soil by raising the water table level from any source or from rainfall which leads to dissolve the gypsum content. Cement-stabilized soil has been successfully used as a facing or lining for earth channel, highway embankments and drainage ditches to reduce the risk of erosion and collapsibility of soil. This study is deliberate the treatment of gypseous soil by using a mixture

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