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ABSTRACT : Fifteenth isolates of C. sakazakii were obtained from previous studies of the sample (infant formula, cerebrospinal fluid and blood). All isolates C. sakazakii identification based on microscopic, biochemical test and confirmed by 16SrRNA. We studied the movement of all isolates and study adhesion to polystyrene plate, adhesion and invasion to Esophageal adenocarcinoma (SKG-GT-4) for four isolates [Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF5), Bloods (B 1), Dialak (A1c), Novolac Allernova (C1)] and its cytotoxicity. Results showed that all isolates can move after 4 hours of incubation and increased after 8 hours, the isolates moved to different distances strong, medium, and weak. The results showed that the number of C. sakazakii colony adherent to polystyrene plate was more than 300 cfu for four isolates. while adhesion to (SKG-GT-4) the results showed the number of C. sakazakii colony adhesion to (SKG-GT-4) cell line in dilution (1 : 10 and 1 : 100) were more than 300 cfu to 4 isolated. Finally the colony numbers in the invasion SKG-GT-4, the results showed that the number was CSF5 (200cfu), A1C (183cfu), B1 (175cfu), C1 (290cfu). Cytotoxicity of C. sakazakii was less. In conclusion, C. sakazakii can move, adhesion to polystyrene, adhesion to, invasion to Esophageal adenocarcinoma and cytotoxic

Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Al-Mubarakpuri's Jurisprudential Choices (d.1353 AH) in the Borders from his book "Tuhfat Al-Ahwadi" with the explanation of "Jami' Al-Tirmidhi / a comparative jurisprudential study
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers and his family and companions.

The study of the jurisprudential opinions of scholars, their choices, or their weightings, sheds light on the approach they followed in their choices, and reveals the originality of the scholar or his influence on those who preceded him from among the scholars.

And the commentators of the noble hadith of the Prophet have their important contributions in this aspect, as they undertake the task of explaining the noble hadith, the second source of legislation

Contemporary commentators have their share in the service of the honorable hadith, and the statement of their choices and preferences, and am

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Отражение женского пола в качестве женщины в русских фразеологических единицах на фоне арабского языка Reflection of Feminine Gender as represented by Women in Russian Idioms in Comparison with Arabic
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Взгляд на пол как на комплексное социальное отношение означает,что роль женщины в истории следует рассматривать не просто как новый для исторической науки предмет исследования, а как обойденный вниманием ученых вопрос об отношениях между людьми или группами людей.

Женщина играет особую и важную  роль в обществе , даже скажут ,что она половина нашего общества ,поэтому она яв

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Issam al-Din al-Asfrani's footnote On the interpretation of the oval Imam Issam al-Din Ibrahim Arbashah al-Asfrani (Th 159 e)   Surah Al-Baqarah (verse 55-911)
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Issam al-Din al-Asfrani's footnote
On the interpretation of the oval
Issam al-Din Ibrahim Arbashah al-Asfrani
(Th 159 e)
  Surah Al-Baqarah (verse 55-911)

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2024
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Investigating the Effects of Canard Dihedral Angle on the Wing Span Loading in a Forward-Swept Wing Aircraft at Transonic Speeds at Steady State Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
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Forward-swept wings were researched and introduced to improve maneuverability, control, and fuel efficiency while reducing drag and they are often used alongside canards, to further enhance their characteristics. In this research, the effects of canard dihedral angles on the wing loading of a forward-swept wing in transonic flow conditions were studied, as the wing loading provides a measure of wing’s efficiency (lift/drag). A generic aircraft model from literatures was selected, simulated, and compared to, using CFD software ANSYS/Fluent where the flow equations were solved to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics. The research was carried at two different Mach numbers, 0.6 and 0.9, for five different canard dihedral angles which tra

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estudio en la traducción del lenguaje de los horóscopos en la prensa del idioma español al árabe A study in translating the language of the horoscope in the press from Spanish into Arabic
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        El horóscopo que es una predicción deducida de la posición de los astros del sistema solar y de los signos de Zodiaco, intenta no sólo predecir el futuro, sino también influir en el comportamiento del lector, orientándolo para que actúe adecuadamente y la invitación a actuar ante ese futuro que se aconseja mediante imperativos, perífrasis y otros recursos lingüísticos. Los horóscopos se caracterizan por su gran popularidad que existen en periódico o revista en columnas enteras dedicadas al tema, en donde se detallan la influencia que tendrá el día o el mes de cada uno de los signos correspondientes al zodíaco, siempre teniendo en cuenta la posici

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
STUDY THE INHIBITION ACTIVITY OF PURIFIED BACTERIOCIN FROM LOCAL ISOLATION Lactococcuslactis ssp. lactisagainst SOME PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL SPECIES ISOLATED FROM CLINICAL SAMPLES: دراسة الفعالية التثبيطية للبكتريوسين المنقى من العزلة المحلية Lactococcuslactis ssp. Lactis تجاه بعض البكتريا الممرضة المعزولة من عينات سريرية
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This study aimed to study the inhibition activity of purified bacteriocin produced from the local isolation Lactococcuslactis ssp. lactis against pathogenic bacteria species isolated from clinical samples in some hospitals Baghdad city. Screening of L. lactis ssp. Lactis and isolated from the intestines fish and raw milk was performed in well diffusion method. The results showed that L. lactis ssp. lactis (Lc4) was the most efficient isolate in producing the bacteriocin as well observed inhibitory activity the increased that companied with the concentration, the concentration of the twice filtrate was better in obtaining higher inhibition diameters compared to the one-fold concentration. The concentrate

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Broken Wings: The character of the Arab Christian |Woman in Sami Michael's Novel "Trumpet in the Wadi" versus "Jasmine" by Eli Amir: הכנפיים שנשברו דמות האישה הערבית הנוצרית ברומן " חוצוצרה בוואדי " של סמי מיכאל לעומת דמותה ב " יסמין " של אלי עמיר
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Sami Michael and Eli Amir - two Israeli writers born in Iraq and of the same generation (Sami Makhail was born in Baghdad in 1926 and Eli Amir in 1937). They wrote in their novels, among other things, about Orientalism , love and femininity. They both lived wild, extroverted lives. They did not shy away from experiencing anything new that came their way, rebelled against conventions and acted provocatively; they enjoyed the shock and amazement that evoked around them. While trying to find their place in different family settings, they chose to present two Arab Christian heroines. The narrator in Jasmine is the speaker Noori-Eli himself. While the narrator of “Trumpet in the Wadi” is Huda the heroine herself. Both ar

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