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Effect of Omega 7 on Some Parameters Related to WBCs and RBCs in Methotrexate-induce Blood Toxicity in Mice

Background: Although methotrexate (MTX) is a frequently used chemotherapy drug, its effectiveness is sometimes hampered by the drug's toxic consequences. Omega 7 is a monounsaturated fatty acid, with different anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic anti-obesity applications, and its possible protective effects against MTX-induced blood toxicity were investigated in this study. Objective: Evaluation of possible protective effects of omega7 against MTX-induced blood toxicity. Methods: 30 mice were divided into five groups, the First group take liquid paraffin orallyfor 7 days for served as negative control and the second group take methotrexate (20mg/kg) intraperitoneallyto serve as a positive control,the third group takes omega 7 (100mg/kg)orally for 7 days, forth groupreceived (50mg/kg ) omega 7orally for 7 days as well as give It methotrexate (20mg/kg) on day 8, the fifth groupreceived (100mg/kg ) omega 7orally for 7 days as well as give It methotrexate (20mg/kg) on day 8. After that, the animals were killed and took blood samples for measuring blood parameters, such as PCV, Hb, MCV, MCH, platelet, WBC count and Differential WBC. Results: the results showed the presence of a decrease in both the RBC from which MCV and MCH count showed a significant decrease at a dose of 20mg/kg concentration of methotrexate, omega7 at a dose of 50 and 100 mg/kg work to increase the variables above, Concerning the WBC was significantlydecreased in the totals and increased in monocytes count for the study when giving methotrexate while reversed when giving omega7 with this drug. Conclusion: omega7 has a significant protective role in Methotrexate-induce Blood Toxicity in Mice.

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
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Ain Shams Engineering Journal
Neural network modeling of rutting performance for sustainable asphalt mixtures modified by industrial waste alumina

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
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Ieee Access
Multichannel Optimization With Hybrid Spectral- Entropy Markers for Gender Identification Enhancement of Emotional-Based EEGs

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
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Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Treatment of Al-Muthanna Petroleum Refinery Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Using a Tubular batch Electrochemical Reactor
Abstract<p>An electrocoagulation process has been used to eliminate the chemical oxygen demand (COD) from wastewaters discharged from the Al-Muthanna petroleum refinery plant. In this process, a circular aluminum bar was used as a sacrificial anode, and hallow cylinder made from stainless steel was used as a cathode in a tubular batch electrochemical Reactor. Impacts of the operating factors like current density (5-25mAcm<sup>-2</sup>), NaCl addition at concentrations (0-2g/l), and pH at values (3-11) on the COD removal efficiency were studied.</p><p>Results revealed that the increase in current density increases the COD removal efficiency, whereas an increase</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 27 2022
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Flexural Performance of Encased Pultruded GFRP I-Beam with High Strength Concrete under Static Loading

There is an interesting potential for the use of GFRP-pultruded profiles in hybrid GFRP-concrete structural elements, either for new constructions or for the rehabilitation of existing structures. This paper provides experimental and numerical investigations on the flexural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) specimens composite with encased pultruded GFRP I-sections. Five simply supported composite beams were tested in this experimental program to investigate the static flexural behavior of encased GFRP beams with high-strength concrete. Besides, the effect of using shear studs to improve the composite interaction between the GFRP beam and concrete as well as the effect of web stiffeners of GFRP were explored. Encasing the GFRP

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 07 2024
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Semiconductor Science And Technology
A facile method of deriving solar selective nickel-cobalt oxide thin films via spraying process
Abstract<p>The present study focuses on synthesizing solar selective absorber thin films, combining nanostructured, binary transition metal spinel features and a composite oxide of Co and Ni. Single-layered designs of crystalline spinel-type oxides using a facile, easy and relatively cost-effective wet chemical spray pyrolysis method were prepared with a crystalline structure of M<sub>x</sub>Co<sub>3−x</sub>O<sub>4</sub>. The role of the annealing temperature on the solar selective performance of nickel-cobalt oxide thin films (∼725 ± 20 nm thick) was investigated. XRD analysis confirmed the formation of high crystalline quality thin films with a crystallite si</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Removal of COD from Petroleum refinery Wastewater by Electro-Coagulation Process Using SS/Al electrodes
Abstract<p>In the present study, the effectiveness of a procedure of electrocoagulation for removing chemical oxygen demand (COD) from the wastewater of petroleum refinery has been evaluated. Aluminum and stainless steel electrodes were used as a sacrificial anode and cathode respectively. The effect of current density (4-20mAcm<sup>−2</sup>), pH (3-11), and NaCl concentration (0-4g/l) on efficiency of removal of chemical oxygen demand was investigated. The results have shown that increasing of current density led to increase the efficiency of COD removal while increasing NaCl concentration resulted in decreasing of COD removal efficiency. Effect of pH was found to be lowering COD re</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
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Chemical Physics Impact
An efficient Ag decorated CeO2 synergetic catalyst for improved catalytic reduction of lethal 4-nitrophenol

Catalytic reduction is considered an effective approach for the reduction of toxic organic pollutants from the environment, but finding an active catalyst is still a big challenge. Herein, Ag decorated CeO2 catalyst was synthesized through polyol reduction method and applied for catalytic reduction (conversion) of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) to 4-aminophenol (4-AP). The Ag decorated CeO2 catalyst displayed an outstanding reduction activity with 99% conversion of 4-NP in 5 min with a 0.61 min−1 reaction rate (k). A number of structural characterization techniques were executed to investigate the influence of Ag on CeO2 and its effect on the catalytic conversion of 4-NP. The outstanding catalytic performances of the Ag-CeO2 catalyst can be assigne

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 19 2022
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Advances In Continuous And Discrete Models
Geometric properties of the meromorphic functions class through special functions associated with a linear operator
Abstract<p>According to the theory of regular geometric functions, the relevance of geometry to analysis is a critical feature. One of the significant tools to study operators is to utilize the convolution product. The dynamic techniques of convolution have attracted numerous complex analyses in current research. In this effort, an attempt is made by utilizing the said techniques to study a new linear complex operator connecting an incomplete beta function and a Hurwitz–Lerch zeta function of certain meromorphic functions. Furthermore, we employ a method based on the first-order differential subordination to derive new and better differential complex inequalities, namely differential subordinations.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Molecular Identification of Methylorubrum extorquens using PCR-Amplified MxaF Gene Fragments as A Molecular Marker

  Methylotrophs bacteria are ubiquitous, and they have the ability to consume single carbon (C1) which makes them biological conversion machines. It is the first study to find facultative methylotrophic bacteria in contaminated soils in Iraq. Conventional PCR was employed to amplify MxaF that encodes methanol dehydrogenase enzyme. DNA templates were extracted from bacteria isolated from five contaminated sites in Basra. The gene specific PCR detected Methylorubrum extorquens as the most dominant species in these environments. The ability of M. extorquens to degrade aliphatic hydrocarbons compound was tested at the laboratory. Within 7 days, gas chromatographic (GC) studies of remaining utilize

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Total Dissolved Salt Prediction Using Neurocomputing Models: Case Study of Gypsum Soil Within Iraq Region

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