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Folklore as Resistance in Postcolonial Narratives and Cultural Practices: Hawaiian, African American, and Iraqi
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Colonialism radically transformed the cultures of colonized peoples, often rupturing Indigenous traditions and folklore. Whether creating colonial discourse, promoting orientalist literature, advocating western educational institutions, or through biased media representations, imperial powers systematically oppressed Indigenous and Native peoples. Subjugated communities, however, created, and still form postcolonial discourse from their knowledge systems. This discourse insists on Indigenous and Native culture as central to Indigenous and Native peoples identity. This study examines the postcolonial literature of three groups: Kānaka Maoli, African Americans, and Iraqis. The scope of this dissertation scrutinizes how folklore is employed as resistance in the postcolonial literature of Kānaka Maoli, African Americans, and Iraqis. Folklore as Resistance in Postcolonial Narratives and Cultural Practices: Hawaiian, African American, and Iraqi focuses on the centrality of folklore and cultural histories in the literature of these three groups. Kānaka Maoli emphasize the mo’olelo (hi/story) in their literature. Moʻolelo acts not only as a means to pass down hi/story and culturally significant stories from generation to generation (a genealogy) but also as a mode of resistance to hegemonic and imperial powers. Moʻolelo are not merely legends or myths; instead, they represent ancestral knowledge and connection to Kānaka history. Kānaka Maoli claim and revive ancestral moʻolelo in their literature and cultural performance to illuminate their relationship to place, ʻāina, and their country, the Hawaiian Kingdom. In this work, Dhiffaf al-Shwillay suggests that there are similar tendencies in the literature of Kānaka Maoli, African American, and Iraqis. The folklore and literature of these groups signify the histories of oppression and/or colonization and its aftermath. Al-Shwillay finds that Kānaka Maoli, African American, and Iraqi folklore in literature can be read as resistance to orientalism, oppression, and stereotyping. Following the trajectory of the historical and cultural context for the literary productions of these three communities, she offers analysis and reading of Sage Takehiro, Dana Naone Hall, Haunani-Kay Trask, Brandy Nālani McDougall, Zora Neale Hurston, Badr Shakir al-Sayyab, and Selim Matar. This dissertation concludes by emphasizing the dynamic political and cultural value of moʻolelo and folklore in postcolonial narratives. Al-Shwillay asserts that literature that draws upon folklore and cultural histories transmits evidence of oppressive powers and, crucially, resistance. In this mode of examination of postcolonial literature, al-Shwillay asserts that folklore records the resistance of peoples through their literary production. Folklore carries the knowledge of ancestors, cultural, and history.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment the Modulation effect of using Green synthesis ZnO NPs against Multidrug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from respiratory tract infection
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Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of common hospital-acquired bacteria causing nosocomial pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and intra-abdominal infections. The aim of this study is investigating the Modulation effect of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) against multidrug resistant K. pneumonia which was isolated from Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs). The results of isolation and characterization of bacterial specimens showed that 20.81% of RTIs were Klebsiella pneumoniae. The strongest isolate showed resistant for most usable antibiotics selected. Simultaneously, ZnO NPs were produced by an aqueous extract of Green Tea leaves as a reducing and stabilizer agent. The Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrum was indicated a successful produc

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Effect of Face Sheets Material on Strength of Sandwich Plates with Circular Hole
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This study aims to investigate the effect of changing skins material on the strength of sandwich plates with circular hole when subjected to mechanical loads. Theoretical, numerical and experimental analyses are done for sandwich plates with hole and with two face sheet materials. Theoretical analysis is performed by using sandwich plate theory which depends on the first order shear deformation theory for plates subjected to tension and bending separately. Finite element method was used to analyse numerically all cases by ANSYS program.

The sandwich plates were investigated experimentally under bending and buckling load separately. The relationship between stresses and the ratio of hole diameter to plate width (d/b) are built, by

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 11 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermo Elastic Analysis of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composite Cylinder Utilizing Finite Element Method with the Theory of Elasticity
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Elliptic Cubic Curves Over The Finite Field of Order Nineteen
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Plane cubics curves may be classified up to isomorphism or projective equivalence. In this paper, the inequivalent elliptic cubic curves which are non-singular plane cubic curves have been classified projectively over the finite field of order nineteen, and determined if they are complete or incomplete as arcs of degree three. Also, the maximum size of a complete elliptic curve that can be constructed from each incomplete elliptic curve are given.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing Pilgrimage Common Diseases by Interactive Multimedia Courseware
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In this study, we attempt to provide healthcare service to the pilgrims. This study describes how a multimedia courseware can be used in making the pilgrims aware of the common diseases that are present in Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage. The multimedia courseware will also be used in providing some information about the symptoms of these diseases, and how each of them can be treated. The multimedia courseware contains a virtual representation of a hospital, some videos of actual cases of patients, and authentic learning activities intended to enhance health competencies during the pilgrimage. An examination of the courseware was conducted so as to study the manner in which the elements of the courseware are applied in real-time learn

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Scopus (9)
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nano-Scale core effects on electronic structure properties of gallium arsenide
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Ab – initio density function theory (DFT) calculations coupled with Large Unit Cell (LUC) method were carried out to evaluate the electronic structure properties of III-V zinc blend (GaAs). The nano – scale that have dimension (1.56-2.04)nm. The Gaussian 03 computational packages has been employed through out this study to compute the electronic properties include lattice constant, energy gap, valence and conduction band width, total energy, cohesive energy and density of state etc. Results show that the total energy and energy gap are decreasing with increase the size of nano crystal . Results revealed that electronic properties converge to some limit as the size of LUC increase .

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al Adab
Cognitive Stylistic Analysis of Daily Yahoo Storie
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Cognitive stylistics is one discipline of applied linguistics that relies on the reader’s interpretation and inference of the meaning of the text depending on his background knowledge. It studies how the reader understands the text and mapping it with his real experiences (Jeffries and McIntyre,2010). The present study is a cognitive stylistic analysis of digital stories. Digital stories are short narratives made by a combination of different sorts of digital media such as pictures, audios and videos. These digital media are employed to tell stories about oneself, famous people, and important events. The analyzed stories are selected from “Daily Yahoo Stories” and are analyzed according to Lakoff (1993) approach, The analysis investig

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Adopting the public on satellite channels
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The importance of television has emerged as an effective and influential force in the lives of societies and peoples, And not just a professional media since the fifties of the twentieth century, It was used as a platform to achieve the goals and objectives of the media and politics for governments, agencies and individuals in different countries of the world, Using many methods, methods and techniques that later became important major subjects and curricula and a scientific specialization that was founded for him to study and teach in most international universities, The media, especially television and satellite channels, play an active and significant role in managing crises and conflicts and directing them through the methods of deal

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of a Biomechanical Behaviour of Rat Patellar Tendon
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Tendon is important structure of the human body, since it can sustain tensile loading. The primary function of this tissue is to stabilize the joints they attached to it during daily activities. As well as, tendon has viscoelastic properties that can determine their response to loading and restrict the potential of injuries. One of the major points that this paper works with is the study of the biomechanical behaviour of tendon in response to tensile loading to describe their biological behaviour. Also, conclude the mathematical expression that may illustrate the tendon behaviour. All of the experiments were made in Physiology laboratories / Medical College/ Al- Nahrain University on ten rats "Rattus Norvegicus" of [108- 360] gm weight f

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Assessment of Pipe Pile Axial Response under Seismic Excitation
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In engineering, the ground in seismically active places may be subjected to static and seismic stresses. To avoid bearing capacity collapse, increasing the system's dynamic rigidity, and/or reducing dynamic fluctuations, it may be required to employ deep foundations instead of shallow ones. The axial aptitude and pipe pile distribution of load under static conditions have been well reported, but more study is needed to understand the dynamic axial response. Therefore, this research discusses the outputs of the 3D finite element models on the soil-pile behavior under different acceleration intensities and soil states by using MIDAS GTS NX. The pipe pile was represented as a simple elastic, and a modified Mohr-Coulomb mode

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