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Identify the main factors affecting labor productivity within different organizational structures in the Iraqi construction sector
Abstract<p>The construction sector in Iraq has faced many challenges. One of the major challenges is the lack of productivity of laborers who are working construction sites. Although research studies have been conducted to investigate, explore, and identify factors influencing labor productivity in the Middle-east region, the lack of such research studies to address these challenges in Iraq. This motivates the researcher to explore and identify the key factors affecting labor productivity in construction sites across different organizational structures (Matrix, Projectized, and functional). A survey questionnaire has been conducted using Delphi technique in order to achieve a concrete and reliable view of the major factors influencing labor productivity in Iraq. Twenty-four experts from different construction sectors have participated in Delphi rounds. In addition, a total of 110 factors affecting labor productivity is considered in this study. The main findings of this study show a correlation between some of the identified factors and characteristics of the organizational structures. The poor communication and management of the construction site, lack of communication and coordination between construction parties, size and arrangement of the construction crew, on-time payment, and motivational program factors were found to be highly correlated with the characteristics of the selected organizational structures. Also, the study shows that explosive remnants and dangerous construction sites due to terrorist attacks are very influential factors on labor productivity.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Ecological observations on two species of Gastropoda (Family Hygromiidae) : Monacha cantiana and Candidula gigaxii In three central Iraq provinces

This study was carried out on two species of the Hygromiidae family Monacha
cantiana and Candidula gigaxii collected from six sites in three central Iraq
provinces (Baghdad , Babylon and Karbala) . A total of 1318 individuals of Monacha
cantiana and 173 of Candidula gigaxii have been examined during the study period
from October 2013 to July 2014.The study included estimation of species relative
abundance, population density and relationship with some physico- chemical
properties of the soil; temperature, moisture and pH.
The Monacha cantiana was present at all sites but with varying numbers, while
Candidula gigaxii was confined to only three sites: Aljadiriyah and Zafaraniya at
Baghdad, and Hindiya dam at Baby

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measurement of Radon Concentration in College of Education for Pure Science / Ibn Al- Haitham Buildings Using CR-39 Detector

   In the present work , radon concentration was measured indoor buildings in the College of Education for Pure Science/ Ibn Al- Haitham University of Baghdad using detector (CR-39) by counting track of alpha  resulting from decay series of uranium on the detectors which have exposure to air inside the rooms for (30) days , have been applied the equation (1) and (2) to calculate concentrations of Radon and the results showed that all samples were within the allowable range globally except two samples F1 and F2 where concentrations were (445.868Bq/m3) and (436.791Bq/m3) respectively , they were higher than allowable range globally which was (200-300) Bq/m3 recorded by (ICRP) [1] .

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral Health Knowledge and Behavior in Relation to Oral Hygiene and Gingival Condition among a Group of Industry Workers

Background: In Iraqi communities, the workers considered the largest population groups, so increasing their dental education by increasing the care for their dental health knowledge and behavior is very important, the present study was aimed to evaluate the gingival health and oral hygiene in relation to knowledge and behavior among a group of a workers selected randomly from Al Fedaa company in Baghdad city. Materials and methods: A sample of 110 workers (65 men and 45 women) included in this study, a questionnaire used to evaluate their oral health knowledge and behavior. The gingival health condition of the workers was examined by using Loe and Silness index (1963), Silness and Loe index (1964) was used to asses plaque quantity, and Ramf

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Ecological Observation on Inland water Ecosystem in Erbil –Iraq Kurdistan with particular reference to blue green algae Glaucospira

Regular sampling for six months from January to July 2012 were taken in small, shallow, perennial, standing ponds near the Greater Zab River, Gwer district, Erbil. A variety of physicochemical parameters were determined. Air and water temperature were falling between 15.2 - 34.7 ? C and 15.5 and 26.5 ?C. The waters are neutral (pH 7.38-8.27), hard, alkaline, salty, high in TDS and EC (892-966?S/cm, and rich in nutrients (NO3: 2.1-4.1mg/l, PO4: 0.33-0.62 mg / l , SO4: 24.7-80.2 mg / l ). The attention fixed on a filamentous blue- green algae Glaucospira Lagerheim, 1982) which is new to Iraqi flora. It is a filament (trichome), solitary, pale or yellowish blue – green, without sheath, Screw like coiled, motile, some of them are activ

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Women’s Knowledge about Health Promotion after Cesarean Delivery at Maternity and Pediatric Hospital in Al-Samawa City

Objective(s): To assess women’s knowledge about health promotion after a cesarean delivery and to determine the association between women’s knowledge and their demographic data of age, level of education, and monthly income.
Methodology: A descriptive design is carried out to assess women’s knowledge about health promotion after cesarean delivery at Maternity and Pediatric Hospital in Al-Samawa City. This study starts from 26th of September 2020 up to 16th March 2021. Sample of (100) woman who are at reproductive age, pregnant (prime or multipara) who have planned to have birth by elective cesarean section or had previous elective caesarian section without medical indication or women who had cesarean section with medical indicat

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Microbiological Effect of Lemongrass Cymbopogon Citratus and Spearmint Mentha Spicata Essential Oils as Preservatives and Flavor Additives in Yogurt

     This study was designed to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of Cymbopogon citratus and Mentha spicata essential oils, separately and mixed, against the microorganisms in yogurt, as well as study the possibility of these essential oils (EO) as natural preservatives and flavors additives/enhancers in yogurt product. Yogurt samples were treated with lemongrass and spearmint EOin different concentrations (250, 500, 1000 ppm: 6250µg/50 ml yogurt, 12500 µg/50 ml yogurt and 25000 µg/50 ml yogurt respectively). The control and treated samples were preserved both at room (25°C) and refrigerator (5°C)  temperatures. In control, the contamination was observed through 2 weeks at 25°C and for about one month at 5°C

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Materials Today Sustainability
Structure and performance of polyvinylchloride microfiltration membranes improved by green silicon oxide nanoparticles for oil-in-water emulsion separation

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Molecular Study of Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin gene (tsst-1) in β-lactam Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clinical Isolates

Three hundred and sixty different samples were collected from different sources, including wound, burn, nasal, and oral swabs from several hospitals in Baghdad. A number of 150 (53%) Staphylococcus aureus samples were isolated and identified among a total of 283 samples. Then, the spread of the Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1 gene (tsst-1) was investigated in β-lactamase resistant S. aureus. According to the source of samples, the distribution of S. aureus  isolates was found to be significantly higher (p < 0.01) in wound samples as compared to other sources. According to the age, a highly significant  distribution (p < 0.01) was recorded in the age group of 15-30 years,

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Publication Date
Tue May 07 2019
Journal Name
Proteomic Analysis of Stromal and Epithelial Cell Communications in Human Endometrial Cancer Using a Unique 3D Co‐Culture Model
Abstract<p>Epithelial and stromal communications are essential for normal uterine functions and their dysregulation contributes to the pathogenesis of many diseases including infertility, endometriosis, and cancer. Although many studies have highlighted the advantages of culturing cells in 3D compared to the conventional 2D culture system, one of the major limitations of these systems is the lack of incorporation of cells from non‐epithelial lineages. In an effort to develop a culture system incorporating both stromal and epithelial cells, 3D endometrial cancer spheroids are developed by co‐culturing endometrial stromal cells with cancerous epithelial cells. The spheroids developed by this method are phenot</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 03 2022
Journal Name
Annals Of Parasitology
Genotyping and evaluation of interleukin-10 and soluble HLA-G in abortion due to toxoplasmosis and HSV-2 infections

Abortion is a condition that occurs due to one of the pathological injuries, often one of the members of the TORCH is the real cause. The current study aimed to investigate the impact of toxoplasmosis, HSV-2 infections with abortion, and also, the identification of immunogenetics marker (interleukin-10) that may be associated with abortion. Anti-Toxoplasma IgG, IgM, Herpes simplex virus-2 IgM, human soluble leukocyte antigen class I–G and interleukin10 were estimated by ELISA technique, while the expression of IL-10 gene was investigated by using the real-time PCR. The results showed that among aborted women the rate of anti-Toxoplasma and HSV-2 IgM antibodies occurred within the age groups (21–30) years and (31–40) years 32(100.0%) a

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