الانهار اصبحت مشبعة بثاني اوكسيد الكربون بشكل عالي وبذلك فهي تلعب دور مهم في كميات الكربون العالمية. لزيادة فهمنا حول مصادر الكربون المتوفرة في النظم البيئية النهرية، تم اجراء هذه الدراسة حول تأثير الكربون العضوي المذاب والحرارة (العوامل الرئيسية لتغير المناخ) كمحركات رئيسية لوفرة ثاني اوكسيد الكربون في الانهار. تم جمع العينات من خمسة واربعون موقع في ثلاثة اجزاء رئيسية لنهر دجلة داخل مدينة بغداد خلال فصلي الخريف والشتاء. اظهرت الدراسة ان جميع المتغيرات المدروسة (الحرارة، الأس الهيدروجيني، الكربون العضوي المذاب، وثاني اوكسيد الكربون) تتغير مع الوقت. كانت التغيرات في تركيز ثاني اوكسيد الكربون مرتبطة ايجابيا بالتغيرات في تركيز الكربون العضوي المذاب وليست بتغير درجات الحرارة. نتائجنا بشكل عام تشير الى ان الزيادة بتراكيز ثاني اوكسيد الكربون في الانهار هو نتيجة لزيادة المدخلات من الكربون العضوي المذاب. وبذلك نستنتج ان الزيادة في تراكيز الكربون العضوي المذاب في الأنهار مطلوبة كمصدر لثاني اوكسيد الكربون من خلال عمليات التنفس الميكروبي والتحلل الكيميائي.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of different surface treatments on shear bond strength between dentin and IPS e.max lithium disilicate glass-ceramic. Materials and Methods: Eighteen extracted third molars were embeded in epoxy resin. The tooth was sectioned vertically in mesiodistal direction using a low speed hard tissue microtome. The buccal and lingual surfaces of each section were ground flat using 600 grit Silicone carbide paper. Eighteen ceramic discs consisted of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic were prepared with a diameter of 4.7mm and height of 2.2mm. The discs were divided in two groups (n=10): (1) IPS e.max treated with hydrofluoric acid and Monobond Plus (MBP) and (2) IPS e.max treated with Monobond Etch &Prime (MBEP). The toot
... Show MoreThis research includes the synthesis of some new different heterocyclic derivatives of 5-Bromoisatin. New sulfonylamide, diazine, oxazole, thiazole and 1,2,3-triazole derivatives of 5-Bromoisatin have been synthesized. The synthesis process started by the reaction of 5-Bromoisatin with different reagents to obtain schiff bases of 5-Bromoisatin intermediate compounds(1, 8, 19) by using glacial acetic acid as a catalyst in three routes. The first route, 5-Bromoisatin reacted with p-aminosulfonylchloride to product compound(1), then converted to sulfonyl amide derivatives(2-7) by the reaction of compound(1) with different substituted primary aromatic amine in absolute ethanol. The second route includes the reaction of 5-Bromoisatin rea
... Show MoreThe adequacy of diagnostic tests, together with trichomoniasis associated clinical symptoms, were investigated in females suffering vaginitis, and they were referred to the Gynecology Department, Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital during the period December 2004 – June 2005. The total number of patients was 250 cases (age range: 18 - 52 years), and each patient was examined using a sterile speculum to obtain vaginal swabs for examination. The diagnosis with T. vaginalis was done in many methods. The direct methods included wet and stained (Leishman's stain) examinations and cultivation in different culture media (Kupferberg Trichomonas Broth Base;, Trichomonas Agar Base; TAB and Trichomonas Modified CPLM), while the indirect methods were serol
... Show MoreGH and IGF-2 were examined histologically in the present study on adult hens to learn more about the organs’ responses to GH and IGF-2. Cardiac protein synthesis is stimulated by GH and IGF-2, according to microscopic examination. The recent research found a considerable amount of adipose tissue in the cardiac muscle bundles, which is linked to the metabolic process. In addition, GH and IGF-2 were shown to promote protein synthesis and mitosis in liver and gizzard tissues, according to the research. In addition, the apoptosis, regeneration, and secretory activity of gizzard glands are increased by the aforementioned hormones.
The performance analyses of 15 kWp (kW peak) Grid -Tied solar PV system (that considered first of its type) implemented at the Training and Energy Research Center Subsidiary of Iraqi Ministry of Electricity in Baghdad city has been achieved. The system consists of 72 modules arranged in 6 strings were each string contains 12 modules connected in series to increase the voltage output while these strings connected in parallel to increase the current output. According to the observed duration, the reference daily yields, array daily yields and final daily yields of this system were (5.9, 4.56, 4.4) kWh/kWp/day respectively. The energy yield was 1585 kWh/kWp/year while the annual total solar irradiation received by solar array system was 198
... Show MoreKeratinases are enzymes belonging to the serine hydrolases group which are capable of degradation of keratin, an insoluble and fibrous structural protein widely cross-linked with hydrogen, disulfide, and hydrophobic bonds. Attempts to find new sources of enzymes and amino acids for fundamental knowledge of enzyme evolution, structure‐function relationships, catalysis mechanisms of enzymes, and even for the identification of novel protein folds. In this study, seventy-nine samples were collected from different places in the University of Baghdad, and the best isolate for amino acid production by feathers degradation was by using Streptomyces venezuelae AZ15. The best fermentation system and the optimum culture condit
... Show MoreIn this work, some new pyrazole derivatives were prepared through the reaction of the diazonium salt of metoclopramide with acetylacetone to give 5-chloro-N-(2-(diethylamino)ethyl)-4-((2,4-dioxopentan-3-yl) diazenyl)-2-methoxybenzamide (1) in 80% yield. Compound 1 was then reacted with some hydrazine derivatives to afford the corresponding pyrazole derivatives in 75-93% yields. Some new azo compounds (6-10) were also prepared in 77-95% yields by treatment of the diazonium salt of metoclopramide with some phenol and aniline derivatives. The prepared compounds were characterized using FT-IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Some of these compounds were
... Show MoreThis study deals with the biostratigraphy of Shiranish Formation (Late Cretaceous), depending on the Ammonite and associated Foraminifera in four outcrop sections, three of which are located in Al-Sulaimaniya governorate (Dokan, Esewa and Kanny dirka sections) and one in Erbil governorate, northern Iraq (Hijran section). Fourteen species of Ammonite belonging to fourteen genera were determined, which are: Dsemoceratidae, Gaudryceras, Gunnarites, Hoplitoplacenticeras, Kitchinites, Kossmaticeratinae, Neancyloceras, Neokossmaticeras, Nostoceras, Paratexanites, Partschiceras, Phylloceras, Pseudophyllites and Yubariceras. Also, thirty- five species of Foraminifera belonging to thirteen genera w
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