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Carbon Dioxide Availability in Inlands Rivers Is Driven by Dissolved Organic Carbon, Not Warming: A Case Study of Tigris River
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الانهار اصبحت مشبعة بثاني اوكسيد الكربون بشكل عالي وبذلك فهي تلعب دور مهم في كميات الكربون العالمية. لزيادة فهمنا حول مصادر الكربون المتوفرة في النظم البيئية النهرية، تم اجراء هذه الدراسة حول تأثير الكربون العضوي المذاب والحرارة (العوامل الرئيسية لتغير المناخ) كمحركات رئيسية لوفرة ثاني اوكسيد الكربون في الانهار. تم جمع العينات من خمسة واربعون موقع في ثلاثة اجزاء رئيسية لنهر دجلة داخل مدينة بغداد خلال فصلي الخريف والشتاء. اظهرت الدراسة ان جميع المتغيرات المدروسة (الحرارة، الأس الهيدروجيني، الكربون العضوي المذاب، وثاني اوكسيد الكربون) تتغير مع الوقت. كانت التغيرات في تركيز ثاني اوكسيد الكربون مرتبطة ايجابيا بالتغيرات في تركيز الكربون العضوي المذاب وليست بتغير درجات الحرارة. نتائجنا بشكل عام تشير الى ان الزيادة بتراكيز ثاني اوكسيد الكربون في الانهار هو نتيجة لزيادة المدخلات من الكربون العضوي المذاب. وبذلك نستنتج ان الزيادة في تراكيز الكربون العضوي المذاب في الأنهار مطلوبة كمصدر لثاني اوكسيد الكربون من خلال عمليات التنفس الميكروبي والتحلل الكيميائي.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Water And Health
Anthropocentric perspective on climate variability: the destination of antibiotics in the Tigris river is not restricted
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ABSTRACT<p></p><p>This study aimed to detect antibiotics in water, particulate, plant, and sediment in the Tigris River within Baghdad City, in addition to their spatiotemporal variations, and related physicochemical parameters. Five sites were selected in the river. Three target antibiotics (tetracycline, gentamycin, and ciprofloxacin) were detected in water, particulate, plant, and sediment of the river at all selected sites. The results clearly showed that the concentrations of target antibiotics were sediment &gt; water &gt; plant &gt; particulate. Site 3 is considered as a risk site where high concentrations of all antibiotics during the wet and dry seasons wer</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 08 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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     The open hole well log data (Resistivity, Sonic, and Gamma Ray) of well X in Euphrates subzone within the Mesopotamian basin are applied to detect the total organic carbon (TOC) of Zubair Formation in the south part of Iraq. The mathematical interpretation of the logs parameters helped in detecting the TOC and source rock productivity. As well, the quantitative interpretation of the logs data leads to assigning to the organic content and source rock intervals identification. The reactions of logs in relation to the increasing of TOC can be detected through logs parameters. By this way, the TOC can be predicted with an increase in gamma-ray, sonic, neutron, and resistivity, as well as a decrease in the density log

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Carbon dioxide capture using nonwoven activated carbon nanofiber
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Abstract<p>The adsorption isotherms and kinetic uptakes of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) on fabricated electrospun nonwoven activated carbon nanofiber sheets were investigated at two different temperatures, 308 K and 343 K, over a pressure range of 1 to 7 bar. The activated carbon nanofiber-based on polymer (PAN) precursor was fabricated via electrospinning technique followed by thermal treatment to obtain the carboneous nanofibers. The obtained data of CO2 adsorption isotherm was fitted to various models, including Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin. Based on correlation coefficients, the Langmuir isotherm model presented the best fitting with CO2 adsorption isotherms’ experimental data. Raising the equ</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Polymer Research
Morphological study of porous aromatic schiff bases as a highly effective carbon dioxide storages
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage is a critical issue for mitigating climate change. Porous aromatic Schiff base complexes have emerged as a promising class of materials for CO2 capture due to their high surface area, porosity, and stability. In this study, we investigate the potential of Schiff base complexes as an effective media for CO2 storage. We review the synthesis and characterization of porous aromatic Schiff bases materials complexes and examine their CO2 sorption properties. We find that Schiff base complexes exhibit high CO2 adsorption capacity and selectivity, making them a promising candidate for use in carbon capture applications. Moreover, we investigate the effect of various parameters such as temperature, and pressu

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Emissions Investigating of Carbon Dioxide Generated by the Iraqi Cement Industry
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Abstract<p>The most used material in the world after water is concrete, which depends mainly on its manufacture of cement leading to the emission of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), flying dust, and other greenhouse gasses (GHGs) resulting in pollution of the atmosphere. The emission of CO<sub>2</sub> from cement production is approximately 5% of the global anthropogenic CO<sub>2</sub>. This research focuses on investigating the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> emission from the Iraqi General Cement Company plants includes the cement factories of Kirkuk, Al-Qa’em, Fallujah, and Kubaisa, using the GHGs Protocol Measures Program (specifically cement based-method).</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 14 2019
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Synthesis of Novel Heteroatom-Doped Porous-Organic Polymers as Environmentally Efficient Media for Carbon Dioxide Storage
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The high carbon dioxide emission levels due to the increased consumption of fossil fuels has led to various environmental problems. Efficient strategies for the capture and storage of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide are crucial in reducing their concentrations in the environment. Considering this, herein, three novel heteroatom-doped porous-organic polymers (POPs) containing phosphate units were synthesized in high yields from the coupling reactions of phosphate esters and 1,4-diaminobenzene (three mole equivalents) in boiling ethanol using a simple, efficient, and general procedure. The structures and physicochemical properties of the synthesized POPs were established using various techniques. Field emission scanning elect

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Role of Carbon Dioxide on the Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reinforcing Bar in Simulating Concrete Electrolyte
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The main factors that make it possible to get the corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete are chloride ions and the absorption of carbon dioxide from the environment, and each of them works with a mechanism which destroys the stable immunity of rebar in the concrete. In this work the effect of carbon dioxide content in the artificial concrete solution on the corrosion behavior of carbon steel reinforcing bar (CSRB) was studied, potentiostatically using CO2 stream gas at 6 level of concentrations;  0.03 to 2.0  weight percent, and the effect of rising electrolyte temperature was also followed  in the range 20 to 50 C. Tafel plots and cyclic polarization procedures were obeyed to investigate the c

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 12 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Carbon Dioxide Laser Treatment of Viral Warts: A New Approach
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Verrucae vulgares are commonly encountered. The present work is designed in an attempt to build a systematic procedure for treating warts by carbon dioxide laser regarding dose parameters, application parameters and laser safety.
Patients and Methods: The study done in the department of dermatology in Al-Najaf Teaching Hospital in Najaf, Iraq. Forty-two patients completed the study and follow up period for 3 months. Recalcitrant and extensive warts were selected to enter the study. Carbon dioxide laser in a continuous mode, in non-contact application, with 1 mm spot size was used. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group of patients consisted of 60 lesions divided to 6 equal groups, in whom we use different outputs a

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
In Growing Toenail Treatment using Carbon Dioxide Laser
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An ingrowing toenail is a common problem affecting mainly adolescents and young adults, with a male predominance of 3:1. The disorder generally occurs in big toes. It is painful and often chronic and it affects work and social activities. Most patients initially complain of pain and later discharge, infection and difficulty in walking occur. The Objectives: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of (10600nm) CO2 laser in the treatment of ingrowing toe nail. Patients, Materials & Methods: This study was done in laser medicine research clinics from July 2013 to the end of December 2013; 10 patients including 7(70%) males and 3 (30%) females with age ranging from 18 years to 70 years with mean age of 44 years o

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The adsorption-desorption process as a method for separation of nitrogen-carbon dioxide gas mixture using activated carbon
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Gas adsorption phenomenon on solid surface has been used as a mean in separation and purification of gas mixture depending on the difference in tendencies of each component in the gas mixture to be adsorbed on the solid surface according to its behaviour. This work concerns to study the possibilities to separate the gas mixture using adsorption-desorption phenomenon on activated carbon. The experimental results exhibit good separation factor at temperature of -40 .

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