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Copy Move Image Forgery Detection using Multi-Level Local Binary Pattern Algorithm
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Digital image manipulation has become increasingly prevalent due to the widespread availability of sophisticated image editing tools. In copy-move forgery, a portion of an image is copied and pasted into another area within the same image. The proposed methodology begins with extracting the image's Local Binary Pattern (LBP) algorithm features. Two main statistical functions, Stander Deviation (STD) and Angler Second Moment (ASM), are computed for each LBP feature, capturing additional statistical information about the local textures. Next, a multi-level LBP feature selection is applied to select the most relevant features. This process involves performing LBP computation at multiple scales or levels, capturing textures at different resolutions. By considering features from multiple levels, the detection algorithm can better capture both global and local characteristics of the manipulated regions, enhancing the accuracy of forgery detection. To achieve a high accuracy rate, this paper presents a variety of scenarios based on a machine-learning approach. In Copy-Move detection, artifacts and their properties are used as image features and support Vector Machine (SVM) to determine whether an image is tampered with. The dataset is manipulated to train and test each classifier; the target is to learn the discriminative patterns that detect instances of copy-move forgery. Media Integration and Call Center Forgery (MICC-F2000) were utilized in this paper. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in detecting copy-move. The implementation phases in the proposed work have produced encouraging outcomes. In the case of the best-implemented scenario involving multiple trials, the detection stage achieved a copy-move accuracy of 97.8 %. 

Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Applying Ensemble Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor and Decision Tree for Predicting Oral Reading Rate Levels
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For many years, reading rate as word correct per minute (WCPM) has been investigated by many researchers as an indicator of learners’ level of oral reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension. The aim of the study is to predict the levels of WCPM using three machine learning algorithms which are Ensemble Classifier (EC), Decision Tree (DT), and K- Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The data of this study were collected from 100 Kurdish EFL students in the 2nd-year, English language department, at the University of Duhok in 2021. The outcomes showed that the ensemble classifier (EC) obtained the highest accuracy of testing results with a value of 94%. Also, EC recorded the highest precision, recall, and F1 scores with values of 0.92 for

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Lung X-Ray Images Used to Detect COVID-19 in Humans
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COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease-2019), commonly called Coronavirus or CoV, is a dangerous disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is one of the most widespread zoonotic diseases around the world, which started from one of the wet markets in Wuhan city. Its symptoms are similar to those of the common flu, including cough, fever, muscle pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. This article suggests implementing machine learning techniques (Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine) by Python to classify a series of chest X-ray images that include viral pneumonia, COVID-19, and healthy (Not infected) cases in humans. The study includes more than 1400 images that are collected from the Kaggle platform. The expe

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Scopus (36)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Lecture Notes Of The Institute For Computer Sciences, Social Informatics And Telecommunications Engineering
Sensor Data Classification for the Indication of Lameness in Sheep
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Heart Disease Classification–Based on the Best Machine Learning Model
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    In recent years, predicting heart disease has become one of the most demanding tasks in medicine. In modern times, one person dies from heart disease every minute. Within the field of healthcare, data science is critical for analyzing large amounts of data. Because predicting heart disease is such a difficult task, it is necessary to automate the process in order to prevent the dangers connected with it and to assist health professionals in accurately and rapidly diagnosing heart disease. In this article, an efficient machine learning-based diagnosis system has been developed for the diagnosis of heart disease. The system is designed using machine learning classifiers such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Nave Bayes (NB), and K-Ne

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Scopus (12)
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Examining sensitivity of financial performance at construction projects prequalification stage
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Construction projects are complicated in nature and require many considerations in contractor selection. One of the complicated interactions is that between performance with the project size, and contractor financial status, and size of projects contracted. At the prequalification stage, the financial ‎requirements restrict the ‎contractors to meet minimum limits in financial criteria such as net worth, working capital and ‎annual turnover, etc. In construction projects, however, there are cases when contractors meet these requirements but show low performance in practice. The model used in the study predicts the performance by training of a neural network. The data used in the study are 72 of the most recent roadw

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Construction And Building Materials
Linear viscous approach to predict rut depth in asphalt mixtures
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Rutting in asphalt mixtures is a very common type of distress. It occurs due to the heavy load applied and slow movement of traffic. Rutting needs to be predicted to avoid major deformation to the pavement. A simple linear viscous method is used in this paper to predict the rutting in asphalt mixtures by using a multi-layer linear computer programme (BISAR). The material properties were derived from the Repeated Load Axial Test (RLAT) and represented by a strain-dependent axial viscosity. The axial viscosity was used in an incremental multi-layer linear viscous analysis to calculate the deformation rate during each increment, and therefore the overall development of rutting. The method has been applied for six mixtures and at different tem

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Crossref (13)
Publication Date
Mon May 14 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Comparison Between Different Approaches to Overcome the Multicollinearity Problem in Linear Regression Models
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    In the presence of multi-collinearity problem, the parameter estimation method based on the ordinary least squares procedure is unsatisfactory. In 1970, Hoerl and Kennard insert analternative method labeled as estimator of ridge regression.

In such estimator, ridge parameter plays an important role in estimation. Various methods were proposed by many statisticians to select the biasing constant (ridge parameter). Another popular method that is used to deal with the multi-collinearity problem is the principal component method. In this paper,we employ the simulation technique to compare the performance of principal component estimator with some types of ordinary ridge regression estimators based on the value of t

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Intelligent Agent Services in Electronic Libraries
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Global services with an agent or a multi-agent system are a promising and new research area. However, several measures have been proposed to demonstrate the benefits of agent technology by supporting distributed services and applying smart agent technology in web dynamics. This paper is designed to build a Semantic Web on the World Wide Web (WWW) to enhance the productivity of managing electronic library applications, which poses a problem to researchers and students, represnted by the process of exchanging books from e-libraries, where the process is slow or the library needs large system data.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
International Academic Journal Of Accounting And Financial Management
Analyzing and Measuring the Relationship between Public Spending and the Parallel Exchange Rate in the Iraqi Economy for the Period 2004-2022
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Public spending represents the government’s financial leverage and has a significant impact on real and monetary economic variables, and one of these effects is the effect of public spending on the exchange rate as an important monetary variable for monetary policy, As we know that public spending in Iraq is financed from oil revenues sold in US dollars, and the Ministry of Finance converts the US dollar into Iraqi dinars to finance the government's need to spend within the requirements and obligations of the state's general budget, And converting the US dollar into Iraqi dinars has an impact on the parallel exchange market, even if there is a contractual exchange rate between the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq to

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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Granulation Technique for Gamma Alumina Catalyst Support was employed in inclined disk granulator (IDG), rotary drum granulator (RD) and extrusion – spheronization equipments .Product with wide size range can be produced with only few parameters like rpm of equipment, ratio of binder and angle of inclination. The investigation was conducted for determination the optimum operating conditions in the three above different granulation equipments.
Results reveal that the optimum operating conditions to get maximum granulation occurred at ( speed: 31rpm , Inclination:420 , binder ratio:225,300% ) for the IDG,( speed: 68rpm , Inclination: 12.50 , binder ratio: 300% ) for the RD and ( speed:1200rpm , time of rotation: 1-2min )for the Caleva

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