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Tunneling induced swapping of orbital angular momentum in a quantum dot molecule
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Abstract<p>In this paper, we have examined the effectiveness exchange of optical vorticity via three-wave mixing (TWM) technique in a four-level quantum dot (QD) molecule by means of the electron tunneling effect. Our analytical analysis demonstrates that the TWM procedure can result in the production of a new weak signal beam that may be absorbed or amplified within the QD molecule. We have taken into account the electron tunneling as well as the relative phase of the applied lights to assess the absorption and dispersion characteristics of the newly generated light. We have discovered that the slow light propagation and signal amplification can be achieved. Our results show that the exchange of the orbital angular momentum of light can transfer from coupling optical vortex light to the new generated light in high efficiency.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
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Studying Optical Properties of Quantum Dot Cylindrical Fresnel Lens
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An optical system including quantum dot cylindrical Fresnel lens (CFL) has been designed by using Zemax optical designing program. Quantum dot cylindrical Fresnel lens has a relatively small thickness compared to conventional lenses and high absorbance. It contains grooves in the form of parallel lines, and each groove represents an individual lens that works to change the path of light falling on it to a single focal line. (CFL) is characterized by its small focal length despite its large area and small thickness, due to the nature of its design that gives this feature, which is applied in many optical systems (imaging and non- imaging system). In this paper, the visual properties of the (CFL) were studied as it is one of the impor

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Oscillator Strength and Quantum Efficiency of Fluoranthene Molecule
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The fluorescence and absorption spectra of Fluoranthene dissolved in
cyclohexane and ethanol were studied and analyzed. The effect of the
concentration of this molecule and the polarity of the solvents on the spectral
shifts and on relative intensity has been investigated. A computational program
was written in order to convert the spectra from grapher to data. Some
photophysical parameters such as oscillator strength and quantum efficiency have
been calculated. Fluorescence quantum efficiency of Fluoranthene was measured
relative to Quinine Sulfate (QS) in 1N H2SO4. The obtained values were (0.5) in
cyclohexane and (0.45) in ethanol

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 04 2015
Journal Name
Eng. &tech. Journal
Photoconductivity and Performance of Mn2+ and Ce3+ Doped ZnS Quantum Dot Detectors
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Mn2+ and Ce3+ Doped ZnS nanocrystals were prepared by a simple microwave irradiation method under mild condition. The starting materials for the synthesis of Mn2+ and Ce3+ Doped ZnS P nanocrystals were zinc acetate as zinc source, thioacetamide as a sulfur source, manganese chloride and Cerium chloride as manganese and cerium sources respectively (R & M Chemical) and ethylene glycol as a solvent. All chemicals were analytical grade products and used without further purification. The nanocrystals of Mn2+ and Ce3+ Doped ZnS P with cubic structure were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), the morphology of the film is seen by field effect scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The composition of the samples is analyzed by EDS. The s

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Energy Spectra and Heat Capacity of GaAs Gaussian Quantum Dot in an External Magnetic Field
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In this paper, a theoretical study of the energy spectra and the heat capacity of one electron quantum dot with Gaussian Confinement in an external magnetic field are presented. Using the exact diagonalization technique, the Hamiltonian of the Gaussian Quantum Dot (GQD) including the electron spin is solved. All the elements in the energy matrix are found in closed form. The eigenenergies of the electron were displayed as a function of magnetic field, Gaussian confinement potential depth and quantum dot size. Explanations to the behavior of the quantum dot heat capacity curve, as a function of external applied magnetic field and temperature, are presented.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 04 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Technology In Engineering And Science
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In this work, ZnO quantum dots (Q.dots) and nanorods were prepared. ZnO quantum dots were prepared by self-assembly method of zinc acetate solution with KOH solution, while ZnO nanorods were prepared by hydrothermal method of zinc nitrate hexahydrate Zn (NO3)2.6H2O with hexamethy lenetetramin (HMT) C6H12N4. The optical , structural and spectroscopic properties of the product quantum dot were studied. The results show the dependence of the optical properties on the crystal dimension and the formation of the trap states in the energy band gap. The deep levels emission was studied for n-ZnO and p-ZnO. The preparation ZnO nanorods show semiconductor behavior of p-type, which is a difficult process by doping because native defects.

Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Orbital Hydatid Disease: A case study of young patients with primary orbital lesion
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Background:This is a prospective study of three children presented to us in the Orbital clinic in AL ShahidGazi Al Hariri Hospital with painless proptosiswith suspension of Hydatid disease.Objectives: : Orbital hydatid disease is a rare lesion accounting for less than 1% of the total lesions of the body (1, 2). Orbital cysts presented as a primary lesion in our study which is rare to have such lesion without involvement of other organs (3). Humans represent the intermediate host where the commonly affected organ are liver and the lung (10-15%) (4). Methods:This is a prospective study of three Children presented to us in the Orbital clinic in Al Shahid Ghazi Alhariri Hospital with painless proptosis with suspension of Hydatid disease, dep

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Quantum Cryptography and a Quantum Key Distribution Protocol
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In this article, a short review on the feature of reality and locality in quantum optics is given.
The Bell inequality and the Bell states are introduced to show their direct use in quantum computer and
quantum teleportation. Moreover, quantum cryptography is discussed in some details regarding basic
ideas and practical considerations. In addition, a case study involving distillation of a quantum key based
on the given fundamentals is presented and discussed.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Orbital factors in the hair Alberdony: (Denial is a model
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The theory of Pilgrims in the Magra is based on Dekru's view that the mgha is considered a pilgrim, and that the pilgrims are pilgrims
Tujia purely exposes the abstract temptation structure, and that the discharge of the Mfezouz Mfarouz is through factors
This theory tends to highlight the role of pilgrim function as a language
There is no preservation unless directed towards a particular outcome. Gemma can include morphine blindness
Or formulas that allow for the presentation of a pilgrimage to a writer in addition to the content of the news, and the guidance of the recipient
In one direction or another.
 The orbital masses are one of these morphines and functional components that achieve function
The Togolese

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of a Dot -ELIZA for the Diagnosis of Human Hydatid Disease
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Fourty  -tow   Libyan     patients  with  hydatidosis,  which  were

referred to by the physician for the detection of hydatid cyst by X - rays, Ultrasound and CT-Scan.  The  infection rate  in  females and males was(69% )and (31% )respectively .The highest rate 69% was in the liver, followed by the lung( 23.8%), the brain (4.8%) and kidney


A total of  42 serum  samples were gathered from Libyan patients infected with hydatidosis, 33 serum samples from patients cases with other parasitic diseases than hydatidosis and 30 serum samples from healthy normal controls and were tested by Dot-ELIZA utilizing antigen B from sheep hy

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Resonance Tunneling Through GaN/AlGaN Superlattice System
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The purpose of our work is to report a theoretical study of electrons tunneling through semiconductor superlattice (SSL). The (SSL) that we have considered is (GaN/AlGaN) system within the energy range of ε < Vo, ε = Vo and ε > Vo, where Vo is the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient (TN) was determined using the transfer matrix method. The resonant energies are obtained from the T (E) relation. From such system, we obtained two allowed quasi-levels energy bands for ε < VO and one band for ε  VO.

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