تعد الرماية واحدة من الألعاب التي يقاس مستوى الانجاز فيها بالأرقام إذ ارتفعت الأرقام المسجلة بالنسبة لسلاح المسدس الهوائي حتى وصلت عند بعض الأبطال العالميين إلى الانجاز النهائي ، وقد لجأ المدربون إلى مختلف الطرق التدريبية, وان ضعف الثبات والتركيز هما اللذان يقودان إلى هبوط مستوى الانجاز في الرماية ، ولتحقيق التركيز والثبات المطلوبين أثناء الرمي يجب التدريب على مطاولة حمل السلاح التي تعد من أصعب تدريبات الرماية لما تحتاجه من صبر وقوة تحمل لفترة طويلة نسبياً ، والثبات ممكن أن يزول بوجود أي مؤثر خارجي أو داخلي قد يتعرض له الرامي كالأحوال الجوية المفاجئة إذا كان ميدان الرمي مفتوحاً أو تعرض الرامي إلى أي ضغط نفسي أو شد عضلي نتيجة التوتر والضغط ، ولمعالجة هذه الظروف لدى اللاعب اتجه المدربون إلى العمل على تهدئــة اللاعبيــن قبل البدء بالســباق أوالتدريـب على الرمي وذلك باستعمال وسائل متعـددة ومنــها بعض الأدويــة المهدئـــة وقســــم منها يدخــل ضمن قائمة (المنشطات المحظورة ) ويطلق عليهـا ( المهدئات ) إذ تعمل المهدئات على منع توتر اللاعب والتخفيف من الضغط النفسي والعصبي الذي يتعرض له نتيجة جو السباق أو ما يسمى حمى البداية التي قد تصيب بعض اللاعبين أو اغلبهم لعدم خوضهم عدد كافٍ من السباقات أو قلة الخبرة وبالتالي يفقد التركيز والثبات اللذين هما الركيزتان الأساسيتان للرمي أثناء السباق ، وتعمل المهدئات في هذه الحالة على تخفيف توتر اللاعب وبالتالي الرمي بثبات وهدوء وتحقيق الانجاز الأفضل, ولكن تبقى هذه الطرق غير قانونية ومحاطة بالمخاطر ، كما استعمل بعض المدربون مركبات أخرى للوصول إلى حالة الثبات غير المهدئات وهي الأدوية والمركبات التي تعمل على خفض نشاط القلب والدورة الدموية وتخفيف الضغط الدموي وتخفيف سرعة نبض القلب مما يساعد على التهدئة والثبات ، ولكن هذه الأدويــة ( كدواء الاتينولول ) ( ) يستخدم في علاج الضغط الدموي المرتفع وهو من الأدوية المحظورة التي تستخدم تحت ضوابط معينة .
The primary aim of this paper, is to introduce the rough probability from topological view. We used the Gm-topological spaces which result from the digraph on the stochastic approximation spaces to upper and lower distribution functions, the upper and lower mathematical expectations, the upper and lower variances, the upper and lower standard deviation and the upper and lower r th moment. Different levels for those concepts are introduced, also we introduced some results based upon those concepts.
In this paper, preliminary test Shrinkage estimator have been considered for estimating the shape parameter α of pareto distribution when the scale parameter equal to the smallest loss and when a prior estimate α0 of α is available as initial value from the past experiences or from quaintance cases. The proposed estimator is shown to have a smaller mean squared error in a region around α0 when comparison with usual and existing estimators.
This paper is concerned with introducing and studying the M-space by using the mixed degree systems which are the core concept in this paper. The necessary and sufficient condition for the equivalence of two reflexive M-spaces is super imposed. In addition, the m-derived graphs, m-open graphs, m-closed graphs, m-interior operators, m-closure operators and M-subspace are introduced. From an M-space, a unique supratopological space is introduced. Furthermore, the m-continuous (m-open and m-closed) functions are defined and the fundamental theorem of the m-continuity is provided. Finally, the m-homeomorphism is defined and some of its properties are investigated.
With the increasing rate of unauthorized access and attacks, security of confidential data is of utmost importance. While Cryptography only encrypts the data, but as the communication takes place in presence of third parties, so the encrypted text can be decrypted and can easily be destroyed. Steganography, on the other hand, hides the confidential data in some cover source such that the existence of the data is also hidden which do not arouse suspicion regarding the communication taking place between two parties. This paper presents to provide the transfer of secret data embedded into master file (cover-image) to obtain new image (stego-image), which is practically indistinguishable from the original image, so that other than the indeed us
... Show MoreA histological study was conducted to examine the structure of optic tectum in Hemidactylus flaviviridis. The results showed that the optic tectum consists of fourteen strata organized in three zones. The deep zone which extends from the first stratum (around optic ventricle) to the fifth stratum. The medium zone comprises the sixth & seventh strata, which represent the center of optic tectum. The superficial zone which extends from the eighth stratum to the fourteenth stratum and forms the retino recipient region. The strata of deep zone are called the Stratum Griseum et Periventricular ( SGAP ) , the sixth stratum is called the Stratum Album Central ( SAC ) and 
... Show MoreBackground: Non-atherosclerotic spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is defined as a non-traumatic and non-iatrogenic separation of the coronary arterial wall. SCAD is a highly uncommon cause of myocardial infarction (0.1 to 0.4 %).
Case presentation: 40-year-old African American woman, G1T1P0A0L2, with a past medical history of tobacco abuse and obesity who had uncomplicated cesarean section delivery for healthy twins two weeks prior presented with substernal, sudden onset chest pain. The pain radiated to left arm and back, pressure-like, and is associated with nausea, vomiting, and dyspnea.
On examination she was within normal limits except for a well-healed C-section wound. An electrocardiogr
... Show MoreIn this research design was treated gap laser mathematically and practically Bashaddam model Raasi simple and new and we have found that there is a good match in the practical and theoretical results
Ecolinguistics is a twofold field in which ecology and language are its two major concerns. That is, this field is concerned with the way through which our thoughts, ideologies and the like influence the environment. The present study aims at analyzing (6) constructive and destructive environmental advertisements to find out how the techniques of erasure and salience operate in these types of advertisements. It studies the linguistic expressions that achieve these techniques in the constructive and destructive advertisements. The qualitative and quantitative methods are exploited in the current study. Analyzing (6) constructive and destructive environmental advertisements in accordance with Stibbe’s (2015) model of salience and erasure
... Show MoreThis study aimed at identifying the effect of violence on speech disorders concerning Arab Broadcasting . Language is a pot of thought and a mirror of human civilization and communication tool, but the Arabic language is suffering a lot of extraneous terms them, particularly through the media. This study attempts to answer the following question: Is the phenomenon of linguistic duality in the Media reflected negatively on the rules of the classical language? The study deals with the explanation and interpretation of the phenomenon that has become slang exist in our Media More. And the study suggests re- consideration of the value in the Media ,hence the problem will be resolved.