تعد الرماية واحدة من الألعاب التي يقاس مستوى الانجاز فيها بالأرقام إذ ارتفعت الأرقام المسجلة بالنسبة لسلاح المسدس الهوائي حتى وصلت عند بعض الأبطال العالميين إلى الانجاز النهائي ، وقد لجأ المدربون إلى مختلف الطرق التدريبية, وان ضعف الثبات والتركيز هما اللذان يقودان إلى هبوط مستوى الانجاز في الرماية ، ولتحقيق التركيز والثبات المطلوبين أثناء الرمي يجب التدريب على مطاولة حمل السلاح التي تعد من أصعب تدريبات الرماية لما تحتاجه من صبر وقوة تحمل لفترة طويلة نسبياً ، والثبات ممكن أن يزول بوجود أي مؤثر خارجي أو داخلي قد يتعرض له الرامي كالأحوال الجوية المفاجئة إذا كان ميدان الرمي مفتوحاً أو تعرض الرامي إلى أي ضغط نفسي أو شد عضلي نتيجة التوتر والضغط ، ولمعالجة هذه الظروف لدى اللاعب اتجه المدربون إلى العمل على تهدئــة اللاعبيــن قبل البدء بالســباق أوالتدريـب على الرمي وذلك باستعمال وسائل متعـددة ومنــها بعض الأدويــة المهدئـــة وقســــم منها يدخــل ضمن قائمة (المنشطات المحظورة ) ويطلق عليهـا ( المهدئات ) إذ تعمل المهدئات على منع توتر اللاعب والتخفيف من الضغط النفسي والعصبي الذي يتعرض له نتيجة جو السباق أو ما يسمى حمى البداية التي قد تصيب بعض اللاعبين أو اغلبهم لعدم خوضهم عدد كافٍ من السباقات أو قلة الخبرة وبالتالي يفقد التركيز والثبات اللذين هما الركيزتان الأساسيتان للرمي أثناء السباق ، وتعمل المهدئات في هذه الحالة على تخفيف توتر اللاعب وبالتالي الرمي بثبات وهدوء وتحقيق الانجاز الأفضل, ولكن تبقى هذه الطرق غير قانونية ومحاطة بالمخاطر ، كما استعمل بعض المدربون مركبات أخرى للوصول إلى حالة الثبات غير المهدئات وهي الأدوية والمركبات التي تعمل على خفض نشاط القلب والدورة الدموية وتخفيف الضغط الدموي وتخفيف سرعة نبض القلب مما يساعد على التهدئة والثبات ، ولكن هذه الأدويــة ( كدواء الاتينولول ) ( ) يستخدم في علاج الضغط الدموي المرتفع وهو من الأدوية المحظورة التي تستخدم تحت ضوابط معينة .
Free boundary problems with nonlinear diffusion occur in various applications, such as solidification over a mould with dissimilar nonlinear thermal properties and saturated or unsaturated absorption in the soil beneath a pond. In this article, we consider a novel inverse problem where a free boundary is determined from the mass/energy specification in a well-posed one-dimensional nonlinear diffusion problem, and a stability estimate is established. The problem is recast as a nonlinear least-squares minimisation problem, which is solved numerically using the
This is a research in which I studied the opinions of Arab scholars, in their studies
For (what) and (whatever) the two conditionals and their indication of time, and its name
B (time in (what) and (whatever) the two conditions), and I mentioned their opinions in it
This issue was discussed and discussed, and in this study it relied on the sources of the Arabic language.
Especially the books of grammar, interpretation, and the opinions of the scholars of the principles of jurisprudence are mentioned,
I also mentioned the opinion of the scholars of jurisprudence, and how they likened (whatever) to (everything).
In its indication of repetition, and as long as it indicates repetition, it indicates
time Because repetitio
The development issue is considered as one of the most important matters of concern to governments, intellectuals and specialists in the contemporary world, especially in developing countries that are trying hard to move out of the afflicting underdevelopment domain to a brighter future and achieve the aspirations of those countries through organized planning which take advantage of available resources, whether material or humanitarian, in the best way possible.
The development process are taking place at multiple levels ranging from national to regional to local where the community is stimulated and excited for the cooperation, participation and preparation to perform planned change in the methods of thinking, acting and production.<
In this research, the frequency-frequency interactions in chaotic systems has been experimentally and numerically studied. We have injected two frequencies on chaotic system where one of these frequencies is modulated with chaotic waveform and the other is untiled as a scanning frequency to find modulating frequency. It is observed that the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) peaks amplitude increased when the value of the two frequencies are matched. Thus, the modulating frequency could be observed, this leads to discover a new method to detect the modulating frequency without synchronization.
This study Arabic dialect prevailing in the province of Khuzestan [southwest Islamic Republic of Iran] as one of the Arabic dialects abundant qualities and characteristics of linguistic entrenched in the foot, which includes among Tithe thousands composed of vocabulary and structures and phrases classical that live up to the pre-Islamic era, if what Tasha researcher and reflect accurately the find of a large number of phrases and vocabulary and acoustic properties by nature accent, and formal, and nature of the synthetic, and characteristics semantic and contextual in this dialect studied without being something of them heavy on the tongue and without displays her tune or Tasha or distortion and so on all of which constitute a catalyst i
... Show MoreThe limitations of wireless sensor nodes are power, computational capabilities, and memory. This paper suggests a method to reduce the power consumption by a sensor node. This work is based on the analogy of the routing problem to distribute an electrical field in a physical media with a given density of charges. From this analogy a set of partial differential equations (Poisson's equation) is obtained. A finite difference method is utilized to solve this set numerically. Then a parallel implementation is presented. The parallel implementation is based on domain decomposition, where the original calculation domain is decomposed into several blocks, each of which given to a processing element. All nodes then execute computations in parall
... Show MoreSex chromatin (SC) is defined as inactive X chromosome in the female somatic cells, it condensed as heterochromatic at interphase of the nucleus and appears like nuclear satellite projection, and only female cells contain SC in mammals. Different ages of cocks: immature (8,16 weeks old), growing (24 weeks old) and production age (32,48 weeks old) , were studied to detect the sex chromatin (SC) with it's various shapes :Sessile nodule(SS), Drum stick(DS), Tear drop(TD) and Club shape(CS) in the blood lymphocytes of blood smears prepared from WBCs of 45 New Hampshire(NH) strain cocks. Also SC measurements were detected which include: vertical (V) and horizontal (H) axes, SC area (SCA), nuclear area (NA), and the
... Show MoreForbidden Suckling Decision in Islamic jurisprudence
BackgroundThe diagnosis and important aspects in treating acute abdomen during pregnancy tend to be delayed due to the peculiar physiological features of pregnancy and the restrictions imposed on imaging diagnostic techniques such as x-ray and CT.Aim of the studyTo identify the most common causes of acute abdomen during pregnancy and identifying the approaches for early diagnosis and to take a correct decision for surgery and assigning the complications that may occur during and/or after surgery for the mother and the fetus.Patients and Methods This is a prospective study that involves data obtained from 91 pregnant patients admitted in the surgical wards in Baghdad teaching hospital during the period from January 2008 to December 2009 .
... Show MoreIn terms of each party's contribution to the common venture, partnership felt in several categories. It would be a complete partnership, that is, one in which all partnership, both capital and service; It could be an arrangement like the commenda (Arabic : Mudãraba , muqãraba , girãd) in which one party supplied the capital and the other service .
In Malikite and Hanaifite Law, It would take the form of a labor partnership, that is, one in which the only investment on the part of all its members was their skill or labor. In this last category of partnership, the captil itself considered solely or primarily of the labor of the partners.