تعد الرماية واحدة من الألعاب التي يقاس مستوى الانجاز فيها بالأرقام إذ ارتفعت الأرقام المسجلة بالنسبة لسلاح المسدس الهوائي حتى وصلت عند بعض الأبطال العالميين إلى الانجاز النهائي ، وقد لجأ المدربون إلى مختلف الطرق التدريبية, وان ضعف الثبات والتركيز هما اللذان يقودان إلى هبوط مستوى الانجاز في الرماية ، ولتحقيق التركيز والثبات المطلوبين أثناء الرمي يجب التدريب على مطاولة حمل السلاح التي تعد من أصعب تدريبات الرماية لما تحتاجه من صبر وقوة تحمل لفترة طويلة نسبياً ، والثبات ممكن أن يزول بوجود أي مؤثر خارجي أو داخلي قد يتعرض له الرامي كالأحوال الجوية المفاجئة إذا كان ميدان الرمي مفتوحاً أو تعرض الرامي إلى أي ضغط نفسي أو شد عضلي نتيجة التوتر والضغط ، ولمعالجة هذه الظروف لدى اللاعب اتجه المدربون إلى العمل على تهدئــة اللاعبيــن قبل البدء بالســباق أوالتدريـب على الرمي وذلك باستعمال وسائل متعـددة ومنــها بعض الأدويــة المهدئـــة وقســــم منها يدخــل ضمن قائمة (المنشطات المحظورة ) ويطلق عليهـا ( المهدئات ) إذ تعمل المهدئات على منع توتر اللاعب والتخفيف من الضغط النفسي والعصبي الذي يتعرض له نتيجة جو السباق أو ما يسمى حمى البداية التي قد تصيب بعض اللاعبين أو اغلبهم لعدم خوضهم عدد كافٍ من السباقات أو قلة الخبرة وبالتالي يفقد التركيز والثبات اللذين هما الركيزتان الأساسيتان للرمي أثناء السباق ، وتعمل المهدئات في هذه الحالة على تخفيف توتر اللاعب وبالتالي الرمي بثبات وهدوء وتحقيق الانجاز الأفضل, ولكن تبقى هذه الطرق غير قانونية ومحاطة بالمخاطر ، كما استعمل بعض المدربون مركبات أخرى للوصول إلى حالة الثبات غير المهدئات وهي الأدوية والمركبات التي تعمل على خفض نشاط القلب والدورة الدموية وتخفيف الضغط الدموي وتخفيف سرعة نبض القلب مما يساعد على التهدئة والثبات ، ولكن هذه الأدويــة ( كدواء الاتينولول ) ( ) يستخدم في علاج الضغط الدموي المرتفع وهو من الأدوية المحظورة التي تستخدم تحت ضوابط معينة .
The climate is one of the natural factors affecting agriculture, and the success of the cultivation of any agricultural crop depends on the nature of the prevailing climate in the area of its cultivation. If the main elements of climate: temperature, rain and humidity, affect the various agricultural activities that can be practiced, and the stages of growth of agricultural crops and also determine the areas of spread. When the climatic requirements of any crop are well available, its cultivation is successful and comfortable. The research starts from the problem of spatial variation of date production spatially in the study area and the reason for choosing dates because of its economic importance, so the research will be based on
... Show MoreThe current research dealt with a vital subject contributing In success Iraqi Industrial Companies general and Iraqi Cement state company A market knowledge, It is one of the most important industrial companies that Which serve to fill the local market need Of cement without resorting to import, The problem of research was limited understanding of the importance of the role played market knowledge of the tendencies and desires of competitors, This in turn affects the company's ability to achieve competitive advantages,The research aims to know the extent of adoption Iraqi Cement state company Concept market knowledge And employment achieving Competitive advantage By removing them (Cost, and quality, and del
... Show MoreBackground: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, restricted patterns of behavior, and unusual sensory sensitivities. Saliva may provide an easily accessible sample for analysis. Some salivary constituents levels altered in adolescents with ASD including antioxidants . This study aimed to investigate salivary physicochemical characteristic in relation to oral health status among adolescent with ASD. Materials and methods: Two groups were included in this study: forty institutionalized autistic adolescents and forty apparently healthy school adolescents with age range (12-15 years old, only males) selected randomly from Baghdad. Each group subdivided into two groups according
... Show MoreBackground: The symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) can lead to problems in movement and coordination that lead to difficulty in maintaining well oral cleaning which can then negatively affect dental status of those Patients. The aim of present study: To evaluate prosthetic status in relation to weight status and occupation by age and gender among Parkinson's disease Patients in Baghdad-Iraq. Methods: The sample consisted of 104 patients with Parkinson disease attended to the Neurosciences Hospital in Baghdad city / Iraq, aged 60-79 years Prosthetic Status was recorded according to WHO(1997). Weight status was recorded according to Trowbridge 1988 and occupation was recorded according to Erikson and Goldthorpe (1992) and Ganzeboom et al (
... Show MoreBackground: Acute appendicitis is regarded as one of the most common inflammation that needs surgical intervention. Different scoring systems have been used for diagnosing of acute appendicitis. ALVARADO score is one of the most widely used score in diagnosing of acute appendicitis, but the accuracy of the latter is insufficiently low in Middle-East patients. Thus a new scoring system called RIPASA score has been designed for diagnosing of acute appendicitis in those patients. The aim of this study is to use RIPASA score and compare its result with ALVARADO score in diagnosing of acute appendicitis.
Subjects and Methods: The study includes 200 patients with symptoms and signs of
... Show MoreAbstract:
Al-Hamraa palace considers one of the most important urban traces
that the Arab left behind in Andalus .Muhammed bin Al—Ahmer put its fist
stones then it was finished later by his thrown hirer .The poems of (ibn-
Zumrek)were graved on the palaces doors ,halls, and lion cages with all the
proud and dignity those poems contain.
This search identifies this palace first, then studies the contents of the
poems on Walls ,then the Urban features, and description of the palace sites
,buildings materials ,pillars ,decorations, and the geometrical
Vocabularies in the poems such as spaces , direction ,distance ,and
Then the search describes the technical engineering of words
coordination, the
The aim of this study is to determine the level of pollution with heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) and their potential sources in dust samples collected from schools in Ramadi City, Iraq. The dust samples were collected from 40 primary schools and two kindergartens and analyzed by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The heavy metal concentrations were found to follow the order Cr > Cu > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cd. The results indicated that the concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Pb exceeded the permitted background values. The pollution level was assessed using the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and pollution load index (PLI). The classification of dust samples according to Igeo values showed that
... Show MoreBackground: The socioeconomic is important factor that effect in the severity and prevalence of most predominant and wide spread oral disease named dental caries, since this oral disease effects children, adolescents, adults and elderly peoples especially in developing countries as in Iraq.This survey was aimed to investigate the prevalence and severity of dental caries in relation to socioeconomic status. Materials and Methods: This oral health survey was conducted among primary and secondary school students aged 12 years old in Dewanyiah governorate in Iraq. The total sample composed of 804 (401 boys and 403 girls) selected randomly from different schools in Dewanyiah governorate. Diagnosis and recording of dental caries was assessed ac
... Show MoreThis study aims to (1) identify the level of job enrichment and organizational cynicism among workers in some youth and sport forums, and (2) identify the influence the job enrichment in the organizational cynicism from their perspective. A descriptive survey was used to guide this study. The study included 478 workers who were randomly selected from the youth and sport forums in Baghdad City in 2019. The Job Enrichment Scale and the Organizational Cynicism Scale were used. Data were analyzed using the statistical package for social science, version 26. The study results revealed that the level of job enrichment and organizational cynicism among workers were unsatisfactory. This calls for paying more attention to these phenomena and improve
... Show More