تعد الرماية واحدة من الألعاب التي يقاس مستوى الانجاز فيها بالأرقام إذ ارتفعت الأرقام المسجلة بالنسبة لسلاح المسدس الهوائي حتى وصلت عند بعض الأبطال العالميين إلى الانجاز النهائي ، وقد لجأ المدربون إلى مختلف الطرق التدريبية, وان ضعف الثبات والتركيز هما اللذان يقودان إلى هبوط مستوى الانجاز في الرماية ، ولتحقيق التركيز والثبات المطلوبين أثناء الرمي يجب التدريب على مطاولة حمل السلاح التي تعد من أصعب تدريبات الرماية لما تحتاجه من صبر وقوة تحمل لفترة طويلة نسبياً ، والثبات ممكن أن يزول بوجود أي مؤثر خارجي أو داخلي قد يتعرض له الرامي كالأحوال الجوية المفاجئة إذا كان ميدان الرمي مفتوحاً أو تعرض الرامي إلى أي ضغط نفسي أو شد عضلي نتيجة التوتر والضغط ، ولمعالجة هذه الظروف لدى اللاعب اتجه المدربون إلى العمل على تهدئــة اللاعبيــن قبل البدء بالســباق أوالتدريـب على الرمي وذلك باستعمال وسائل متعـددة ومنــها بعض الأدويــة المهدئـــة وقســــم منها يدخــل ضمن قائمة (المنشطات المحظورة ) ويطلق عليهـا ( المهدئات ) إذ تعمل المهدئات على منع توتر اللاعب والتخفيف من الضغط النفسي والعصبي الذي يتعرض له نتيجة جو السباق أو ما يسمى حمى البداية التي قد تصيب بعض اللاعبين أو اغلبهم لعدم خوضهم عدد كافٍ من السباقات أو قلة الخبرة وبالتالي يفقد التركيز والثبات اللذين هما الركيزتان الأساسيتان للرمي أثناء السباق ، وتعمل المهدئات في هذه الحالة على تخفيف توتر اللاعب وبالتالي الرمي بثبات وهدوء وتحقيق الانجاز الأفضل, ولكن تبقى هذه الطرق غير قانونية ومحاطة بالمخاطر ، كما استعمل بعض المدربون مركبات أخرى للوصول إلى حالة الثبات غير المهدئات وهي الأدوية والمركبات التي تعمل على خفض نشاط القلب والدورة الدموية وتخفيف الضغط الدموي وتخفيف سرعة نبض القلب مما يساعد على التهدئة والثبات ، ولكن هذه الأدويــة ( كدواء الاتينولول ) ( ) يستخدم في علاج الضغط الدموي المرتفع وهو من الأدوية المحظورة التي تستخدم تحت ضوابط معينة .
For the development of negative streamer, a one dimension simulation is presented when a negative electric field is applied at atmospheric pressure to a 4 mm gap in nitrogen. At applied electric fields of 55, 60, 65 and 70 kV/cm, streamer parameters were studied at various time intervals. The aim of this paper is to determine the minimum electric field that must be applied for stable propagation of negative streamer discharge in nitrogen gas. As functions of position and time, the calculations provide detailed electron and ion density predictions, electric fields and density of space charges. The time interval was with a nanosecond resolution. Using 8000 element mesh to resolve the characteristics of the streamer, spatial re
... Show MoreThe subject of divine attributes is one of the most important Islamic tenets, which must be
To stand up to its accuracy and multiplicity unlike the difference of speech, which led the teams to disbelieve
The other, when they were engaged in the issue of divine attributes, but they are agreed and assembled on
That God is one in himself and his qualities and actions. It is not similar to Himself and does not have two qualities of sex
One . It has no similar or real similarity between its qualities and the qualities of the creatures, as well as the acts of God
God is one in His actions and does not share it with anyone, and they have based their consensus on belief
In the unity of God and the unification of Raboubiya and t
The first few years of life is the basis for proper human personality and this Made by scientific studies and research need to make all efforts to achieve the early development of children and demonstrated by the efficiency and effectiveness of great success in the educational and developmental programs that have been applied to accelerate the children's growth rate in the various their sides, the current research aims to: identify the most successful international experience in the care and upbringing of children in early childhood has been determined by current research and previous studies manners within the cognitive perspective and dealing with the subject of this research and with respect to the theoretical framework Presented rese
... Show MoreMost real-life situations need some sort of approximation to fit mathematical models. The beauty of using topology in approximation is achieved via obtaining approximation for qualitative subgraphs without coding or using assumption. The aim of this paper is to apply near concepts in the -closure approximation spaces. The basic notions of near approximations are introduced and sufficiently illustrated. Near approximations are considered as mathematical tools to modify the approximations of graphs. Moreover, proved results, examples, and counterexamples are provided.
Humility is assign of the Purity of the soul and safety of the heart from the disease of pride and arrogance. It represents an important side of the formation of man's character and his behavior since it calls for love, intimacy and connection and a means to free the heart from the chains of envy and grudge. The word Humility (humbleness) appeared in the holy bible in many places. A accordingly, Christianity urged for sticking to it by its followers. The study aims at showing the meaning of humbleness, its importance and example of the humbleness of Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) under the title (humbleness in Christianity/A Descriptions study). The paper falls into an introduction and three sections. The introduction talks about the mean
... Show MoreIn the field of research in the investment of gas fields, this requires that we first look at the center of the contracting parties in terms of the guarantee means granted to them under the contract, which constitute a means of safety and motivation to enter as major parties in the investment project. In turn, we will discuss the minimum guarantees, which are the most important guarantees granted to each of the two parties to the contract, namely the national party and the investor.
The plasma source can restrict the motion of charges that are localizing in the non equilibrium distribution of charge energy and reducing the electrons transport across magnetic field . The electrons & ions motion are controlled by ambipolar electric field and charge–atom collision . the source density for a given electron temperature and a given ion are considered to evaluate the diffusion coefficient . the ambipolar diffusion coefficient and the cross field diffusion coefficient for charge transfer are calculated through magnetized plasma in a uniform magnetic field , and an approximation ambipolar diffusion coefficient is evaluated. The result, showes how the diffusion process is gradually im
... Show MoreBackground: Bone cutter is widely used in the
Middle east area to cut the prepuce during circumcision.
Results :One hundred twenty one male neonates
were included in this study.The mean operative
time (MOT) was 6 minutes, mean time of
healing (MTH) was 5 days, 7 cases (5.9%)
developed early & late complications, 2 (1.7%)
had bleeding, 3 (2.5%) developed infection, 2
(1.7%) developed late complications in the form
of meatal stenosis.
Settings:Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital and a
private surgical clinic.
Aim of the study: To assess the safety of
circumcision using bone cutter.
Methods: Over 6 years period from Jan. 2000
till Dec. 2005, one hundred twenty one male
neonates were circumci
The super good artist, and its leading role experience detailed instrumental in the birth of the modern Iraqi drawing because of the represented technical personal super good in leading production Iraqi drawing since the early forties. If taken Excellence professional to experience the artist compared to the experiences of other pioneers and strengthened, the stylistic diversity through metaphors Different presented by the super good so that covered the period from romantic to Impressionism through schools drawing expressionism and cubism space, and therefore the heritage and the richness of diversity stylistic high to experience the good represents documentation required by contemporary Iraqi formation history, so the researcher found t
... Show More