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Preparation and In vitro/Ex vivo Evaluation of Nanoemulsion-Based in Situ Gel for Intranasal Delivery of Lasmiditan
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Lasmiditan (LAS) was formulated as a nanoemulsion based in situ gel (NEIG)with the aim of improving its oral bioavailability via application intranasally. The solubility of LAS in oils, emulsifiers, and co-emulsifiers was determined to identify nanoemulsion (NE)components. Phase diagrams were constructed to identify the area of nanoemulsification. LAS NE was formulated using the spontaneous nanoemulsification method. Four NEs (F19, F24, F31, and F34) containing 7-15 % oleic acid (OA) as an oily phase, 40-55% labrasol (LR), and transcutol (TC) as emulsifier mixture at (1:1), (2:1), (3:1), and (1:2) ratio with 30-53 % (w/w) aqueous phase, having suitable optical transparency of 95–98%, globule size of 104-140 nm and polydispersity of 0.253–0.382 were selected for ex vivo permeation study. F31 with the highest flux value (2.32 ± 0.01 mg/cm2.min) relative to the other NEs. It achieves an enhancement ratio of 3.3 as compared to LAS aqueous suspension (8% LAS) also it achieves a significantly higher value of permeability coefficient. F31 was selected for the incorporation of different percentages of pH-sensitive in situ gelling polymer (Carbopol 934) to prepare NEIGs 4,5 and 6. The gel strength, pH, gelation time, and viscosity were predicted for the prepared NEIGs. In vitro release and ex vivo, nasal permeation were determined for NEIG5, which exerts comparable release and permeation values as F31 with more residence time in order to overcome the normal nasal physiological clearance.  

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hydrochemical Assessment of water resources at Baquba City, Diyala Governorate, Eastern Iraq
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     For hydrochemical assessment of water resources at Baquba City, Diyala Governorate, four surface water samples were collected from the Diyala River and eight groundwater samples inside the city of Baquba. The samples were collected in the two periods, the dry period in October 2018 and the wet period in February 2019. The pH, EC, TH, turbidity, the major ions and trace elements (Fe, Cu, Co, Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni) were investigated. The results showed that the surface and groundwater are turbid, very hard and slightly brackish to moderately saltine in the groundwater, while it is hard to very hard and fresh in surface water. Heavy element analyzes revealed contamination of surface water samples and groundwater with the elements Cadmi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Traditional Asphalt Mixture Performance Using Natural Asphalt from Sulfur Springs
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This research utilized natural asphalt (NA) deposits from sulfur springs in western Iraq. Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of an asphalt mixture incorporating NA and verify its suitability for local pavement applications. To achieve this, a combination of two types of NA, namely soft SNA and hard HNA, was blended to create a binder known as Type HSNA. The resulting HSNA exhibited a penetration grade that adhered to Iraqi specifications. Various percentages of NA (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) were added to petroleum asphalt. The findings revealed enhanced physical properties of HSNA, which also satisfied the requirements outlined in the Iraqi specifications for asphalt cement.

Consequently, HS

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 09 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Microencapsulation of Green Coffee Beans (Coffea canephora) Extract using Whey Protein Concentrate
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Coffee bean contains bioactive compounds including caffeine and chlorogenic acid (CGA) that have a stimulant effect and are used for combating fatigue and drowsiness, and enhancing alertness. However, when the coffee bean was processed in the form of green coffee bean (GCB) extract, it has an unpleasant flavour and limitations instability, activity, and bioavailability. This study aimed to produce microcapsules of the GCB (Coffea canephora) ethanolic extract containing considerable amounts of the bioactive compounds for nutraceutical supplements. The GCB ethanolic extract was microencapsulated by spray drying using a whey protein concentrate (WPC) biopolimer. The particle size (PSA), morphology (SEM), and physicochemical charact

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Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhancing Performance of Self–Compacting Concrete with Internal Curing Using Thermostone Chips
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This paper is devoted to investigate the effect of internal curing technique on the properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC). In this study, SCC is produced by using silica fume (SF) as partial replacement by weight of cement with percentage of (5%), sand is partially replaced by volume with saturated fine lightweight aggregate (LWA) which is thermostone chips as internal curing material in three percentages of (5%, 10% and 15%) for SCC, two external curing conditions water and air. The experimental work was divided into three parts: in the first part, the workability tests of fresh SCC were conducted. The second part included conducting compressive strength test and modulus of rupture test at ages of (7, 28 and 90). The third part i

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Publication Date
Thu May 30 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Analytical approximate solutions of random integro differential equations with laplace decomposition method
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An efficient combination of Adomian Decomposition iterative technique coupled with Laplace transformation to solve non-linear Random Integro differential equation (NRIDE) is introduced in a novel way to get an accurate analytical solution. This technique is an elegant combination of theLaplace transform, and the Adomian polynomial. The suggested method will convert differential equations into iterative algebraic equations, thus reducing processing and analytical work. The technique solves the problem of calculating the Adomian polynomials. The method’s efficiency was investigated using some numerical instances, and the findings demonstrate that it is easier to use than many other numerical procedures. It has also been established that (LT

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 31 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Energy Saving of Heat Gain by Using Buried Pipe Inside a Roof
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    This work deals with a numerical investigation to evaluate the utilization of a water pipe buried inside a roof to reduce the heat gain and minimize the transmission of heat energy inside the conditioning space in summer season.     The numerical results of this paper showed that the reduction in heat gain and energy saving could be occurred with specific values of parameters, like the number of pipes per square meter, the ratio of pipe diameter to the roof thickness, and the pipe inlet water temperature. Comparing with a normal roof (without pipes), the results indicated a significant reduction in energy heat gain which is about 37.8% when the number of pipes per m

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Shell model study of neutron rich 18-28O isotopes using effective interactions
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We employ a simple effective nucleon-nucleon interaction for sd-shell model calculations derived from the Reid soft-core potential folded with two-body correlation functions which take account of the strong short-range repulsion and large tensor component in the Reid force. Shell model calculations for ground and low lying energy states of neutron rich oxygen isotopes 18-28O are performed using OXBASH code. Generally, this interaction predicts correct ordering of levels, yields reasonable energies for ground states of considered isotopes and predicts very well the newly observed excitation energy of
in 26O. Besides, it produces reasonable energy spectra for 23-27O and compressed energy spectra for 18-22O isotopes. This is mainly due e

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Decoration of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles with Aluminum Nanoparticles by Explosive Strips Method
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In this study, aluminum nanoparticles (Al NPs) were prepared using explosive strips method in double-distilled deionized water (DDDW), where the effect of five different currents (25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 A) on particle size and distribution was studied. Also, the explosive strips method was used to decorate zinc oxide particles with Al particles, where Al particles were prepared in suspended from zinc oxide with DDDW. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction are used to characterize the nanoparticles. XRD pattern were examined for three samples of aluminum particles and DDDW prepared with three current values (25, 75 and 125 A) and three samples prepared with the same currents for zin

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Photostability Study of Some Modified Poly(vinyl chloride) Containing Pendant Schiff’s Bases
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The polymers modified Poly(vinyl chloride) differ in their tendency to photo oxidation comparing with that unmodified. It has been studied Photostability for modified Poly(vinyl chloride) chains using Schiff’s bases derivative of (5-amino-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole-2-thiol) in a manner casting of plastic chips with thickness (40) in a solvent Tetrahydrofuran. It has been determined the effectiveness Photostability of these modified polymers through the photo degradation rate constant for photostabilizer (kd) for the modified Poly (vinyl chloride). Attributed efficiency of these Poly(vinyl chloride) chips in Photostability by replace the atom Cl Poly(vinyl chloride) chains ends more stable than light stabilizer.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
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Background: Cervical ectopy advanced to erosion is one of the common conditions in gynecological and pathological study. It is considered as a physiologic condition resulting from columnar epithelium migration from the cervical canal into the vaginal portion of the cervix, in which no treatment for asymptomatic cervical ectropion can be given. Treatment can be accomplished via thermal cauterization (Electro cautery), Cryosurgery. CO2 laser therapy is another modality of treatment.

Objective: To study the effectiveness of CO2 laser therapy and evaluate it as a biomedical tool for the treatment of cervical ectropion. The study was done at Laser Medicine Research Clinic at the

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