Home New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications Conference paper Audio Compression Using Transform Coding with LZW and Double Shift Coding Zainab J. Ahmed & Loay E. George Conference paper First Online: 11 January 2022 126 Accesses Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS,volume 1511) Abstract The need for audio compression is still a vital issue, because of its significance in reducing the data size of one of the most common digital media that is exchanged between distant parties. In this paper, the efficiencies of two audio compression modules were investigated; the first module is based on discrete cosine transform and the second module is based on discrete wavelet transform. The proposed audio compression system consists of the following steps: (1) load digital audio data, (2) transformation (i.e., using bi-orthogonal wavelet or discrete cosine transform) to decompose the audio signal, (3) quantization (depend on the used transform), (4) quantization of the quantized data that separated into two sequence vectors; runs and non-zeroes decomposition to apply the run length to reduce the long-run sequence. Each resulted vector is passed into the entropy encoder technique to implement a compression process. In this paper, two entropy encoders are used; the first one is the lossless compression method LZW and the second one is an advanced version for the traditional shift coding method called the double shift coding method. The proposed system performance is analyzed using distinct audio samples of different sizes and characteristics with various audio signal parameters. The performance of the compression system is evaluated using Peak Signal to Noise Ratio and Compression Ratio. The outcomes of audio samples show that the system is simple, fast and it causes better compression gain. The results show that the DSC encoding time is less than the LZW encoding time.