In a world where tourism has become the leading industry on the market, sustainable tourism has found its place and is becoming a major player in the network of traveling Internet users. Hospitality, solidarity and conviviality are essential are giving meaning to sharing. This “extra soul” has the capacity to enrich moments, places, attractions and heritage. Archaeological heritage sites constitute an important factor for the economic and social life of a large number of countries, the development policy came to emphasize the safeguard and the preservation of landscapes and natural or man-made sites, against the attacks which have impoverished the cultural heritage, this heritage which represents a historic imprint for future generations. Archaeological sites exert major tourist attractions. Successfully managed cultural tourism can capture the appeal of archaeological heritage and generate significant funds which will then be used to finance studies, conservation, maintenance and the presentation of this heritage to the public. This is how tourism has become, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the world’s leading industry. Algeria contains archaeological sites which are classified as world cultural heritage by UNESCO. Unfortunately, reality shows that most of these sites are left to deteriorate without any real intervention. It is important to point out the importance of putting in place a work plan aimed at developing tourism that preserves archaeological sites considering social, environmental, cultural dimensions, etc. We will conduct this analysis based on a problem built around this main question: How to preserve our cultural heritage to achieve sustainable tourism? Through this research work, it is a question of examining the problem of integrating the conservation and enhancement of archaeological sites in the context of producing sustainable tourism for the city of Annaba and for Algeria. a global way.