Ephedra alata. is a plant that widely available around the world and long used in folk medicine as a natural medication, was employed in the current work to prepare extracts rich in alkaloids and to test their cytotoxic potential. Alkaloids-rich and crude extracts of E.alata were compared to pure ephedrine medication for mitosis on Allium cepa. test system. Alkaloids and crude aqueous extracts of A. cepa root tips were examined for a total of five hours at five different concentrations compared to ephedrine standard. Mitotic index, phase index, and chromosomal aberration as part of the study. IC50 values of 35 mg/ml were found for each extract, indicating a sub-lethal influence on cell viability. (Toxic and sublethal effects are thought to be the result of this abnormalities, chromosome stickiness abnormalities may be caused by some faulty nucleic acid metabolic pathways and an aneugenic agents caused by the extracts with a high percentage for 75 mg/ml treatment. It was concluded the variations in the chemical constituent of the extracts represented by events caused by various chromosomal and nuclear aberrations give us promising Look of the plant as anti-tumor drug.