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Some types of fibrewise fuzzy topological spaces
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The aim of this paper is to introduce and study the notion type of fibrewise topological spaces, namely fibrewise fuzzy j-topological spaces, Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise j-closed fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise j-open fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise locally sliceable fuzzy j-topological spaces and fibrewise locally sectionable fuzzy j-topological spaces. Furthermore, we state and prove several Theorems concerning these concepts, where j = {δ, θ, α, p, s, b, β}.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Limits between the Cosmological Parameters from Strong Lensing Observations for Generalized Isothermal Models
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This paper including a gravitational lens time delays study for a general family of lensing potentials, the popular singular isothermal elliptical potential (SIEP), and singular isothermal elliptical density distribution (SIED) but allows general angular structure. At first section there is an introduction for the selected observations from the gravitationally lensed systems. Then section two shows that the time delays for singular isothermal elliptical potential (SIEP) and singular isothermal elliptical density distributions (SIED) have a remarkably simple and elegant form, and that the result for Hubble constant estimations actually holds for a general family of potentials by combining the analytic results with data for the time dela

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Toward Improving BIM Acceptance in FM: A Conceptual Model Integrating TTF and TAM
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Substantial research has been performed on Building Information Modeling (BIM) in various topics, for instance, the use and benefit of BIM in design, construction, sustainable environment building, and Facility assets over the past several years. Although there are various studies on these topics, Building Information Modeling (BIM) awareness through facilities management is still relatively poor. The researcher's interest is increased in BIM study is based heavily upon the perception that it can facilitate the exchange and reuse of information during various project phases. This property and others can be used in the Iraqi Construction industry to motivate the government to eliminate the change resistance to use innovat

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Estimating the Survival Function for the Patients Suffer from the Lung Cancer Disease
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          In this paper, the survival function has been estimated for the patients with lung cancer using different parametric estimation methods depending on sample for completing real data which explain the period of survival for patients who were ill with the lung cancer based on the diagnosis of disease or the entire of patients in a hospital for a time of two years (starting with 2012 to the end of 2013). Comparisons between the mentioned estimation methods has been performed using statistical indicator mean squares error, concluding that the estimation of the survival function for the lung cancer by using pre-test singles stage shrinkage estimator method was the best   . <

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 07 2022
Journal Name
Himalayan Economics And Business Management
Analyzing and Measuring the Relationship between Monetary Policy and Monetary Stability in the Iraqi Economy for the Period 1990-2020
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Monetary policy occupies a prominent role in achieving monetary stability by adjusting the growth rates of the number of available means of payment in line with changes in the size of the gross domestic product in the country and expressed by the monetary stability coefficient agreed upon by the International Monetary Fund, a term that hides the fact that there is a rate of change in the volume of commodity or real production which expresses the levels of aggregate supply in the economy, which corresponds to the quantities of cash in circulation, which represent a net purchasing power and stimulate aggregate demand, which completes the picture of the existence of the market mechanism, expressed by the monetary or economic stability

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Mathematics And Statistics Research
New Approximation Operators Using Mixed Degree Systems
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This paper is concerned with introducing and studying the first new approximation operators using mixed degree system and second new approximation operators using mixed degree system which are the core concept in this paper. In addition, the approximations of graphs using the operators first lower and first upper are accurate then the approximations obtained by using the operators second lower and second upper sincefirst accuracy less then second accuracy. For this reason, we study in detail the properties of second lower and second upper in this paper. Furthermore, we summarize the results for the properties of approximation operators second lower and second upper when the graph G is arbitrary, serial 1, serial 2, reflexive, symmetric, tra

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building a mathematical model for measuring and analyzing the general equilibrium in the Iraqi economy through the IS-lm-BP model
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In order to achieve overall balance in the economy to be achieved in different markets and at one time (market commodity, monetary and labor market and the balance of payments and public budget), did not provide yet a model from which to determine the overall balance in the economy and the difficulty of finding the inter-relationship between all these markets and put them applied in the form of allowing the identification of balance in all markets at once.

One of the best models that have dealt with this subject is a model
(LM-BP-IS), who teaches balance in the commodity market and money market and balance of payments and the importance of this issue This research tries to shed light on the reality

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
classification coco dataset using machine learning algorithms
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In this paper, we used four classification methods to classify objects and compareamong these methods, these are K Nearest Neighbor's (KNN), Stochastic Gradient Descentlearning (SGD), Logistic Regression Algorithm(LR), and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Weused MCOCO dataset for classification and detection the objects, these dataset image wererandomly divided into training and testing datasets at a ratio of 7:3, respectively. In randomlyselect training and testing dataset images, converted the color images to the gray level, thenenhancement these gray images using the histogram equalization method, resize (20 x 20) fordataset image. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for feature extraction, andfinally apply four classification metho

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Design and Creating a Specific Neutron Irradiation Instrument to Decrease the User’s Radiation Exposure Time
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      A specialized irradiation instrument "created instrument" was  designed and created from various kinds and sizes of available plastic household-waste materials. In addition, a neutron beam collimator with a lid was designed  and implemented. The collimator is with dimensions of 25 cm in height and 10 cm in inner diameter, while the lid dimensions are 11.5 cm height and outer diameter of 9.9 cm  to perfectly match the inner diameter of the collimator with the possibility of movement (opening and closing), and also the shielding of the radioactive 241Am/Be neutron source with a recent activity of 37.5 mCi.

To investigate the efficiency of the "created instrument", ten hydrogenous material samples (ordinary p

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jul 19 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Game Theory to Determine the Optimal Strategy for the Transportation Sector in Iraq
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In this paper, game theory was used and applied to the transport sector in Iraq, as this sector includes two axes, the public transport axis and the second axis the private transport axis, as each of these axes includes several types of transport, namely (sea transport, air transport, land transport, transport by rail, port transport) and the travel and tourism sector, as public transport lacks this sector, as the competitive advantage matrix for the transport sector was formed and after applying the MinMax-MaxMin principle to the matrix in all its stages, it was found that there was an equilibrium point except for the last stage where the equilibrium point was not available Therefore, the use of the linear programming method was

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Ϣ-Semi-p Open Set :
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Csaszar introduced the concept of generalized topological space and a new open set in a generalized topological space called -preopen in 2002 and 2005, respectively. Definitions of -preinterior and -preclosuer were given. Successively, several studies have appeared to give many generalizations for an open set. The object of our paper is to give a new type of generalization of an open set in a generalized topological space called -semi-p-open set. We present the definition of this set with its equivalent. We give definitions of -semi-p-interior and -semi-p-closure of a set and discuss their properties. Also the properties of -preinterior and -preclosuer are discussed. In addition, we give a new type of continuous function

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