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A Predictive Model for Estimating Unconfined Compressive Strength from Petrophysical Properties in the Buzurgan Oilfield, Khasib Formation, Using Log Data
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Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of rock is the most critical geomechanical property widely used as input parameters for designing fractures, analyzing wellbore stability, drilling programming and carrying out various petroleum engineering projects. The USC regulates rock deformation by measuring its strength and load-bearing capacity. The determination of UCS in the laboratory is a time-consuming and costly process. The current study aims to develop empirical equations to predict UCS using regression analysis by JMP software for the Khasib Formation in the Buzurgan oil fields, in southeastern Iraq using well-log data. The proposed equation accuracy was tested using the coefficient of determination (R²), the average absolute relative error (AARE%) and the standard deviation error (SD%). It has been found that the developed equation is reliable and capable of predicting the UCS with an acceptable degree of confidence R², AARE% and SD% are 0.8549, 2.619%, and 0.0569%, respectively when compared with field data. Furthermore, when compared to other known correlations, showed better prediction results.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Detection of some major elements and protein in Fusarium wilt disease infected tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum) treated with Arbuscular mycorrhizal fung
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The present study was Conducted to evaluate the effect of amixture of three species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ( Glomus etunicatum , G. leptotichum and Rhizophagus intraradices ) in Influence on the percentage of the components of NPK and protein of tomato leaves and roots infected with Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Lycopersici wich cause Fusarial wilt disease , planted for 8 weeks in the presence of the organic matter ( peatmose) , using pot cultures in aplastic green house , Results indicated significant increase in the percentage of the elements of NK and protein of tomato leaves and roots In the control treatment (C), While the percentage of the element P was after infection with the pathogen 4 weaks after mycorrhizal colonization in al

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 10 2017
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية/الجامعة المستنصرية
Detection of some major elements and protein in Fusarium wilt disease infected tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum) treated with Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
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Abstract The present study was Conducted to evaluate the effect of amixture of three species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ( Glomus etunicatum , G. leptotichum and Rhizophagus intraradices ) in Influence on the percentage of the components of NPK and protein of tomato leaves and roots infected with Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Lycopersici wich cause Fusarial wilt disease , planted for 8 weeks in the presence of the organic matter ( peatmose) , using pot cultures in aplastic green house , Results indicated significant increase in the percentage of the elements of NK and protein of tomato leaves and roots In the control treatment (C), While the percentage of the element P was after infection with the pathogen 4 weaks after mycorrhiza

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Spectrophotometric determination of loratadine in syrup and study viscosity conductivity and thermodynamic of binary mixed systems of surfactants with loratadine"
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Basic Education
Viscometric and Activation energy study of PEG 6000 in water , and solution of DMSO with water at 298.15K, 308.15, 318
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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ABSTRACT : Diabetes mellitus stands for a set of metabolic diseases that if they are not managed, they can initiate threatening life problems. This study hypothesizes that insulin-like growth factor-1 level can be used as a biomarker for early diagnosing renal problems in patients with type 2 diabetic disease. This study included 30 recently identified type 2 diabetic patients with acute renal malfunction who had an entrance in National Diabetic Center,AL-Mustansiriyah University.They have beenin the Center from October 2018 up to end of April 2019. Their age range has been (40-62) years. Comprehensive clinical investigationhas beencompleted for each patient to discount other diabetic complications like cardiac, neurologic and eye complicat

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Special Exercises According to Refereeing and It's Effect on Developing Some Physical Abilities Of First Class Basketball Referees in Baghdad
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Basketball is one of the most popular and popular games that have a large audience both globally and locally because of the magic it contains in terms of performance. For this sport to be a success, fundamental factors must exist and these factors is the referee. The referee plays a large and important role in the success of the game and the establishment and application of rules.The research aimed at identifying the effect of special on the development of referee's physical abilities. The researcher used the experimental method. The subjects were (12) first class basketball referees. The researcher recommended using special exercises due to their great role in developing the physical abilities of first class basketball referees

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Quality of Transition to E-Learning under Corona pandemic: An Application Study in College of Administration and Economics, Baghdad University
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E-learning is a lifeline for the educational process, which contributed to the sustainability of working educational organizations and prevented them from stopping, so the study came to measure the compatibility between E-learning quality dimensions (information technology, educational curricula, teaching methods, and intellectual capital of educational institution) as an independent variable, and educational services quality dimensions represented by (safety, tangibility, reliability and Confidence) as a dependent variable. The sample was 150 teachers was drawn from the College of Administration and Economics community of 293 teachers through the use of several statistical methods to measure the degree of correlation and impact between the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Patients’ Knowledge Concerning care of Vascular Access of Hemodialysis in Al-Muthana Teaching Hospitals
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Objectives:  The study aims to identify the effects of an educational program on patients’ knowledge about vascular access care and to find out the relationship between patients knowledge scores and their selected demographic variable.                                                                                  &

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of Prevalence and Severity of Anemia among Non-pregnant women of Reproductive Age in Garmian Province, Iraqi Kurdistan Region
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     Anemia is a major significant public health issue that affects both pregnant and non-pregnant women throughout the world. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and severity of anemia, as well as its classification, based on MCV values in non-pregnant women residing in the Garmian province in the east of Iraq. Blood samples were collected from non-pregnant women between the ages of 16 and 49 years. Anemia is classified as mild, moderate and severe, and as microcytic, normocytic and macrocytic depending on the level of Hb or mean corpuscular volume (MCV) respectively. In this study sociodemographic and hematological characteristics were also evaluated. The results showed that 56% of the study samples were anemic, and of the

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 10 2019
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Effect of Inclined Magnetic Field on Peristaltic Flow of Carreau Fluid through Porous Medium in an Inclined Tapered Asymmetric Channel
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During this article, we have a tendency to show the peristaltic activity of magnetohydrodynamics flow of carreau fluid with heat transfer influence in an inclined tapered asymmetric channel through porous medium by exploitation the influence of non-slip boundary conditions. The tapered asymmetric channel is often created because of the intrauterine fluid flow induced by myometrial contraction and it had been simulated by asymmetric peristaltic fluid flow in an exceedingly two dimensional infinite non uniform channel, this fluid is known as hereby carreau fluid, conjointly we are able to say that one amongst carreau's applications is that the blood flow within the body of human. Industrial field, silicon oil is an example of carreau

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