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Silymarin is derived from the milk thistle plant, and possesses numerous pharmacological actions, including hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. The aim of the study was to the determination of influence different concentrations of Silymarin on the rumen performance in 30 local lambs (divided into three groups of 10 lambs each). In the first and second groups, 420 and 210 mg kg-1 of silymarin were administered for 8 weeks, and the third group was the control, which received normal saline solution. The parameters evaluated included the level of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), ammonia and pH in the rumen. Furthermore, the in vitro digestibility of ash, protein, fat and dry matter was investigated. These parameters were examined fortnightly, for eight weeks. The results showed that the level of volatile fatty acids and pH increased in the rumen in G1 and G2 compared to the control group, while the level of ammonia decreased in the rumen in G1 and G2 when compared to G3 (p<0.05). Silymarin increased the in vitro digestibility of crude ash (CA), crude protein (CP), crude fat (CF) and crude dry matter (CDM) in the rumen of lambs. These results indicate that silymarin can improve the digestibility of nutrient elements in the lamb rumen. Keywords: ammonia; digestibility; crude ash; crude protein; crude fat.   Concentrações de silimarina nas atividades ruminais de cordeiros   RESUMO: A silimarina é derivada da planta do cardo mariano e possui inúmeras ações farmacológicas, incluindo propriedades hepatoprotetoras, anti-inflamatórias, antioxidantes e anticancerígenas. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a influência de diferentes concentrações de silimarina no desempenho ruminal de 30 cordeiros locais, divididos em três grupos (de 10 cordeiros cada). No primeiro e segundo grupo foi administrado 420 e 210 mg kg-1 de silimarina durante 8 semanas, e, o terceiro grupo foi o controle, que recebeu solução salina normal. Os parâmetros avaliados incluíram o nível de ácidos graxos voláteis (AGVs), amônia e pH no rúmen. Além disso, investigou-se a digestibilidade in vitro de cinzas, proteínas, gorduras e matéria seca. Esses parâmetros foram examinados quinzenalmente, durante oito semanas. Os resultados mostraram que o nível de ácidos graxos voláteis e pH aumentaram no rúmen em G1 e G2, em comparação com o grupo controle, enquanto, o nível de amônia diminuiu no rúmen em G1 e G2 quando comparado com G3 (p<0,05). A silimarina aumentou a digestibilidade in vitro da cinza bruta (CA), proteína bruta (PB), gordura bruta (CF) e matéria seca bruta (CDM) no rúmen dos cordeiros. Esses resultados indicam que silimarina pode melhorar a digestibilidade dos elementos nutrientes no rúmen do cordeiro. Palavras-chave: amônia; digestibilidade; cinza bruta; proteína bruta; gordura bruta.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Antinociceptive Effect of Silymarin in Experimental Animals
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Background: Silymarin is a polyphenolic flavonoid
derived from milk thistle (Silybum marianum) that has
anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective, anticarcinogenic
and antioxidant effects. It has been used medicinally
to treat liver disorders including acute and chronic
viral hepatitis, toxin/drug induced hepatitis, and
alcoholic liver disease.
Objective: To evaluate the antinociceptive effect of
silymarin in experimental animal model of pain.
Methods: The efficacy and dose response effect of
silymarin (125, 250, and 500mg/kg) were assessed
against control using tail flick test in mice as a model
of nociceptive pain. In this model, all doses of
silymarin were given intraperitoneally 15 min before

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Advances In Animal And Veterinary Sciences
Predictor Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Testis during Pubertal Age in Ram Lambs
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Efficacy of Topically Applied Silymarin in the Treatment of Herpes Labialis Ulcers
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Herpes labialis is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, characterized by an eruption of small and usually painful blisters on the skin of the lips, mouth, gums, or the skin around the mouth. Although there is no successful treatment available, the local use of compounds with effective anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective effects may be of value in this respect. This project was designed to evaluate clinically the local use of silymarin, a group of flavonoids with powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective activity, in the treatment of herpes simplex ulcer. Fifty three patients with herpes labialis ulcers (HLU) were enrolled in this randomized, single blinded, placebo controlled clinical study, and they were al

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Veterinary And Animal Research
Selenium nanoparticles effect on foot and mouth disease vaccine in local Awassi breed male lambs
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Objective: The goal of this research was to evaluate where selenium nanoparticles impact the activity of antibodies in immunized lambs with foot and mouth vaccines by modulating the immune system. Materials and Methods: Two groups of lambs of 3–4 months of age were injected with 1 ml of ARRIAH-VAC vaccine intramuscularly in the neck, five Lambs were given selenium nanoparticles (size 100 nm) oral administration of selenium nano dose of 0.1 mg/kg of body mass once every day for sixty days considered as group one (G1) while the other five used as control Group 2 (G2). Results: This resulted in the establishment of an immune response, as evidenced by a rise in antibody titer in the blood using the ELISA test for three serotypes A,

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The study was conducted to show the effect of using dried rumen powder as a source of animal protein in the diets of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) on its performance, in the fish laboratory/College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/University of Baghdad/ for a period of 70 d, 70 fingerlings were used with an average starting weight of 30±3 g, with a live mass rate of 202±2 g, randomly distributed among five treatments, two replicates for each treatment and seven fish for each replicate. Five diets of almost identical protein content and different percentages of addition of dried rumen powder were added. 25% was added to treatment T2 and 50% to treatment T3 and 75% of the treatment T4 and 100% of the treatment T5

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 09 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Formulation and Evaluation of Silymarin Microcrystals by In- Situ Micronization Technique
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Silymarin (SM) is a plant extract obtained from Silybum marianum( milk thistle) . It is class II type drug according to  Biopharmaceutics Classification System with low bioavailability due to its low solubility.

Micro/nanonization during crystallization, surface modification and crystal structure modification may improve the dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble drugs.

The aim of this study was to increase the water solubility and dissolution rate of SM by in-situ micronization using solvent change either by stirring or ultrasonic method. Stabilizers like Gelatin, PVP-K30, HPMC15, Pulullan were used to stabilize the prepared ultrafine crystals. Effect of type and concentration of hydrophilic polymer, solv

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The economic feasibility of substituting different residues replaces part of the barley In the fattening of the Arabian lambs
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This experiment was carried out at the Grdarash field belongs to the Agricultural researches directorate/general Agriculture directorate-Erbil in September (2007)، 27 Arabic lambs aged (5-6 months) With average initial weight (39.178 Kg/lamb) were used. Lambs were divided in to (3) groups (9 lambs/group). Control group was fed on (85% barely، 10% bran and 5% straw)، and second and third groups were fed on various by-product in replacement with barely in loss and block shape respectively.

The total gain of three groups were (392708.32، 634826.52 & 445613.72 ID resp

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Agricultural Sciences
Effect of milk thistle oil (Silymarin) on histopathological characteristics of local hens exposed to aflatoxins
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The study aimed to assess Milk Thistle oi reducing the aflatoxin damage and improve the health status of local breed hens. The study was performed on 60 hens aged 35 weeks, weighing 2-2.5 kg of the body was obtained and housed on a private poultry farm in north of Baghdad (Altaji) for a period of 9 weeks from 22 October until 22 December 2020. Hens were divided to three treatments (20 hens). The first was fed a basal diet free of aflatoxin. The 2nd fed on a contaminated diet with aflatoxin (14.6 ppb) while the 3rd fed as in the 2nd with 0.5% of Milk Thistle oil /kg feed. A 5 hens from each group were slaughtered at the end of the trial for the histopathological inspection of liver, spleen and intestine tissues to evaluate the harmfu

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effects of different concentrations of Alum solutions on Mutans streptococci (in vitro study)
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Background: Alum has been used as a treatment medication in cases of oral and gingival ulcers, and also as antiseptic mouthwash. This study aimed to examine the effects of different concentrations of Alum on inhibition zone, viability counts and adherence ability of Mutans streptococci compared with deionized water and chlorhexidine gluconate in vitro. Materials and methods: The study dealt with an in vitro study to establish a concentration of Alum mouthrinse that would have the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bacteriocidal concentration. The second part evaluated the anti-adherence ability of the experimental agents. Results: This study found that the antibacterial effect of Alum increases with its concentration from 50 to 1

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Dose-dependent Anti-inflammatory Effect of Silymarin in Experimental Animal Model of Acute Inflammation
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Silymarin, a flavolignans from seeds of ‘milk thistle’ “Silybum marianum” has been widely used from ancient times because of its excellent hepatoprotective action. It has been used clinically to treat liver disorders including acute and chronic viral hepatitis, toxin/drug-induced hepatitis and cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease. The efficacy and dose-response effect of silymarin (125, 250 and 500 mg/kg) were assessed using egg albumin-induced paw edema in rats as a model of acute inflammation. In this model, 56 rats were used and allocated into 7 subgroups each containing 8 rats. All treatments were given intraperitonealy 30 minutes before induction of inflammation by egg albumin and then the increase

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