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Calculating the Real Need for Fire Brigade Stations in Al-Samawah City
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The location of fire brigade stations and equipment has a significant impact on the efficacy and efficiency of fire brigade department services. The challenge addressed by this study was that the fire brigade department required a consistent and repeatable technique to assess the response capabilities and safeguarding levels offered as the city of Samawah/Iraq grew and changed. Evaluating the locations of the current fire brigade stations in the city of Samawah is the aspect addressed by the research to determine the accuracy and validity of the locations of these stations by the competent authorities and their suitability to the area of the city’s neighborhoods and its residents. The Iraqi Ministry of Housing, Construction, Municipalities and Public Works has set standards for fire brigade stations in the year 2018. These standards were used in this research because they are the standards adopted in Iraq. The first criterion represents the population size criterion. This criterion specified that each fire brigade station must provide a service for (48000 people), and the second criterion represented the distance traveled, which defined its field of service by (2 km) for each fire brigade station, as for the third criterion represented by the response time, which was set at (10 min) for the local standard and this criterion is considered large compared to the global standard of (4 min). The result using geographic information system (GIS) showed that needs four additional fire brigade stations to be added to the already existing four stations so that the total number of fire brigade stations in the city becomes eight stations, and this number of stations will provide service to all residents of the city and reduce the risk of fires on the city.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Nadaraya-Watson Estimation of a Circular Regression Model on Peak Systolic Blood Pressure Data
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Purpose: The research aims to estimate models representing phenomena that follow the logic of circular (angular) data, accounting for the 24-hour periodicity in measurement. Theoretical framework: The regression model is developed to account for the periodic nature of the circular scale, considering the periodicity in the dependent variable y, the explanatory variables x, or both. Design/methodology/approach: Two estimation methods were applied: a parametric model, represented by the Simple Circular Regression (SCR) model, and a nonparametric model, represented by the Nadaraya-Watson Circular Regression (NW) model. The analysis used real data from 50 patients at Al-Kindi Teaching Hospital in Baghdad. Findings: The Mean Circular Erro

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 15 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Hybrid Techniques based Speech Recognition
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Information processing has an important application which is speech recognition. In this paper, a two hybrid techniques have been presented. The first one is a 3-level hybrid of Stationary Wavelet Transform (S) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and the second one is a 3-level hybrid of Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and Multi-wavelet Transforms (M). To choose the best 3-level hybrid in each technique, a comparison according to five factors has been implemented and the best results are WWS, WWW, and MWM. Speech recognition is performed on WWS, WWW, and MWM using Euclidean distance (Ecl) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). The match performance is (98%) using DTW in MWM, while in the WWS and WWW are (74%) and (78%) respectively, but when using (

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Blow-up Time of a One-Dimensional Semilinear Parabolic Equation with a Gradient Term
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  This paper deals with numerical approximations of a one-dimensional semilinear parabolic equation with a gradient term. Firstly, we derive the semidiscrete problem of the considered problem and discuss its convergence and blow-up properties. Secondly, we propose both Euler explicit and implicit finite differences methods with a non-fixed time-stepping procedure to estimate the numerical blow-up time of the considered problem. Finally, two numerical experiments are given to illustrate the efficiency, accuracy, and numerical order of convergence of the proposed schemes.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Approximation Non-Bayesian Computation with Fuzzy Data to Estimation Inverse Weibull Parameters and Reliability Function
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        In real situations all observations and measurements are not exact numbers but more or less non-exact, also called fuzzy. So, in this paper, we use approximate non-Bayesian computational methods to estimate inverse Weibull parameters and reliability function with fuzzy data. The maximum likelihood and moment estimations are obtained as non-Bayesian estimation. The maximum likelihood estimators have been derived numerically based on two iterative techniques namely “Newton-Raphson” and the “Expectation-Maximization” techniques. In addition, we provide compared numerically through Monte-Carlo simulation study to obtained estimates of the parameters and reliability function i

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Multicomponent Inverse Lomax Stress-Strength Reliability
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In this article we derive two reliability mathematical expressions of two kinds of s-out of -k stress-strength model systems; and . Both stress and strength are assumed to have an Inverse Lomax distribution with unknown shape parameters and a common known scale parameter. The increase and decrease in the real values of the two reliabilities are studied according to the increase and decrease in the distribution parameters. Two estimation methods are used to estimate the distribution parameters and the reliabilities, which are Maximum Likelihood and Regression. A comparison is made between the estimators based on a simulation study by the mean squared error criteria, which revealed that the maximum likelihood estimator works the best.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Properties of Superplasticized and Retarding Concrete Under Effect of Accelerated Curing Methods
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In recent decades, tremendous success has been achieved in the advancement of chemical admixtures for Portland cement concrete. Most efforts have concentrated on improving the properties of concrete and studying the factors that influence on these properties. Since the compressive strength is considered a valuable property and is invariably a vital element of the structural design, especially high early strength development which can be provide more benefits in concrete production, such as reducing construction time and labor and saving the formwork and energy. As a matter of fact, it is influenced as a most properties of concrete by several factors including water-cement ratio, cement type and curing methods employed.
Because of acce

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 15 2024
Journal Name
Al-manhaj Library
Multivariate Analysis - Second Edition
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This Book is intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate course in multivariate analysis. This book is designed to be used in semester system. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters (as done in the first edition 2019). Chapter One introduces matrix algebra. Chapter Two devotes to Linear Equation System Solution with quadratic forms, Characteristic roots & vectors. Chapter Three discusses Partitioned Matrices and how to get Inverse, Jacobi and Hessian matrices. Chapter Four deals with Multivariate Normal Distribution (MVN). Chapter Five concern with Joint, Marginal and Conditional Normal Distribution, independency and correlations. While the revised new chapters have been added (as the curr

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 15 2024
Journal Name
Al-manhaj Library
Multivariate Analysis (Second Edition)
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This Book is intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate course in multivariate analysis. This book is designed to be used in semester system. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters (as done in the first edition 2019). Chapter One introduces matrix algebra. Chapter Two devotes to Linear Equation System Solution with quadratic forms, Characteristic roots & vectors. Chapter Three discusses Partitioned Matrices and how to get Inverse, Jacobi and Hessian matrices. Chapter Four deals with Multivariate Normal Distribution (MVN). Chapter Five concern with Joint, Marginal and Conditional Normal Distribution, independency and correlations. While the revised new chapters have been added (as the curr

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Discussing Fuzzy Reliability Estimators of Function of Mixed Probability Distribution By Simulation
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This paper deals  with constructing mixed probability distribution  from exponential with scale parameter (β) and also Gamma distribution with (2,β), and the mixed proportions are (  .first of all, the probability density function (p.d.f) and also cumulative distribution function (c.d.f) and also the reliability function are obtained. The parameters of mixed distribution, ( ,β)  are estimated by three different methods, which are  maximum likelihood, and  Moments method,as well proposed method (Differential Least Square Method)(DLSM).The comparison is done using simulation procedure, and all the results are explained in tables.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store
Multivariate Analysis - First Edition
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This Book is intended to be textbook studied for undergraduate course in multivariate analysis. This book is designed to be used in semester system. In order to achieve the goals of the book, it is divided into the following chapters. Chapter One introduces matrix algebra. Chapter Two devotes to Linear Equation System Solution with quadratic forms, Characteristic roots & vectors. Chapter Three discusses Partitioned Matrices and how to get Inverse, Jacobi and Hessian matrices. Chapter Four deals with Multivariate Normal Distribution (MVN). Chapter Five concern with Joint, Marginal and Conditional Normal Distribution, independency and correlations. Many solved examples are intended in this book, in addition to a variety of unsolved relied pro

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