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A Training Program Based on Integrating Future Thinking Skills and Classroom Interaction Patterns for Mathematics Teachers and Providing Their Students with Creative Solution Skills
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The research aims to recognize the impact of the training program based on integrating future thinking skills and classroom interaction patterns for mathematics teachers and providing their students with creative solution skills. To achieve the goal of the research, the following hypothesis was formulated: There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the mean scores of students of mathematics teachers whose teachers trained according to the proposed training program (the experimental group) and whose teachers were not trained according to the proposed training program (the control group) in Pre-post creative solution skills test. Research sample is consisted of (31) teachers and schools were distributed into two groups: experimental (15) and control group (16) and the student sample consisted of (310) male and female students and by (150) for the experimental group (whose teachers were trained according to the training program) and (160) for the control group (whose teachers were not trained in the training program).  The researcher prepared a test for creative solving skills that consisted of (27) items of multiple choice and essay type. Its validity, stability, coefficient of difficulty, discriminatory power, and the effectiveness of the wrong alternatives were calculated. In analyzing the results, the researcher relied on a test and (T-test) for two independent samples and the size of the effect, and the results were as follows: there is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of mathematics teachers who trained their teachers according to the proposed training program (the experimental group) and who Their teachers did not train according to the proposed training program (the control group) in the post-creative solution skills test.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 23 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التفسير التفسير النبىي للقرآن الكريم وأحره في التفسير بالمأحىر
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The science of exegesis was started by the first teacher, the Holy Prophet, and then further developed in various methods and approaches through history

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تمهيد اجتماعي قبل اعمار الصحراء بحث في السلوك الاجتماعي
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ال أل العاقولي ودورهم العلمي في الحضارة العربية الإسلامية
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The research includes a bout IL- IQulle , and their role in scientific of the Islamic – Arabic civilization , for Dr. Khlood M.Namma the proff in the collage of education for woman , Baghdad university , History department

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Heritage in Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati's Divan Collection of Poems: Oriental Texts
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Heritage reflects peoples' memory and essence of nations. Thus, this divan was really the material and tool for writers in general and poets in specific both in their artificial innovations . Accordingly, modern writers have endeavored to bring heritage back in all its details and occurrences. Abdullwahab Al-Bayati's experience had reflected his innovative and strong link with the humanitarian heritage, in that heritage in view of Al-Bayati means both the humanitarian expertise and gains that are able to extend from past to future passing through the present.From this, the poet had not disconnected his strong link with the Arab poetic heritage .Thus, the poet had utilized the Arab poetic heritage in expressing on the Arab contrary realit

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Formal Substitution in Logo Design: حاتم كاطع لكن حسن
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substitution is considered a method of meaning enrichment and is a formal substitution for the letter or the word inside the text, and it is an expression substitution that is a replacement of an element of a text with a formal or graphic element, and a substitution of a latter form by a previous vocalization, thus it results in a cohesive expression. Replacement inside the text happens through the existing relation between the word or the letter and the form within the phenomenon that is based on enhancing the meaning in a way that delimits the context. There are many studies and researches written about replacement, especially in the textual linguistics that focused on the literary and linguistic texts. Hence, the researcher found that

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The typical path of compliance control in the verification of tax revenues
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The research aims to contribute to the consolidation of scientific knowledge of compliance control and its role in verifying the proper disposal of funds to manage the wheel of the economy towards achieving targeted development and preserving public money, as well as clarifying the role of tax revenues in strengthening the public treasury and achieving social justice. The analytical descriptive approach was adopted in the process of analyzing The quantitative data collected through personal interviews, and the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the contribution of compliance control according to its three principles. (Transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness) on the availability

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
توظيف شخصيات التراث الديني في شعر أديب کمال الدين
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 Using religious characters which come from religion is a significant means that poets applied in their texts. The Iraqi poet Adib Kamal Aldin applied religious characters as an active means helping the theme of the text and playing a great role in expanding the meanings and their implications in the text. 

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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The Reduction in the design structure ofThe emblems ofIraqi sports clubs is amodel
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   Singled current study on the subject of shorthand in structure designs logos (Iraqi sports clubs model), as the current study Tdmt four chapters, was in the first chapter defines the research problem and its significance, as well as the aim of the research in the know shorthand formal in structure designs logos (Iraqi sports clubs model ), and identifies Find time limits: - slogans Iraqi sports clubs for the years (1956 - 1970), because it represented the years to include designs slogans official Iraqi sports clubs that have been elected in this period for the purpose of examining the reality of the design in the current search. And it represented the spatial limits: - the Republic of Iraq - Iraqi slogans designs sports

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Efficient of Government Organization to attain the Ten Recommendation of social Responsibility
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   In this study, the researcher aimed to define and measure the relevance and effect of the governmental organizations in complying with Iraqi Ministry of Transportation's requirements towards achieving the social responsibility, embodied in the ten commandments of the United Nations Findings displayed the availability of realization regarding organization managers towards social responsibility with their various capabilities and tendencies in relation with the representing entries of those Ten Commandments.The study showed the relation between the effectiveness of those organizations and dimensions of the ten commandments of social responsibility, with the existence of a significant effect for the said effectiveness on achiev

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
إسهامات علماء العرب والمسلمين القدامى في إثراء علوم الرياضات
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     Arab and Muslim scholars have made influential contributions to the development of mathematics by providing it with many achievements and inventions. This research presents the most important of these achievements and assistance in mathematics during the period of the Islamic Renaissance for different Arab and Muslim Scholars. One of the clearest and most prominent examples of these achievements is the establishment of the science of algebra and the discovery of zero and added to the numbers by the Muslim Scholar of Al-Khwarizmi, which facilitated the solution of many arithmetic problems and issues to this day.

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