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A Training Program Based on Integrating Future Thinking Skills and Classroom Interaction Patterns for Mathematics Teachers and Providing Their Students with Creative Solution Skills
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The research aims to recognize the impact of the training program based on integrating future thinking skills and classroom interaction patterns for mathematics teachers and providing their students with creative solution skills. To achieve the goal of the research, the following hypothesis was formulated: There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the mean scores of students of mathematics teachers whose teachers trained according to the proposed training program (the experimental group) and whose teachers were not trained according to the proposed training program (the control group) in Pre-post creative solution skills test. Research sample is consisted of (31) teachers and schools were distributed into two groups: experimental (15) and control group (16) and the student sample consisted of (310) male and female students and by (150) for the experimental group (whose teachers were trained according to the training program) and (160) for the control group (whose teachers were not trained in the training program).  The researcher prepared a test for creative solving skills that consisted of (27) items of multiple choice and essay type. Its validity, stability, coefficient of difficulty, discriminatory power, and the effectiveness of the wrong alternatives were calculated. In analyzing the results, the researcher relied on a test and (T-test) for two independent samples and the size of the effect, and the results were as follows: there is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of mathematics teachers who trained their teachers according to the proposed training program (the experimental group) and who Their teachers did not train according to the proposed training program (the control group) in the post-creative solution skills test.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسة الوعي اللغوي في الخطاب القانوني محاكم العراق أنموذجًا
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The legal text in the language of civil law, constitutional law, language of judges, and legal profession is concerned with a legal language and words that are coherently significant

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
التدقيق الداخلي وأثرة في الحد من ظاهرة غسيل الأموال
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Still Financial institutions, including banks, a key target for money launderers to transfer illicit funds to the legitimate funds and by weaknesses in the internal audit procedures applied in the banks or through a lack of legal structure to combat this phenomenon in addition to the procedures by other regulations                                                                


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
The Function of Comic Relieve in Shakespearean Tragedy: عباس فاضل عباس
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The comedian scenes which Shakespeare has entered in some of his tragedies(Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth), constantly the wrath of conservative critics and theorists of Western Drama, as big violation to Aristotle’s rules of tragedy that is forbidden to insert comedian scene in tragedy. Chapter one deals with the research problem, and its significance, purpose,Boarders and the definition of Comic Relieve. Chapter two comprises the theoretical framework which has displayed Arist-Otle’s conception about the imitation way of heroes characters between tragedy and comedy, the different function of catharsis in each one. Then the research has exposed the economical and theatrical activities in London during Elizabethan age which was looke

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
حوار حوار الانبياء في القرآن الكريم-دراسة اسلوبية مقارنة
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اسلوب الحوار في القرآن الكريم اسلوب حياة وفي حقيقة الامر يضم القرآن الكريم بين دفتيه حوارات كثير مابين الله عزوجل وخلقه وما بين الانبياء واقوامهم وما بين الانبياء والطواغيت ومابين المؤمنين والكفار وهكذا ، وبدء الخلق قام على حوار مابين  الله عزوجل وآدم وما بين آدم وابليس وما بيا الله جل وعلا والملائكة .

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الأوضاع النفسية والإجتماعية لنساء الأقليات في العراق )دراسة ميدانية(
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The study present a detailed description of the new violent situation that those women faced after 2003 in Iraqi society and the effect of such violence and security breaking down on minority women perception and feeling of bonding or adaptation with this society and how they look to the aaceptance of the society to them and their minority group as a whole. In addition to the impact of these social changes after 2003,on the women rights and personal freedom. One of the aims of the study is to provide data base to be used when efforts present to put a policies or programs for supporting the minority women. Another aim is to point out and define the violations commited on the rights of those women. The field survey included 2100 women from

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
הריאליזם ביצירותיו של אהרן מגד "דוגמאות נבחרות מיצירותיו"
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             הריאליזם הספרותי במשמעו הכללי מצייג אשר כל מה מציינת בה הספרות מציורים מדוייקים לסביבה ולכן אדם. ויש להתחשב בפרטים המשותפים לחיים היומיומית.

             האסכולה הריאליזטית מצטיינת בזיאנרים אין זוכים בם איזו אסכולה ספרותית אחרת. האסכולה הזאת הופיעה בספרות העברית החדשה כתוצאה להשפעתה של הספרות העברית בס

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
تَنویرُ الذَّاتِ بالمنتَخبَاتِ من مَسائِل النحوِ في سُورةِ المرسَلاتِ
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That grammatical studies, a phenomenon of the Arabic language,
enabling the researcher during his research of the development of sentences,
textual analysis, to be the result of that meaning semantic of a sentence, and
the statement of the function the individual, in terms of its meaning in
context, and a link to the meaning lexical give indications of the current
single, and correlation analysis II , in terms of significance with the current
status syntactic to that individual, and these of the most important features of
grammatical studies of modern, based on the relationship structure sense, and
the relationship of the meaning of the structure, we looked for Aiklo for such
a study, Koran, all meanings and co

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Performance Analysis of Propagation in VHF Military Tactical Communication System
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The main challenge of military tactical communication systems is the accessibility of relevant information on the particular operating environment required for the determination of the waveform's ideal use. The existing propagation model focuses mainly on broadcasting and commercial wireless communication with a highs transceiver antenna that is not suitable for numerous military tactical communication systems. This paper presents a study of the path loss model related to radio propagation profile within the suburban in Kuala Lumpur. The experimental path loss modeling for VHF propagation was collected from various suburban settings for the 30-88 MHz frequency range. This experiment was highly affected by ecological factors and existing

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
The metaphoric problem of topography In the scenario of war films Model the film (fury)
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The study of topography most important studies and depth of any literary or artistic text and occupy the thinking of many who work in art at generally. There is hardly any film scenario from description in general of the indispensable elements of the composition and place one. So the place starts form since the scriptwriter begins to view the result of the description begins to feature the emergence of there are simple operations in the scenario soon to receive growth as a final achievement in the film. The description of the place begins to take on an allegorical character as a language version in the script, soon translated into another language, the language of the picture. Which in turn complement the creative ring of cinematic art a

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of tira according to Imam Al-Manawi in his book Fayd Al-Qadeer
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Tira is a custom known to the Arabs since the pre-Islamic era. in the occurrence of good or evil. And from the pessimism: that the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era depended on birds, so if one of them went out for a matter, If he sees a bird flying to the right, he will believe in him and go on his journey and his need. The research aims to introduce Imam Al-Manawi and explain his saying in Al-Tira through his book Fayd Al-Qadeer.

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