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"Guarantees of Disciplinary Punishment on University Service Employee and Mechanisms for their Cancellation" Comparative study
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The university Service employee is considered one of the categories of public employees, However, The academic and administrative tasks duties that undertakes have made him a special importance and a distinguished legal status, Therefore, we find That the Iraqi legislatures assigned this category a special Law, it is the university Service law No (23) of 2008 as amended who dealt with some aspects related to serving this category, such as duties, right, condition for appointment and award of academic titles, and financial allocation, such as university service allocation, academic title allocations, and some other Provisions leaving other matters to the general service laws and employee discipline, among the matters that the legislator neglected to deal with in the university service law was setting of a special disciplinary system it harmonizes with, nature of the activities of educational institution such as universities, colleges and institutes, taking in to account degrees an titles in a way that Preserves her dignity when referring her to administrative investigation and imposing disciplinary sanction on this category, This study focuses on the guarantees that the law is supposed to provide during the taking of disciplinary measures to increase the effectiveness of the constitutional text and the achievement of the university service employees defense in front of the disciplinary authority with the procedures to cancel the disciplinary Penalties imposed.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
Particularidades sintácticas, semánticas y ortográficas del castellano antiguo "estudio analítico"
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All alive languages had passed linguistic changes that made the mother language not recognized by its present speakers. Some of these changes are: syntactical, semantical, orthographical, phonetical and lexical.During the period of changes which extends over centuries, there had been a lof of written texts, such as literately texts, biographies, personal memories and manuscripts which are conserved until now as a literatel, historic and linguistic testimonies.Spanish is one of these languages that had been changed, so, the poem of the Cid (1145) was written in a Spanish which differs from the Spanish in which Cervantes wrote the Don Quixote in (1605/1615) and the Spanish of both of them differs from the Spanish of Francisco Ayala and Azorin

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
The Islamic College University Journal
موقف الإمام الحسين عليه السلام من بيعة يزيد "تأملات في رواية أبي مخنف الأزدي"
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
The manifestations of existentialism in the novel "Life as an example" by writer Pinchas Sadia
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
Reflection of Zionism in the literature of the Jews of Iraq ... Read in the novel "The Dove Flyer" by Elie Amir
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The upbringing of Yehuda Amichai and the conditions he lived in had a great influence on his deep sense of pain, which made him think of death and suicide. Especially after the Nazis came to power in Germany, and his emigration with his family. Amichai searched for love throughout his life, and his failure was one of the most important factors affecting his psyche, which is A deep influence that made him live in harsh and painful pains that broke him, and prevented her from achieving his ambitions in life.Dramatic texts are characterized by repetition in writing and presentation. It is a textual discourse that has two advantages, first, that it can be read as a literary text like all other literary texts, and second, that it can be consider

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
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Production mechanisms and their implications for Iraqi theater techniques
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Theatrical production mechanisms were determined according to the extents of the theatrical performance, the directing plan, and the ideas that the theatrical performance seeks to convey to the audience. Accordingly, theatrical production mechanisms differ between one theatrical performance and another according to the requirements of each of them and the surrounding circumstances that accompany the production of theatrical performance, and in order to search for production mechanisms and their repercussions on the show. Theatrical The current research was divided into four chapters, namely (Chapter One - Methodology), which identified the research problem in the following question: What are the production mechanisms and their implicatio

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Creative thinking and its impact on reengineering hotel service )Comparative field study in premium class hotels(
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The research seeks to identify the dimensions of creative thinking and its impact on the re-engineering of hotel service operations by analyzing the correlation and impact between research variables as well as comparing the research sample The importance of the research comes from the need to motivate managers the importance of creative thinking among workers in the researched hotels because it is an essential part in the re-engineering of hotel services. To achieve this a questionnaire was designed containing (33) items that include the independent research variables (creative thinking) and the accredited (re-engineering the hotel service) and distributed to a sample of (50) individuals represented by (Commissioner Director, Dep

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Subjective Objective Conditions for the Possibility of Punishment
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Objective conditions for the possibility of punishment are legal or material facts –positive or negative that depart from the activity of the offender. The legislator comments on their subsequent verification on the formation of some crimes the possibility of.The application of punishment to the offender , but although they are facts of an object nature that approach and overlap with many systems and cases , they are distinguished by a certain subjectivity that differentiates them from each case that may seem similar or approach them. To clarify the ambiguity that may surround these conditions , Which may lead to confusion between them and what be similar to other cases due to the common effect that they have in common , which is the f

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Management by roaming and self-efficacy and their impact on the excellence of hotel service: An applied study
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      This research investigates the type and the significant relationship between roaming management and self-efficacy and its impact on excellence in providing hotel service. To achieve this, the applied approach was adopted through  A questionnaire was designed and developed for the collected data. It has consisted of three parts. The firsts section included nine questions to measure the dimensions of management by roaming. The second section includes nine questions to measure the effectiveness of the two employees. The last section includes   12   questions to measure the excellence of the hotel service. The research sample included  43  employees' responding to this

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of service quality on University services Demand: Applied research at private Dijlah University
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One of the most important problems that would continuously face the Higher  education  organizations is how to  improve the service level  presented by them, and how this can lead to increase demand for services of this organizations.As this issue has exhausted many organizations pushed some of them to withdraw from the market Because of weaknesses in their services. Here lies the importance of this matter to be given more attention in order to maintain the organization competitive position. According to that, The selection of the research title (The Impact of Quality on the Level of the University Service Request) which seeks to measure the impact of service quality on the level of demand, At a time when  world&

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Investment Guarantees in Gas Fields
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In the field of research in the investment of gas fields, this requires that we first look at the center of the contracting parties in terms of the guarantee means granted to them under the contract, which constitute a means of safety and motivation to enter as major parties in the investment project. In turn, we will discuss the minimum guarantees, which are the most important guarantees granted to each of the two parties to the contract, namely the national party and the investor.

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