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Facies Architectuer and Stratigraphic Evolution of Campanian Succession in Balad, East Baghdad and Kifl Oil Fields
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The sediments of the Hartha Formation were deposited during the Upper Campanian- Maastrichtian cycle. Due to the importance of this sequence in terms of stratification and economics in the oil industry, it has been focused on in this study. The present study includes three oil fields in central of Iraq within the Mesopotaminan Zone, East Baghdad, Balad and Kifl oil fields. This study was accomplished by describing 190 thin sections and interpreting the response of the available well logging data. Seven major microfacies were diagnosed in the Hartha succession at studied oil fields, they are; Orbitoidal wackestone - packstone, Orbitoidal and miliolids wackestone, Rotaliidae and Siderolites with echinodermata wackestone - packstone, Peloidal - echinoderm packstone - grainestone, Pellets - echinodermata packstone - grainestone, Planktonic foraminifera wackstone - packstone and Evaporitic mudstone microfacies. These microfacies were deposited in lagoon, restricted, shallow open marine, shoal, mid ramp and outer ramp. The Hartha Formation in the studied oil fields represents one cycle third order with three cycles fourth order (A1, A2 and A3). These cycles are asymmetrical and starts with cycle A where the open marine facies in the Lower Hartha represents the TST underly the HST, which bounded below by a TS which coinside with the unconformable surface (SB1) with the underlying Sadi Formation. The highstand systems tract of cycle A1 is reflected by the open marine facies of the Hartha Formation, A2 is reflected by the open marine and mid ramp facies represent thick TST and then appear the HST which reflected by the open marine facies bounded by a transgressive surface (TS) reflected mid ramp and outer rampfacies in the TST which represents A3. The second cycle A2 is disappeared in Kifl Oil Field with appeared evaporitic lagoon facies.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional Architecture and Stratigraphic Framework of Albian Succession in Balad and Nasiyia Oil Fields
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The Albian Carbonate-clastic succession in the present study is represented by the Mauddud and Nahr Umr formations were deposited during the Albian stage within the Wasia Group More than 200 thin sections of cores and cuttings in addition to well logs data for Nahr Umr and Mauddud formations from 4 boreholes within two oil fields (Ba-4, Ba-8, Ns-2 and Ns-4) were used to interpret the different associations facies as well as the facies architectures to describe the sedimentary framework of the basin and development the petrophysical properties. Seven major microfacies were diagnosed in the carbonate succession of the Mauddud Formation, while the Nar Umr Formation includes five lithofacies; their grain types characteristic and deposit

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Facies Analysis and Depositional Stages of The Albian-Aptian Succession in Balad Oil Field, Central Iraq
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Carbonate-clastic succession which includes the Shu'aiba, Nahr Umr and Mauddud formations are representing a part of the Barremian-Aptian Sequence (Wasi'a Group). The present study includes three boreholes (Ba-1, 4 and 8) within the Balad Oil Field. The study area is located in central Iraq. This field represents a subsurface anticline with a northwest to southeast direction axis within the Mesopotamian Zone. Eight types of microfacies were recognized in the succession of the Mauddud and Shu’aiba formations. These microfacies represent shallow open marine, restricted and semi-restricted, reef - back reef, deep open marine and basinal depositional environments. While Nahr Umr Formation includes two successions, the first is the upp

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Facies architecture and stratigraphic sequence of Zubair Formation in Majnoon and Suba oil fields, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional and Sratigraphic Evolution of the Early-Middle Miocene Succession in Hamrin, Ajeel and Mansuriyha Oil Fields, Central Iraq
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The Early-Middle Miocene succession in Iraq is represented by the Serikagni, Euphrates and Dhiban formations, which deposited during the Early Miocene. The Jeribe and Fatha successions were deposited during Middle Miocene age. This study includes microfacies analysis, depositional environments, sequence stratigraphy and basin development of Early – middle Miocene in Hamrin and Ajeel oil fields and Mansuriyha Gas Field. The study area includes four boreholes in three oil fields located in central Iraq: Hamrin (Hr-2) and Ajeel (Aj-13, and 19) oil feilds, and Mansuriyha (Ms-2) Gas Field. Five facies associations were distinguished within the studied fields: deep marine, slop, platform-margin, open marine, restricted interior platform

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies, Depositional Environment and Cyclicity of the Fatha Formation in East Baghdad Oil Field, Iraq.
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This study deals with establishing the depositional environment of the Fatha Formation through facies analysis. It also deals with dividing the formation into units based on the rhythmic nature. Data from selected shallow wells near Hit area and deep wells at East Baghdad Oil field are used. Five major lithofacies are recognized in this study, namely, greenish grey marl, limestone, gypsum (and/or anhydrite), halite and reddish brown mudstone (with occasional sandstone).The limestone lithofacies is divided into three microfacies: Gastropods bioclastic wackestone microfacies, Gastropods peloidal bioclastic packstone, and Foraminiferal packstone microfacies.The lithofacies of the Fatha are nested in a rhythmic pattern or what is known as sh

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Mishrif Formation in Eridu Oil Field, Southwestern Iraq
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This study is achieved in the local area in Eridu oil field, where the Mishrif Formation is considered the main productive reservoir. The Mishrif Formation was deposited during the Cretaceous period in the secondary sedimentary cycle (Cenomanian-Early Turonian as a part of the Wasia Group a carbonate succession and widespread throughout the Arabian Plate. There are four association facies are identified in Mishrif Formation according the microfacies analysis: FA1-Deep shelf facies association (Outer Ramp); FA2-Slope (Middle Ramp); FA3-Reef facies (Shoal) association (Inner ramp); FA4-Back Reef facies association. Sequence stratigraphic analysis show there are three stratigraphic surfaces based on the abrupt changing in depositional

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Paleoenvironments and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Turonian-Lower Campanian Succession at Majnoon Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The Turonian-Lower Companian succession at Majnoon Oil Field is represented by the Khasib, Tanuma, and Saadi formations. Four major paleoenvironments were recognized within the studied succession, there are: Shallow open marine environment, shoal environment, deep marine environment, and basinal environment. They reflect deposition on a carbonate platform of homoclinal ramp setting. The studied succession represents two second order supersequences (A) and (B). Supersequence (A) includes both the Khasib and Tanuma formations. The Saadi Formation represents cycle (B). These second order cycles can be divided each into two third order cycles, This subdivision may reflect the effect of eustacy being the major controlling factor of cycles dev

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies Analyses and Diagenetic features development of Albian - Aptian Succession in the Wset Qurna oil field, Southern Iraq
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The Carbonate-clastic succession in this study is represented by the Shuaiba and Nahr Umr Formations deposited during the Albian - Aptian Sequence. The present study includes petrography, microfacies analyses, and studying reservoir characterizations for 5 boreholes within West Qurna oil field in the study area. According to the type of study succession (clastic – Carbonate) there are two types of facies analyses:-Carbonate facies analysis, which showed five major microfacies were recognized in the succession of the Shuaiba Formation, bioclastic mudstones to wackstone, Orbitolina wackestone to packstone, Miliolids wackestone, Peloidal wackestone to packstone and mudstone to wackestone identified as an open shelf toward the deep basin.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 02 2013
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Facies architecture and basin development of the Qamchuqa succession, NE Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 11 2023
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Microfacies analysis and stratigraphic framework of the Albian succession in the low folded zone, Northern Iraq
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