إن النجاح في أداء المتطلبات الفنية والخططية في أي من الألعاب ألرياضيه يستوجب امتلاك العناصر الاساسيه المتعلقة بطبيعة الاداء ونوع الفعالية الرياضية الممارسة , لذا فان اغلب الألعاب الرياضية تعتمد على مكونات ألقدره التوافقيه والادراكيه الحسيه بوصفها احد العناصر الاساسيه في المستويات العليا لما توفره من قاعدة اقتران للصفات البدنيه والحر كيه وقدرات أجهزة الجسم الوظيفية , وفقا للأسس المعتمدة في بناء مهاراته, وعليه فان الارتقاء في درجات الأداء لتلك المتطلبات لايتم بلوغه ,ما لم تتفاعل الخبرات السمعية والبصرية والحس حركية لتشكيل الإدراك الشامل والصحيح الذي يهيئ للاعبه السيطرة التامة على الإيقاع الحركي سواء كان ذلك في ديناميكية الحركات والمهارات لتؤدى بما يناسب متطلبات الأداء .لذا وجدت الباحثتان ضعف الاعتماد على المؤشرات للقدرة التوافقية والقدرات الإدراكية الحسية الحركية والاستناد إلى مستويات الاستعداد مؤشرا منذ بداية التعلم الحركي ومدى التقدم في المستوى مقارنة بباقي المؤشرات الأخرى التي يبنى عليها تعلم الطالبة وتطورها في مادة جمناستك الأجهزة, وهدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على العلاقة بين بعض قدرات الإدراك الحسي – حركي المكاني ومستوى تعلم بعض مهارات جمناستك الأجهزة . واستعمل المنهج الوصفي على طالبات المرحلة الثالثة بكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات- جامعة بغداد.والبالغ عددهن (87)طالبة. للفترة من 2-3 ولغاية 13-3-2008م , في قاعة الجمناستك بالكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات- جامعة بغداد. وبعد جمع النتائج وتحليلها وفق الحقيبة الاحصائية استنتجت الباحثتان ماياتي : - وجود علاقة ارتباط معنوية بين بعض قدرات الادراك الحس حركي ومستوى تعلم بعض مهارات جمناستك الاجهزة .
This study was carried out from February to October 2012 in six semi salty ponds in Gwer sub-district which is the first work in the area. A total of 32 species and 2 genera of algae where reported as the new records. Mostly the non diatoms are belonging to Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Cryptophyta, Chrysophyceae, while diatoms or Bacilariophyceae are belong to pennals- order.
This paper reports a numerical study of flow behaviors and natural convection heat transfer characteristics in an inclined open-ended square cavity filled with air. The cavity is formed by adiabatic top and bottom walls and partially heated vertical wall facing the opening. Governing equations in vorticity-stream function form are discretized via finite-difference method and are solved numerically by iterative successive under relaxation (SUR) technique. A computer program to solve mathematical model has been developed and written as a code for MATLAB software. Results in the form of streamlines, isotherms, and average Nusselt number, are obtained for a wide range of Rayleigh numbers 103-106 with Prandtl number 0.71
... Show MoreNumerical Investigation was done for steady state laminar mixed convection and thermally and hydrodynamic fully developed flow through horizontal rectangular duct including circular core with two cases of time periodic boundary condition, first case on the rectangular wall while keeping core wall constant and other on both the rectangular duct and core walls. The used governing equations are continuity momentum and energy equations. These equations are normalized and solved using the Vorticity-Stream function and the Body Fitted Coordinates (B.F.C.) methods. The Finite Difference approach with the Line Successive Over Relaxation (LSOR) method is used to obtain all the computational results the (B.F.C.) method is used to generate th
... Show MoreBabesiosis is a tick-borne disease caused by Babesia microti. We present a case of false positive HIV in the setting of confirmed babesiosis infection. An understanding that patients with babesiosis can have a false positive HIV test result is important in management decisions.
Violence occurs as a daily human action all over the world; it may cause so many kinds of damage to individuals as well as to society: physical, psychological, or both. Many literary authors of different genres have tried their best to portray violence by showing its negative effects, especially playwrights because they have the chance to show people the dangers of violence through performance on stage to warn them against such negatively affected action. It has been a human action since the beginning of human life on this planet when the first crime happened on earth when Cane killed his brother Abel. In our modern world, people are witnessing daily violent actions as a result of destructive wars that turned the humans into brutal beings.
... Show MoreTransient mixed convection heat transfer in a confined porous medium heated at periodic sinusoidal heat flux is investigated numerically in the present paper. The Poisson-type pressure equation, resulted from the substituting of the momentum Darcy equation in the continuity equation, was discretized by using finite volume technique. The energy equation was solved by a fully implicit control volume-based finite difference formulation for the diffusion terms with the use of the quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinetics scheme to discretize the convective terms and the temperature values at the control volume faces. The numerical study covers a range of the hydrostatic pressure sinusoidal amplitude range and
... Show MoreMixed convection heat transfer in a vertical concentric annulus packed with a metallic porous media and heated at a constant heat flux is experimentally investigated with water as the working fluid. A series of experiments have been carried out with a Rayleigh number range from Ra=122418.92 to 372579.31 and Reynolds number that based on the particles diameter of Red=14.62, 19.48 and 24.36. Under steady state condition, the measured data were collected and analyzed. Results show that the wall surface temperatures are affected by the imposed heat flux variation and Reynolds number variation. The variation of the local heat transfer coefficient and the mean Nusselt number are presented and analyzed. An empirical
... Show MoreBiosurfactants have a wide-range of applications due to their unique properties like specificity, not toxicity (from LAB) and relative ease of preparation. These properties hold promise of biosurfactants to increase breast milk benefit were isolated and described into Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum ,Lactococcuslactis, and Leuconostocmesenteroides.The degree of microbial destruction of disease, which promotes the effective remediation of disease spreading.This paper presents a review of available research, methods and publications regarding Biosurfactant extraction from Lactic Acid bacteria isolated from human breast milk. 3 samples of human breast milk was provid
... Show MoreSurface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)-based plastic optical fiber sensor for estimating the concentration and refractive index of sugar in human blood serum. The sensor is fabricated by a small part (10mm) of optical fiber in the middle is embedded in a resin block and then the polishing process is done, after that it is deposited with about (40nm) thickness of gold metal. The blood serum is placed on gold coated core of an Optical grade plastic optical fiber of 980 µm core diameter.
This study investigates the performance of granular dead anaerobic sludge (GDAS) bio-sorbent as permeable reactive barrier in removing phenol from a simulated contaminated shallow groundwater. Batch tests have been performed to characterize the equilibrium sorption properties of the GDAS and sandy soil in phenol-containing aqueous solutions. The results of GDAS tests proved that the best values of operating parameters, which achieve the maximum removal efficiency of phenol (=85%), at equilibrium contact time (=3 hr), initial pH of the solution (=5), initial phenol concentration (=50 mg/l), GDAS dosage (=0.5 g/100 ml), and agitation speed (=250 rpm). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis proved that the carboxylic acid, aromatic, alk
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