إن النجاح في أداء المتطلبات الفنية والخططية في أي من الألعاب ألرياضيه يستوجب امتلاك العناصر الاساسيه المتعلقة بطبيعة الاداء ونوع الفعالية الرياضية الممارسة , لذا فان اغلب الألعاب الرياضية تعتمد على مكونات ألقدره التوافقيه والادراكيه الحسيه بوصفها احد العناصر الاساسيه في المستويات العليا لما توفره من قاعدة اقتران للصفات البدنيه والحر كيه وقدرات أجهزة الجسم الوظيفية , وفقا للأسس المعتمدة في بناء مهاراته, وعليه فان الارتقاء في درجات الأداء لتلك المتطلبات لايتم بلوغه ,ما لم تتفاعل الخبرات السمعية والبصرية والحس حركية لتشكيل الإدراك الشامل والصحيح الذي يهيئ للاعبه السيطرة التامة على الإيقاع الحركي سواء كان ذلك في ديناميكية الحركات والمهارات لتؤدى بما يناسب متطلبات الأداء .لذا وجدت الباحثتان ضعف الاعتماد على المؤشرات للقدرة التوافقية والقدرات الإدراكية الحسية الحركية والاستناد إلى مستويات الاستعداد مؤشرا منذ بداية التعلم الحركي ومدى التقدم في المستوى مقارنة بباقي المؤشرات الأخرى التي يبنى عليها تعلم الطالبة وتطورها في مادة جمناستك الأجهزة, وهدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على العلاقة بين بعض قدرات الإدراك الحسي – حركي المكاني ومستوى تعلم بعض مهارات جمناستك الأجهزة . واستعمل المنهج الوصفي على طالبات المرحلة الثالثة بكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات- جامعة بغداد.والبالغ عددهن (87)طالبة. للفترة من 2-3 ولغاية 13-3-2008م , في قاعة الجمناستك بالكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات- جامعة بغداد. وبعد جمع النتائج وتحليلها وفق الحقيبة الاحصائية استنتجت الباحثتان ماياتي : - وجود علاقة ارتباط معنوية بين بعض قدرات الادراك الحس حركي ومستوى تعلم بعض مهارات جمناستك الاجهزة .
The idea of ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space ( bicsp) is a new one, and its basic features are defined and studied in [1]. In this paper, separation axioms, namely pairwise, , pairwise semi-(respectively, pairwise pseudo and pairwise Uryshon) - fs bicsp's are introduced and studied in both ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces. It is shown that hereditary property is satisfied for , with respect to ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space but for other mentioned types of separations axioms, hereditary property satisfies for closed subspaces of ech fuzzy soft bi-closure space.
Steganography is the art of concealing security data in media, such as pictures, audio, video, text, and protocols. The objective of this paper is hiding a secret message in a colour image to prevent an attacker from accessing the message. This is important because more people use the Internet all the time and network connections are spread around the world. The hidden secret message uses two general algorithms that are embedded and extracted. This paper proposes a new algorithm to conceal a secret message in a colour image in LSB. This algorithm includes three phases: 1) dividing the colour image into a number of blocks, 2) concealing the secret message, and 3) transmitting the stego-image from the sender in a multiplexer network and re
... Show MoreOne of the most serious health disasters in recent memory is the COVID-19 epidemic. Several restriction rules have been forced to reduce the virus spreading. Masks that are properly fitted can help prevent the virus from spreading from the person wearing the mask to others. Masks alone will not protect against COVID-19; they must be used in conjunction with physical separation and avoidance of direct contact. The fast spread of this disease, as well as the growing usage of prevention methods, underscore the critical need for a shift in biometrics-based authentication schemes. Biometrics systems are affected differently depending on whether are used as one of the preventive techniques based on COVID-19 pandemic rules. This study provides an
... Show MoreThe follower of the art of Arabic calligraphy accurately identifies three prominent dimensions that have framed the dimensions of this art, the functional dimension and the aesthetic dimension, the last of which is the expressive dimension, as it is an art that does not exhaust its aesthetic and indicative purposes because of its possibilities and characteristics that help it to form with any entity designed by calligrapher, with the expressive dimension of the most important of those The dimensions that can be studied within multiple variables, the most important of which are the significance of the text, the spatial and formal organization of the calligraphic functions and the power of the idea from which the calligraphic formation eme
... Show MoreThe importance of the construction sector and its Great role in the provision of services and infrastructure, reduce poverty, improve living conditions and improve the economic situation in the country, impose attention to the way in which the projects implemented for its improvement and to get successful projects. The objective of this research was to determine the criteria for success as well as critical success and failure factors that have a significant impact on project success. A selected 75 engineer (department managers, project managers and engineers) are asked to fill the questionnaire form, Sixty-seven valid questionnaire forms were analyzed statistically to get search results, which were as follows : Twe
... Show MoreBenthic invertebrates were used as bio- indicators to evaluate the pollution in -Diwania River . Five stations were selected for this purpose , extending from A1 -?? rtream to A1- Sadeer District downstream . The percentage of?ct uP?str?^ ? ?, oligochaeta to total benthic invertebrates were calculated . The population density of evaluation. 'I'he results Were ??? Tubificid worms without hair ehaetae was ©iso used IOBS(01igochaete Index of Sediment Bioindicati©n ), TUSP ? presented as indices Io (Tubificidae Species Percentage ) & degree of pollution Eo . IT was noticed that the 0 in??37.17 percentage of ©lig©chaeta to the total benthic invertebrates ranged between to 60.685 in station 3 , while the percentage ©f Tubificid w©rms t© ©
... Show MoreData centric techniques, like data aggregation via modified algorithm based on fuzzy clustering algorithm with voronoi diagram which is called modified Voronoi Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm (VFCA) is presented in this paper. In the modified algorithm, the sensed area divided into number of voronoi cells by applying voronoi diagram, these cells are clustered by a fuzzy C-means method (FCM) to reduce the transmission distance. Then an appropriate cluster head (CH) for each cluster is elected. Three parameters are used for this election process, the energy, distance between CH and its neighbor sensors and packet loss values. Furthermore, data aggregation is employed in each CH to reduce the amount of data transmission which le
... Show MoreAbstract Aim: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which affects communication and social interaction of children. It is a heterogeneous disease with various clinical presentations. Some genes are involved in its pathogenesis. It has been suggested that environmental exposure to lead can increase the risk of autism. The aim of our study was to compare blood lead levels among autistic and non-autistic children. Material and Method: This retrospective study included 107 children (60 with autism and 47 without autism) referred from the different Iraqi provinces, in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, to the poisoning consultation center in Baghdad. Data collection including age, gender, residence, referral source, family history and blood lead l
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