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Some cognitive sense of kinesthetic and spatial relationship to the level of learning some skills in the ground dictated by hardwareResearch and descriptiveStudents on the third phase of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - University of Baghdad
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إن النجاح في أداء المتطلبات الفنية والخططية في أي من الألعاب ألرياضيه يستوجب امتلاك العناصر الاساسيه المتعلقة بطبيعة الاداء ونوع الفعالية الرياضية الممارسة , لذا فان اغلب الألعاب الرياضية تعتمد على مكونات ألقدره التوافقيه والادراكيه الحسيه بوصفها احد العناصر الاساسيه في المستويات العليا لما توفره من قاعدة اقتران للصفات البدنيه والحر كيه وقدرات أجهزة الجسم الوظيفية , وفقا للأسس المعتمدة في بناء مهاراته, وعليه فان الارتقاء في درجات الأداء لتلك المتطلبات لايتم بلوغه ,ما لم تتفاعل الخبرات السمعية والبصرية والحس حركية لتشكيل الإدراك الشامل والصحيح الذي يهيئ للاعبه السيطرة التامة على الإيقاع الحركي سواء كان ذلك في ديناميكية الحركات والمهارات لتؤدى بما يناسب متطلبات الأداء .لذا وجدت الباحثتان ضعف الاعتماد على المؤشرات للقدرة التوافقية والقدرات الإدراكية الحسية الحركية والاستناد إلى مستويات الاستعداد مؤشرا منذ بداية التعلم الحركي ومدى التقدم في المستوى مقارنة بباقي المؤشرات الأخرى التي يبنى عليها تعلم الطالبة وتطورها في مادة جمناستك الأجهزة, وهدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على العلاقة بين بعض قدرات الإدراك الحسي – حركي المكاني ومستوى تعلم بعض مهارات جمناستك الأجهزة . واستعمل المنهج الوصفي على طالبات المرحلة الثالثة بكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات- جامعة بغداد.والبالغ عددهن (87)طالبة. للفترة من 2-3 ولغاية 13-3-2008م , في قاعة الجمناستك بالكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات- جامعة بغداد. وبعد جمع النتائج وتحليلها وفق الحقيبة الاحصائية استنتجت الباحثتان ماياتي : - وجود علاقة ارتباط معنوية بين بعض قدرات الادراك الحس حركي ومستوى تعلم بعض مهارات جمناستك الاجهزة .

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Non Traumatic Acute Abdominal pain (100 days study in Emergency Department)
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Background: Abdominal symptoms are possibly the most frequent of all symptoms encountered in surgical practice.  Pain is the most common of all abdominal symptoms.  Causes of acute abdominal pain include both medical and surgical. Most symptoms arise from intra-abdominal organs or systems while some may originate extra abdominally and are then referred to the abdomen. Medical causes of abdominal pain are encountered more frequently.

Objective: To study the causes of acute abdominal pain in patients attending emergency department in Al- Imamain Al- Kadhimain Medical City.

Type of the study: A prospective cross sectional study


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Using typographic patterns in commercial advertising design: عصام إبراهيم محمد الكبيسي
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Typographic patterns are one of the design elements in commercial advertising for their ability to deliver the message and information to the recipient smoothly and quickly, and it is indicated that there are many different techniques that can use typographic patterns in commercial advertisements, including spacing, spaces between letters, letter height, length, weight, and contrast and this Usage must be studied according to the type of font and how it can be used in advertising campaigns.
Based on the above, the research came to study (employing typographic patterns in commercial advertising design) in which the researcher identified his question for the purpose of reaching a solution to his research problem which is (Is it possible

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Aircraft Lateral-Directional Stability in Critical Cases via Lyapunov Exponent Criterion
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Based on Lyapunov exponent criterion, the aircraft lateral-directional stability during critical flight cases is presented. A periodic motion or limit cycle oscillation isdisplayed. A candidate mechanism for the wing rock limit cycle is the inertia coupling between an unstable lateral-directional (Dutch roll) mode with stable longitudinal (short period) mode. The coupling mechanism is provided by the nonlinear interaction of motion related terms in the complete set equations of motion. To analyze the state variables of the system, the complete set of nonlinear equations of motion at different high angles of attack are solved. A novel analysis including the variation of roll angle as a function of angle of attack is proposed. Furthermore

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Statistical testing mediation in structural equations models variables with practical application
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       This study is studied one method of estimation and testing parameters mediating variables in a structural equations model SEM is causal steps method, in order to identify and know the variables that have indirect effects by estimating and testing mediation variables parameters by the above way and then applied to Iraq Women Integrated Social and Health Survey (I-WISH) for year 2011 from the Ministry of planning - Central statistical organization to identify if the  variables having the effect of mediation in the model by the step causal methods by using AMOS program V.23, it
was the independent variable X represents a phenomenon studied (cultural case of the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Platelet-rich Fibrin Potential Role in Periodontal Regeneration: A Review Study
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Periodontitis is a persistent bacterial-causing disease which damages the supporting periodontium of the teeth. The complexity of supporting tissue structure makes the regeneration a challenge for periodontists. Early investigations were focused on discovering therapeutic substitutes that are biocompatible, simple to prepare and economic. This might cause a local release of growth factors that accelerate the healing process of the soft and hard tissue. Recently, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has received a wide attention as a biocompatible regenerative material in both dental and medical fields. PRF is a natural fibrin-derived biomaterial, and it is easy to obtain. It can be gotten from individual blood without the use of any external anticoag

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Social sustainability in vertical housing complexes/study area: Al Salam Haiy
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Living in sustainable residential place is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of life in neighborhood complex within the vertical housing complexes. This research focuses on indicators of social sustainability because of their effective impact in achieving a good quality of life . The most prominent of these indicators include: (social interaction, neighborhood grouped and trust, social cohesion, security and safety, privacy, connectivity opportunities for meeting and , and community participation, and cultural diversity). This was done through a questionnaire (for the residents of the Al-Salam residential complex in the city of Baghdad), and the form includes a set of questions related to indicators of social sustai

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Community Tracking in Time Evolving Networks: An Evolutionary Multi-objective Approach
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In real world, almost all networks evolve over time. For example, in networks of friendships and acquaintances, people continually create and delete friendship relationship connections over time, thereby add and draw friends, and some people become part of new social networks or leave their networks, changing the nodes in the network. Recently, tracking communities encountering topological shifting drawn significant attentions and many successive algorithms have been proposed to model the problem. In general, evolutionary clustering can be defined as clustering data over time wherein two concepts: snapshot quality and temporal smoothness should be considered. Snapshot quality means that the clusters should be as precise as possible durin

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Cavity preparation model in rat maxillary first molars: A pilot study
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Objective: To conduct a standardized method for cavity preparation on the palatal surface of rat maxillary molars and to introduce a standardized method for tooth correct alignment within the specimen during the wax embedding procedure to better detect cavity position within the examined slides. Materials and methods: Six male Wistar rats, aged 4-6 weeks, were used. The maxillary molars of three animals were sectioned in the frontal plane to identify the thickness of hard tissue on the palatal surface of the first molar which was (250-300µm). The end-cutting bur (with a cutting head diameter of 0.2mm) was suitable for preparing a dentinal cavity (70-80µm) depth. Cavity preparation was then performed using the same bur on the tooth

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jul 25 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Ca242 as a potential prognostic marker in colorectal cancer Iraqi patients
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Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer-related mortality worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing among many nations.  Aim of the study: Investigate the predictive value of carbohydrate antigen 242 (CA242) in comparison to the CEA biomarker and to estimate the significance of CA242 as prognosis maker in colorectal cancer patients. Methods: a case-control study with a total of 150 individuals, 100 patients (59 males, 41 females) and 50 healthy controls (26 males, 24 females). using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) to determine the serum levels of CA242 and CEA. The study was carried out at the gastroenterology consultation clinic of the oncology teaching hospital between November 2020 and February

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Pairwise connectedness in $ check ${$text ${$C$}$$}$ $ ech fuzzy soft bi-closure spaces
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The concept of Cech fuzzy soft bi-closure space ( ˇ Cfs bi-csp) ( ˇ U, L1, L2, S) is initiated and studied by the authors in [6]. The notion of pairwise fuzzy soft separated sets in Cfs bi-csp is defined in this study, and various features of ˇ this notion are proved. Then, we introduce and investigate the concept of connectedness in both Cfs bi-csps and its ˇ associated fuzzy soft bitopological spaces utilizing the concept of pairwise fuzzy soft separated sets. Furthermore, the concept of pairwise feebly connected is introduced, and the relationship between pairwise connected and pairwise feebly connected is discussed. Finally, we provide various instances to further explain our findings.