إن النجاح في أداء المتطلبات الفنية والخططية في أي من الألعاب ألرياضيه يستوجب امتلاك العناصر الاساسيه المتعلقة بطبيعة الاداء ونوع الفعالية الرياضية الممارسة , لذا فان اغلب الألعاب الرياضية تعتمد على مكونات ألقدره التوافقيه والادراكيه الحسيه بوصفها احد العناصر الاساسيه في المستويات العليا لما توفره من قاعدة اقتران للصفات البدنيه والحر كيه وقدرات أجهزة الجسم الوظيفية , وفقا للأسس المعتمدة في بناء مهاراته, وعليه فان الارتقاء في درجات الأداء لتلك المتطلبات لايتم بلوغه ,ما لم تتفاعل الخبرات السمعية والبصرية والحس حركية لتشكيل الإدراك الشامل والصحيح الذي يهيئ للاعبه السيطرة التامة على الإيقاع الحركي سواء كان ذلك في ديناميكية الحركات والمهارات لتؤدى بما يناسب متطلبات الأداء .لذا وجدت الباحثتان ضعف الاعتماد على المؤشرات للقدرة التوافقية والقدرات الإدراكية الحسية الحركية والاستناد إلى مستويات الاستعداد مؤشرا منذ بداية التعلم الحركي ومدى التقدم في المستوى مقارنة بباقي المؤشرات الأخرى التي يبنى عليها تعلم الطالبة وتطورها في مادة جمناستك الأجهزة, وهدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على العلاقة بين بعض قدرات الإدراك الحسي – حركي المكاني ومستوى تعلم بعض مهارات جمناستك الأجهزة . واستعمل المنهج الوصفي على طالبات المرحلة الثالثة بكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات- جامعة بغداد.والبالغ عددهن (87)طالبة. للفترة من 2-3 ولغاية 13-3-2008م , في قاعة الجمناستك بالكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات- جامعة بغداد. وبعد جمع النتائج وتحليلها وفق الحقيبة الاحصائية استنتجت الباحثتان ماياتي : - وجود علاقة ارتباط معنوية بين بعض قدرات الادراك الحس حركي ومستوى تعلم بعض مهارات جمناستك الاجهزة .
Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) are networks of wirelessly interconnected sensor nodes equipped with multimedia devices, such as cameras and microphones. Thus a WMSN will have the capability to transmit multimedia data, such as video and audio streams, still images, and scalar data from the environment. Most applications of WMSNs require the delivery of multimedia information with a certain level of Quality of Service (QoS). This is a challenging task because multimedia applications typically produce huge volumes of data requiring high transmission rates and extensive processing; the high data transmission rate of WMSNs usually leads to congestion, which in turn reduces the Quality of Service (QoS) of multimedia applications. To
... Show MoreThe importance of kick tolerance in well operations has recently increased due to its implications in well design, in drilling and well control. To study a simple method for the application of kick tolerance concept in an effective way on the basis of field data, this research purpose is to improve knowledge about Kick Tolerance and represents a technical basis for the discussion on revision of standard procedure.
The objective of this work is to review and to present a methodology of determination the kick tolerance parameters using the circulation kicks tolerance concepts.
The proposed method allows to know, to evaluate and to analyze the kick tolerance problem in order to make the drilling exe
... Show MoreThe importance of kick tolerance in well operations has recently increased due to its implications in well design, in drilling and well control. To study a simple method for the application of kick tolerance concept in an effective way on the basis of field data, this research purpose is to improve knowledge about Kick Tolerance and represents a technical basis for the discussion on revision of standard procedure. The objective of this work is to review and to present a methodology of determination the kick tolerance parameters using the circulation kicks tolerance concepts. The proposed method allows to know, to evaluate and to analyze the kick tolerance problem in order to make the drilling execution safer and more economical by reducin
... Show MoreUsing the Neural network as a type of associative memory will be introduced in this paper through the problem of mobile position estimation where mobile estimate its location depending on the signal strength reach to it from several around base stations where the neural network can be implemented inside the mobile. Traditional methods of time of arrival (TOA) and received signal strength (RSS) are used and compared with two analytical methods, optimal positioning method and average positioning method. The data that are used for training are ideal since they can be obtained based on geometry of CDMA cell topology. The test of the two methods TOA and RSS take many cases through a nonlinear path that MS can move through that region. The result
... Show MorePhenomena of an abnormal genitalia was among some specimens of Cicindela aulica Dej.
Collected from Iraq. The fore tarsi of male were asymmetrical having its basal three segments
dilated and clothed beneath with fine bristles as in normal male. While those of the right leg
were found simple as in normal females. Dissection of the genialia of these specimens
showed that they were of two types of both male and female structures.
Notes are given regarding new record species of the braconid parasite short note in Iraq. That is Apanteles angalcti it is found to parasitize early larval instaxs of Ectomyslois ceratontae, one of the most serious pests of pomegra- nate fruit.
The cyanobacterial neurotoxin
Wireless sensor network (WSN) security is an important component for protecting data from an attacker. For improving security, cryptography technologies are divided into two kinds: symmetric and asymmetric. Therefore, the implementation of protocols for generating a secret key takes a long time in comparison to the sensor’s limitations, which decrease network throughput because they are based on an asymmetric method. The asymmetric algorithms are complex and decrease network throughput. In this paper, an encryption symmetric secret key in wireless sensor networks (WSN) is proposed. In this work, 24 experiments are proposed, which are encryption using the AES algorithm in the cases of 1 key, 10 keys, 25 keys, and 50 keys. I
... Show MoreBackground: The etiology of Systemic lupus erythematosus seems to be multifactorial including environmental as well as genetic factors. The genetic predisposition was supported by the occurrence of Systemic lupus erythematosus in more than one member of a family as well as in identical twins.
Aim of the study: To determine the human leukocyte antigen typing class I (A and B) in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematousus disease.
Methods: Patients group consisted of 44 Iraqi Arab Muslims patients with Systemic lupus erythematosus disease who presented to Baghdad Medical City from January 2010 to January 2012 from Baghdad Province. The second control group consisted from 80 Iraqi Arab Muslims volunteers from hospital employees and t