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Effect of Coriandrumsativum Leaves Aqueous Extract on Structure and Function of Kidney in Male Albino Mice
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Abstract: Coriandrum sativum leaves are used in folk medicine to treat several diseases such as digestive system disorder, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. This study was designed to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of Coriandrum sativum on the structure and function of kidney, 30 males of white Swiss mice Mus musculus were divided randomly to three groups with 10 mice in each group. Animals of first group (control group) had been given orally 0.1 ml of tap water, animals in the second group had been treated orally with 0.1 of single dose (125 mg/Kg b. w./day) of C. sativum leaves extract and animals in the third group has been treated orally with 0.1 ml (250mg/Kg. b. w./day) of the same extract for 30 days. At the end of experiment, the animals had been scarified and kidney were removed and kept for histological sectioning. The data of body’s weight, organs weight, uric acid and creatinine were measured. The results of the present study showed that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the body’s weight between the control and treated groups, as well as the kidney unchanged in its weight in animals treated with (125 mg/Kg/ b. w.), while there was significant reduction (P<0.01) in the organs weight in animals treated with (250 mg/Kg/ b. w.) aqueous extract compared to control. Results revealed that mice treated with 250 mg of C. sativum extract were increased significantly in uric acid and creatinine while the treatment with (125 mg/Kg/ b. w.) of the extract resulted insignificant increase (P>0.05) in these parameters. Moreover the treatment with aqueous extract of C. sativum leaves extract at dose 250 mg caused abnormal histopathological changes in kidney tissue represented by degeneration in convoluted tubules epithelium, conjestion and glomerular atrophy, while the treatment with extract at dose 125 mg caused slightly changes in kidney tissue. According to above results the daily administration of Coriandrum sativum leaves extract induced a huge damage in the structure and functions of kidney.

Publication Date
Thu Oct 29 2020
Journal Name
The 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (irec 2020)
Thermal efficiency Optimization of the evacuated tube solar water heater system by using mirror flat reflector
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In this paper a comparison of the experimental of evacuated tube solar water heater systems with and without mirror flat reflector. The aim of using the reflector to improve thermal efficiency, and the data gathered which are (temperature, solar irradiation and time) for three days were compared. the results from compared data the temperature lower increase in evacuated tube solar water heater system without reflector than the temperature increase in evacuated tube solar water heater system with reflector .The results show (53, 39, 35) % for three days respectively that the evacuated tube solar water heater system with reflector has higher thermal efficiencies than the results (47, 28, 30) % for three days respectively thermal efficiencies

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Approximation of Weighted Hölder Functions by Fourier-Jacobi Polynomials to the Singular Sturm-Liouville Operator
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      In this work, a weighted H lder function that approximates a Jacobi polynomial which solves the second order singular Sturm-Liouville equation is discussed. This is generally equivalent to the Jacobean translations and the moduli of smoothness. This paper aims to focus on improving methods of approximation and finding the upper and lower estimates for the degree of approximation in weighted H lder spaces by modifying the modulus of continuity and smoothness. Moreover, some properties for the moduli of smoothness with direct and inverse results are considered.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The influence of lemongrass essential oil addition into heat cured acrylic resin against Candida albicans adhesion
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Background: For decades, the use of naturally accessible materials in treating human disease has been widespread. The goal of this study was to determine the anti-fungal effectiveness /of the lemongrass essential oil (LGEO) versus Candida albicans (C. albicans) adhesion to polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) materials. Material and methods: LGEO's anti-fungal activity was tested against C. albicans adhesion using the following concentration of LGEO in PMMA monomer (2.5 vol. %, 5 vol. % LGEO) selected from the pilot study as the best two effective concentrations. A total of 40 specimens were fabricated for the candida adherence test and were subdivided into four equal groups: negative control 0 vol. % addition, experimental with 2.5 vol. % and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
I-V characteristics of n-Si /ZnO/Se/MWCNTs nanocomposite solar cell fabricated by solvothermal technique
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Water Process Engineering
Waterworks sludge-filter sand permeable reactive barrier for removal of toxic lead ions from contaminated groundwater
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of CTX-M-type ESBLs from Escherichia coli Clinical Isolates from a Tertiary Hospital, Malaysia
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The present study aims to detect CTX-M-type ESBL from Escherichia coli clinical isolates and to analyze their antibotic susceptibility patterns. One hundred of E. coli isolates were collected from different clinical samples from a tertiary hospital. ESBL positivity was determined by the disk diffusion method. PCR used for amplification of CTX-M-type ESBL produced by E. coli. Out of 100 E. coli isolates, twenty-four isolates (24%) were ESBL-producers. E. coli isolated from pus was the most frequent clinical specimen that produced ESBL (41.66%) followed by urine (34.21%), respiratory (22.23%), and blood (19.05%).  After PCR amplification of these 24 isolates, 10 (41.66%) isolates were found to possess CTX-M genes. The CTX-M type ESBL

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering
Improving the Performance Against Force Variation of EMG Controlled Multifunctional Upper-Limb Prostheses for Transradial Amputees
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The correction of the line profiles for x-ray diffraction peaks by using three analysis methods
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In this study used three methods such as Williamson-hall, size-strain Plot, and Halder-Wagner to analysis x-ray diffraction lines to determine the crystallite size and the lattice strain of the nickel oxide nanoparticles and then compare the results of these methods with two other methods. The results were calculated for each of these methods to the crystallite size are (0.42554) nm, (1.04462) nm, and (3.60880) nm, and lattice strain are (0.56603), (1.11978), and (0.64606) respectively were compared with the result of Scherrer method (0.29598) nm,(0.34245),and the Modified Scherrer (0.97497). The difference in calculated results Observed for each of these methods in this study.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Constructed Wetland Units Filled with Waterworks Sludge for Remediating of Wastewater Contaminated with Congo Red Dye
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The disposal of textile effluents to the surface water bodies represents the critical issue especially these effluents can have negative impacts on such bodies due to the presence of dyes in their composition. Biological remediation methods like constructed wetlands are more cost-effective and environmental friendly technique in comparison with traditional methods. The ability of vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands units for treating of simulated wastewater polluted with Congo red dye has been studied in this work. The units were packed with waterworks sludge bed that either be unplanted or planted with Phragmites australis and Typha domingensis. The efficacy of present units was evaluated by monitoring of DO, Temperature, COD

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Isa Transactions
Design of a Complex fractional Order PID controller for a First Order Plus Time Delay system
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