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Employing Neural Network and Naive Bayesian Classifier in Mining Data for Car Evaluation
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In data mining, classification is a form of data analysis that can be used to extract models describing important data classes. Two of the well known algorithms used in data mining classification are Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN) and Naïve Bayesian (NB). This paper investigates the performance of these two classification methods using the Car Evaluation dataset. Two models were built for both algorithms and the results were compared. Our experimental results indicated that the BNN classifier yield higher accuracy as compared to the NB classifier but it is less efficient because it is time-consuming and difficult to analyze due to its black-box implementation.

Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analysis of the Inconsistent Structural-Semantic Aspects in the Plays of A.N. Ostrovsky: Несогласованные Определения В Пьесах А.Н. Островского: Структурно-Семантический Аспект
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     The study aims at analyzing the inconsistent structural and semantic aspects found in the plays of N.A Ostrovsky. The analysis, that includes all the linguistics schools of thoughts in modern Russian language, is performed chronologically to clarify all the ambiguities that the Russian language learners may face. Such difficulties lie in the use of inconsistent aspects with complete declarative sentences and adverbial clauses. Hence, it constructs a new sentence category that consists of secondary clause and its syncretism semantic.

     The study illustrates the wide scope of both studying the sentence inconsistent

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectral Study of the Pollutants ( Gelbstoff) in Water Liquefaction of Some areas of Baghdad Province by Using the Technique of Raman, Flora
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  In this research we study one of the pollutants(Gelbstoff ) such as Humic  and Fulvic Acids  in tap waters by using the technique of  Raman, Flora to some regions of Baghdad , the results appear that the tap waters  were pollutants which know yellow substance or Gelbstoff instant of suspending waters, which appear through the scattering of the incident light to same the wave length of Raman ,also calculate Raman shift which was 3640 cm-1 and force constant to band (O – H ) was 743 N/m, where the peak of Raman was at the wave length 441 nm after used the excitation wave length 380 nm . The results were in an agreement with lectures [8][9][10].

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Ecological Aspects of the Infection of the Mugilid fish Liza abu with the Acanthocephalan Neoechinorhychus iraqensis in Al-Najaf province, Iraq
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 A total of 803 specimens of the mugilid fish Liza abu was collected from different fishing grounds in Al-Najaf province during the period from Octber 1990 till September 1991. Of these fishes, 9.3% were infected with the acanthocephalan Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis with an intensity of 1.8.Changes in percentage incidence coincided with those of mean intensity. Generally, percentage incidence and intensity increased with the increase of fish length (age). Slight monthly changes in the infection were noticed. Changes in infection were attributed to fish length, sex, food, water temperature and antagonism of N. iraqensis with the third larval stage of nematode Contracaecum in the studied fish.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Real-Time PCR to Investigate Some of Antibiotic Resistance Genes from Streptococcus agalactiae Isolates from ewe Mastitis cases in Nineveh province
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In this study, from a total of 856 mastitis cases in lactating ewes, only 34 Streptococcus agalactiae isolates showed various types of resistance to three types of antibiotics (Penicillin, Erythromycin and Tetracycline). St. agalactiae isolates were identified according to the standard methods, including a new suggested technique called specific Chromogenic agar. It was found that antibiotic bacterial resistance was clearly identified by using MIC-microplate assay (dilution method). Also, by real-time PCR technique, it was determined that there were three antibiotics genes resistance ( pbp2b, tetO and mefA ). The high percentage of isolate carried of a single gene which was the Tetracycline (20.59%) followed by percentage Penicillin was

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Activating the Role of Fidelity Gruantee Insurance Policy to Ensure the Rights of the Beneficiaries: An Applied Research in National Insurance Company
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This research set to indicate the role of the opportunity cost in the overall economic development (human and social development) by selecting the most appropriate alternative for the growth of the country in exchange for sacrificing profit limits to achieve this growth and development of the country, especially in the present circumstances of the country and after studying the reality of the economic case for him, as the problem lies with don't selecting the best alternative that enhances the gross domestic product, which extends to promote overall economic development and revive the industrial and agricultural sectors, productivity is more like Impotent, versus sacrifice alternative consumption may bring more financially lucrative than

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Attitudes of University Students about the Statements of Iraqi Political Elites: A Survey Study of a Sample of University Youth in Baghdad
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Various visual media are becoming an increasingly important and active instrument of communication. This fact has led some political parties and leading personalities in Iraq to make use of them as an accepted forum for the discussion of public affairs usually in a manner that conforms to their declared policy. They have to draw as much popular support as they could for the causes which they fight for. As a result, a state of great confusion has been created from the contradictory statements made by the contending parties and gave left grave consequences on all types of the audience receiving them. The problem of the study can be summarized in one major question: What is the opinions of the audience as regards the statements made by the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Citrus aurantifolia Seed Extracts In Some Bacteria Isolated From Burns Infections: Suaad K. Ibrahim|Ilham S. Banno|Sawsan M. Abdella
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The present study was carried to evaluate antibacterial activity of Acetone, Alcholic (cold and hot) and Aqueaus(water) extracts of Citrus aurantifoliaseeds,against growth of some bacteria isolated from burns infections(Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Escherichia coli, Klebsiellapneumonia,Staphylococcusaureus)fromKindy HospitalIn Baghdad from March to June 2012.Antibiotic Sensitivity was done for all isolated bacteria used in this study.Results showed variation in antibacterial activity of different extracts against all tested bacteria by well diffusion technique in agar and measuring the diameter of inhibition zone, at concentration 250Mg-ml. Acetone extract had the greatest inhibitory effect followed by hot alcoholci extract, and then cold alcohol

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
The Mechanisms of build up the dramatic construction in the films of the world of nature - National Geographic's films as a model-
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The subject of  research entitled "The Mechanisms of build up the dramatic construction in the films of the world of nature - National Geographic's films as a model" emerges from the importance of the subject of the dramatic construction and its departure from its classic style due to the evolution of the visual  presentation and its instruments and the specificity and emergence of a form of television production represented by the films of the world of nature which began to occupy an important space in the map of television and television channels specialized in this subject, which drove the researcher to study the mechanisms of producing the dramatic construction in this kind of film s. This research came in three  chapt

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Prevents Mortality from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome through the Induction of Apoptosis in Immune Cells, Leading to Cytokine Storm Suppression
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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) causes up to 40% mortality in humans and is difficult to treat. ARDS is also one of the major triggers of mortality associated with coronavirus-induced disease (COVID-19). We used a mouse model of ARDS induced by Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), which triggers 100% mortality, to investigate the mechanisms through which Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) attenuates ARDS. SEB was used to trigger ARDS in C3H mice. These mice were treated with THC and analyzed for survival, ARDS, cytokine storm, and metabolome. Additionally, cells isolated from the lungs were used to perform single-cell RNA sequencing and transcriptome analysis. A database analysis of human COVID-19 patients was also performed t

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Anti-Oxidoreductive stress Effects of Iraqi Olea Europaea L. Leaves extract against low double doses of alloxan induced diabetes mellitus in rats
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Olive leaves extract is famous for its antioxidant and protective effects. In this study, the aqueous extract of Iraqi Olea europaea L. Leaves was investigated for its anti-diabetic effects against low double doses of alloxan induced Diabetes Mellitus in rats. Low double doses (75 mg\Kg body weight) of alloxan were injected intraperitoneally at day 1&29 of the experimental period in rats, whereas an aqueous extract of Iraqi Olea europaea L. Leaves was added continuously to their drinking water. Serum malondialdehyde concentration, total oxidative stress and oxidative stress index as oxidoreductive stress biomarker, activities of certain antioxidoreductive stress enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, super oxide dismutase and catalase) and concen

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