Christian rites and rituals to be performed, not abandon them, and they see it as a sacred duty in Christ's (as) followers, including: (secret baptisms among Christian denominations, descriptive study) baptisms in the Christian Mystery of God of the mysteries of the Church, every Christian must be baptized always resented It was alaimanh, the Guide mentioned in the Bible by Jesus to his disciples ((just go make disciples of all Nations and immersed them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I advised you, and here I am with you all days to the end of the age))( And be baptized in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit, and that's what makes this practice through the obligatory Christian enters the Church's human, with death and burial and resurrection of Christ according to their belief, baptism is immersion and spraying with water, and the water symbolizes the death of sin, and out of the water symbolizes life.Holy cleansed, and everyone received the sacrament of baptism a Christian remains until death, in light of what they see.