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A comparison between PCA and some enhancement filters for denoising astronomical images

This paper includes a comparison between denoising techniques by using statistical approach, principal component analysis with local pixel grouping (PCA-LPG), this procedure is iterated second time to further improve the denoising performance, and other enhancement filters were used. Like adaptive Wiener low pass-filter to a grayscale image that has been degraded by constant power additive noise, based on statistics estimated from a local neighborhood of each pixel. Performs Median filter of the input noisy image, each output pixel contains the Median value in the M-by-N neighborhood around the corresponding pixel in the input image, Gaussian low pass-filter and Order-statistic filter also be used. Experimental results shows LPG-PCA method gives better performance, especially in image fine structure preservation, compared with other general denoising algorithms.

Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Use of Geographic Information System Facilities to Estimate the Evapotranspiration in Iraq According to Thornthwaite Adjusted Formula.

Iraq is facing water shortage problems due to various factors, globally ( Global warming) and regionally ( GAP project) and locally ( improper water resources management projects). In this search the global warming influence on the annual mean value of temperature and yet on the annual mean value of the evapotranspiration for more than three decades has been studied. The climate of Iraq is influenced by its location between the subtropical aridity of the Arabian desert areas and the subtropical humidity of the Arabian Gulf. The relative ascension of temperature degrees in the recent decades was the main factor in relative humidity decrement which increase the evapotranspiration values, since that utilizing a temperature-based method as i

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of Solar Still Under Influence of Various Conditions

In the present work, experimental tests was done to explain the effect of insulation and water level on the yield output. Linear basin, single slope solar still used to do this purpose. The test was done from May to August 2017 in Mosul City-Iraq (Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: 200 m, and  South-East face). Experimental results showed that the yield output of the still increased by 20.785% and 19.864% in case of using thermal insulation at 4cm and 5cm respectively, also the yield output decrease by 15.134% as the water level increase from 4 to 5cm, with the presence of insulation and 14.147% without it. It has been conclude that the insulation and water level play important role in the process of passive

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Spraying Proline Acid on Morphological Features of Egg plant Solanum melongena L. Exposed to Water Stress

    The experiment was conducted in the glass house in a  nursery at the growth season 2013.The experiment was designed by  the Completely Randomized Blocks Design(CRBD).The seeds of two varieties of eggplant were studied.They were : 1.Lot (Number)Melaneana  an American species,2.Aydinsiyah a Turkish species.We used three periods of water stress(1,8 ,16)days  respectively, and three concentrations of proline acid (0,50,100) ppm using three frequents for each treatment.The experiment contained 54 experimental unit.The seeds were planted on the 30th/8/2013 in the glass house of the nursery, a month later, we put the plantelet in pots with good  fertilized soil in the glass house.Some growth features were

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 30 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development

The purpose of this study is to describe the extent and nature of informal tenure practices in urban areas in Iraq, through undertaking a rapid assessment in Baghdad city. The UN-HABITAT 2008 publication Secure Land Rights for All discusses the importance of access and rights to land throughout the developing world. Secure land rights are critical to development and poverty reduction, and the greatest challenge in providing secure land rights are in urban areas, where overcrowding can lead to a number of informal tenure practices ranging from individually unregistered or unauthorised housing, to large informal settlements. Access to land is a fundamental basis for human shelter, food production, and other economic activity. Secur

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Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Contractible J-Saces

Jordan  curve  theorem  is  one  of  the  classical  theorems  of  mathematics, it states  the  following :  If    is a graph of  a  simple  closed curve  in  the complex plane the complement  of   is the union of  two regions,  being the common  boundary of the two regions. One of  the region   is  bounded and the other is unbounded. We introduced in this paper one of Jordan's theorem generalizations. A new type of space is discussed with some properties and new examples. This new space called Contractible -space.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
NORM in Markazia Degasing Station within North Rumaila Oilfield- Southern Iraq

Concentration of natural occurring radioactive material (NORM) in Markazia Degasing Station in North Rumaila oilfield (NDS) was measured in this study. Then, radiological assessment due to existing of NORM in different samples including soil, sludge, scale, oil, and water collected from different stages of oil and gas production NDS was done. Radioactivity concentration of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 were measured using gamma spectrometry system based on HPGe detector with efficiency of 30%. The results show that some locations within NDS are contaminated with NORM. The activity in Bq/kg of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 range between 15.19 in oil to 68.73 in sludge, 8.5 in oil to 23.45 in sludge and 80.23 in oil to 319.73 in saline water samples r

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
International Science And Technology Journal
Impact of Concentration of Cow MANURE ON Biogas Production

In Libya, there are multiple sources of pollution, one of which is animal waste. The anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic wastes to produce biogas has the advantage of producing valuable, renewable energy while reducing the environmental impact of these wastes. Cowmanure have the potential to produce biogas due to their high organic content. This study aimed to study different concentrations for the feedstock (1:1 and 2:1 cow manure: water v/v) to monitor which one gives higher biogas production. A plastic tank with a capacity of 72 liters and a feedstock volume of 60 liters was used to create a pilot scale. The biogas was analyzed using a GC device at the end of the experiment in the Zawiya Oil Refining Company. The result indicated that th

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Multiattribute Analysis to Predicting Effective Porosity of Yamama Formation in Nasriya Oilfield Southern Iraq

Emerge application was used in Hampsson-Russell programs and that uses a combination of multiple 3D or 2D seismic attributes to predict some reservoir parameter of interest. In this research used the seismic inversion technique was performed on post-stack three dimensions (3D) seismic data in Nasriya oilfield with five wells  and then used this results in  Emerge analysis (training and application) were used to estimate reservoir properties (effective porosity) with multiattribute analysis derive relations  between them at well locations. The horizon time slice of reservoir units of (Yb1, Yb3 and Yc) of Yamama Formation was made for property (effective porosity) to confirm match results and enhancement trends within these

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simulations of Four Types of Optical Aberrations using Zernik Polynomials

In this paper, a computer simulation is implemented to generate of an optical aberration by means of Zernike polynomials. Defocus, astigmatism, coma, and spherical Zernike aberrations were simulated in a subroutine using MATLAB function and applied as a phase error in the aperture function of an imaging system. The studying demonstrated that the Point Spread Function (PSF) and Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) have been affected by these optical aberrations. Areas under MTF for different radii of the aperture of imaging system have been computed to assess the quality and efficiency of optical imaging systems. Phase conjugation of these types aberration has been utilized in order to correct a distorted wavefront. The results showed that

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Dielectric Study of PVC-LiF Composites Films

PVC-LiF composites films with different lithium fluoride (LiF) concentrations (0, 30, 50, and 70 weight %) were prepared by using the casting method. This research deals with the investigation of dielectric properties for PVC-LiF composite films as a function of frequency and temperature in the ranges of 100 to 107 Hz and 293 - 370 K, respectively. The A.C activation energy values estimated from Arrhenius equation were 0.03820, 0.3174, 0.2009, and 0.1845 eV for the different PVC-LiF films with different LiF concentrations, respectively.  It was found that the activation energy decreases by increasing LiF concentration and frequency. The exponent (s) showed a progressive increase with LiF for PVC-LiF films, while it showed

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