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Precision tracking and visual animation and its relationship to the results of the competition with the Sabre Players.
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In order to get advanced results, we must stand at the pointsthat have been observed by the trainers that are of significance inthe sport of fencing and concern for capacity optical (traceoptical and precision visual animation), so we must learn some ofthese types of capacity, whichever is more influential in the gamefencing so that they add a new axis to the player to pick andchoose in order to achieve the desired goal and raise the level ofthe game.The study aimed to identify the relationship between the visualtracking and accuracy of visual animated face and the results ofcompetitions Sabre of the other.Used a much more descriptive approach to study relational on asample of players clubs Sabre and the way intentional, whoqualified to the role of (16) in the championship Iraq individual,was calculated individual results in the role of (16) (knockout)and then was measured by tracking the optical and precisionoptical animation the players, and then processing the results wasby simple Pearson correlation coefficient and the researchersconcluded that the existence of significant correlation betweenvisual tracking and accuracy of visual animated face and theresults of competitions weapon Arab sword duel on the other.Therefore recommends that researchers need to focus on thevisual capabilities in the field of sport in general and in the sportof fencing in particular..

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