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As the banking sector is a strong influence on the country's economic growth,The solid financial well-being of anybank does not mean only a guarantee for its investors, It is also important for both owners and workers and for theeconomy in all its joints.The elements of capital adequacy and quality of assets are important to the functioning of thebanking business.In this study, the research sample included four private banks. Quarterly data were used for the period(2011 - 2018).Moreover, data is also collected from articles, papers, the World Wide Web (the Internet) and specializedinternational journals.In this research, an effort was made to try to find out the effect of (the ratio of the capital owned todeposits on the value of the bank), (the ratio of the capital owned to the assets to the value of the bank), (the ratio ofinvestments to assets on the value of the bank), and (the ratio Loans to assets on the value of the bank). The resultsshowed that there is a discrepancy in the effect of these ratios on the value of the bank for those banks in the researchsample (6) (PDF) THE EFFECT OF CAPITAL ADEQUACY AND ASSET QUALITY ON THE VALUE OF THE BANK AN APPLIED STUDY ON A SAMPLE OF IRAQI BANKS LISTED ON THE IRAQ STOCK EXCHANGE. Available from: [accessed Mar 02 2024].

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Elastic electron scattering from 6He and 11Li halo nuclei
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The binary cluster model (BCM) and the two-frequency shell model (TFSM) have been used to study the ground state matter densities of neutron-rich 6He and 11Li halo nuclei. Calculations show that both models provide a good description on the matter density distribution of above nuclei. The root-mean square (rms) proton, neutron and matter radii of these halo nuclei obtained by TFSM have been successfully obtained. The elastic charge form factors for these halo nuclei are studied through combining the charge density distribution obtained by TFSM with the plane wave Born approximation (PWBA).

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Determining Optimum Oil Separator Size and Optimum Operating Pressure
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The optimum separators operating pressure is determined by using flash calculations and equilibrium ratios. In this study, the optimum separator size for Jambur field is calculated by using equations introduced by Arnold and Stewart and API12J Specification [1]. Because Jambur field has a high production rate two conditions are taken in the study to determine separator size, first based on production rate 80,000 bbl/day and second based on split the production between two banks A and B (40,000 bbl/day for each bank). The calculation resulted in optimum separator pressure for the first stage of 700 psi, and the second stage of 300 psi, and the third stage of 120 psi. The results show that as the number of stages increased above three-stag

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 25 2016
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Applied Sciences, Engineering And Technology
Block Matching Algorithm Using Mean and Low Order Moments
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In this study, a fast block matching search algorithm based on blocks' descriptors and multilevel blocks filtering is introduced. The used descriptors are the mean and a set of centralized low order moments. Hierarchal filtering and MAE similarity measure were adopted to nominate the best similar blocks lay within the pool of neighbor blocks. As next step to blocks nomination the similarity of the mean and moments is used to classify the nominated blocks and put them in one of three sub-pools, each one represents certain nomination priority level (i.e., most, less & least level). The main reason of the introducing nomination and classification steps is a significant reduction in the number of matching instances of the pixels belong to the c

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Retrieved Sources for Semantic and Lexical Plagiarism Detection
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     Plagiarism is described as using someone else's ideas or work without their permission. Using lexical and semantic text similarity notions, this paper presents a plagiarism detection system for examining suspicious texts against available sources on the Web. The user can upload suspicious files in pdf or docx formats. The system will search three popular search engines for the source text (Google, Bing, and Yahoo) and try to identify the top five results for each search engine on the first retrieved page. The corpus is made up of the downloaded files and scraped web page text of the search engines' results. The corpus text and suspicious documents will then be encoded as vectors. For lexical plagiarism detection, the system will

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gogny interaction and nuclear charge distribution in 48Ca Nucleus
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Charge multipole Coulomb scattering form factors in 48Ca nucleus have been reproduced utilizing the theory of nuclear shell. The efficient two-body nuclear potential fpbm is considered to construct the-spin orbit term LS vectors with Harmonic Oscillator HO potential as a wave function of single particle in Fp shell. Discarded spaces ( core + higher configuration) are taken into account through the Core polarization effect by model space with accurate two-body potential of Gogny to  interact the LS operating particles with the discarded space pair ( particle-hole) with energy of excitation equal to 2ћω. Gogny interaction has been selected as it had succeeded in nuclear shell theory. The computed results were compared with th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Vibration Characteristics Oblate Shell "With and Without Framed Structure"
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This paper presents the results of investigating the vibrational characteristics of oblate dish with and without framed structure . A finite element method, was applied to the dynamic analysis of oblate spheroidal shell. Different types of elements were considered in one dimension and two dimensions. It was found that the natural frequencies of oblate shells had two types of behavior against increasing the shell thickness and eccentricity, which are the membrane mode and bending mode –Since – the membrane modes natural frequencies tend to increase with the increasing the eccentricity of oblate, while the bending modes natural frequencies decrease with the increasing the eccentricity till reach the optimum eccentricity.


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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Introduction and Investigation into Oil Well Logging Operations (Review)
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ole in all sta Oil well logging, also known as wireline logging, is a method of collecting data from the well environment to determine subterranean physical properties and reservoir parameters. Measurements are collected against depth along the well's length, and many types of wire cabling tools depend on the physical property of interest. Well probes generally has a dynamic respon to changes in rock layers and fluid composition. These probes or well logs are legal documents that record the history of a well during the drilling stages until its completion. Well probes record the physical properties of the well, which must then be interpreted in petrographic terms to obtain the characteristics of the rocks and fluids associated with

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Applied And Computational Mathematics
Texture Classification Using Spline, Wavelet Decomposition and Fractal Dimension
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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Fuzzy KU-semi-groups and investigate some basic properties
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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Molding and simulation sedimentation process using finite difference method
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Abstract<p>The goal of this research is to develop a numerical model that can be used to simulate the sedimentation process under two scenarios: first, the flocculation unit is on duty, and second, the flocculation unit is out of commission. The general equation of flow and sediment transport were solved using the finite difference method, then coded using Matlab software. The result of this study was: the difference in removal efficiency between the coded model and operational model for each particle size dataset was very close, with a difference value of +3.01%, indicating that the model can be used to predict the removal efficiency of a rectangular sedimentation basin. The study also revealed</p> ... Show More