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Study of the nuclear deformation of some even–even isotopes using Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov method (effect of the collective motion)
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In the present research, the nuclear deformation of the Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, and Kr even–even isotopes has been investigated within the framework of Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov method and SLy4 Skyrme parameterization. In particular, the deform shapes of the effect of nucleons collective motion by coupling between the single-particle motion and the potential surface have been studied. Furthermore, binding energy, the single-particle nuclear density distributions, the corresponding nuclear radii, and quadrupole deformation parameter have been also calculated and compared with the available experimental data. From the outcome of our investigation, it is possible to conclude that the deforming effects cannot be neglected in a characterization of the structure of the neutron-rich nuclei. The relation between the single-particle motion and the potential surface leads to note that the change in the interactions between the nucleons causes the evolution of nuclear surface and leads to variation in the potential shape.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Survival estimation for singly type one censored sample based on generalized Rayleigh distribution
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This paper interest to estimation the unknown parameters for generalized Rayleigh distribution model based on censored samples of singly type one . In this paper the probability density function for generalized Rayleigh is defined with its properties . The maximum likelihood estimator method is used to derive the point estimation for all unknown parameters based on iterative method , as Newton – Raphson method , then derive confidence interval estimation which based on Fisher information matrix . Finally , testing whether the current model ( GRD ) fits to a set of real data , then compute the survival function and hazard function for this real data.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Error Analysis in Numerical Algorithms
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   In this paper, we applied the concept of the error analysis using the linearization method and new condition numbers constituting optimal bounds in appraisals of the possible errors. Evaluations of finite continued fractions, computations of determinates of tridiagonal systems, of determinates of second order and a "fast" complex multiplication. As in Horner's scheme, present rounding error analysis of product and summation algorithms. The error estimates are tested by numerical examples. The executed program for calculation is "MATLAB 7" from the website "

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Hybrid Coefficient Decimation- Interpolation Based Reconfigurable Low Complexity Filter Bank for Cognitive Radio
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Non uniform channelization is a crucial task in cognitive radio receivers for obtaining separate channels from the digitized wideband input signal at different intervals of time. The two main requirements in the channelizer are reconfigurability and low complexity. In this paper, a reconfigurable architecture based on a combination of Improved Coefficient Decimation Method (ICDM) and Coefficient Interpolation Method (CIM) is proposed. The proposed Hybrid Coefficient Decimation-Interpolation Method (HCDIM) based filter bank (FB) is able to realize the same number of channels realized using (ICDM) but with a maximum decimation factor divided by the interpolation factor (L), which leads to less deterioration in stop band at

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Small Binary Codebook Design for Image Compression Depending on Rotating Blocks
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     The searching process using a binary codebook of combined Block Truncation Coding (BTC) method and Vector Quantization (VQ), i.e. a full codebook search for each input image vector to find the best matched code word in the codebook, requires a long time.   Therefore, in this paper, after designing a small binary codebook, we adopted a new method by rotating each binary code word in this codebook into 900 to 2700 step 900 directions. Then, we systematized each code word depending on its angle  to involve four types of binary code books (i.e. Pour when , Flat when  , Vertical when, or Zigzag). The proposed scheme was used for decreasing the time of the coding pro

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 26 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Normalization Bernstein Basis For Solving Fractional Fredholm-Integro Differential Equation
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In this work, we employ a new normalization Bernstein basis for solving linear Freadholm of fractional integro-differential equations  nonhomogeneous  of the second type (LFFIDEs). We adopt Petrov-Galerkian method (PGM) to approximate solution of the (LFFIDEs) via normalization Bernstein basis that yields linear system. Some examples are given and their results are shown in tables and figures, the Petrov-Galerkian method (PGM) is very effective and convenient and overcome the difficulty of traditional methods. We solve this problem (LFFIDEs) by the assistance of Matlab10.   

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Exact and Local Search Methods for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem with Practical Application
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This paper investigates some exact and local search methods to solve the traveling salesman problem. The Branch and Bound technique (BABT) is proposed, as an exact method, with two models. In addition, the classical Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) are discussed and applied as local search methods. To improve the performance of GA we propose two kinds of improvements for GA; the first is called improved GA (IGA) and the second is Hybrid GA (HGA).

The IGA gives best results than GA and SA, while the HGA is the best local search method for all within a reasonable time for 5 ≤ n ≤ 2000, where n is the number of visited cities. An effective method of reducing the size of the TSP matrix was proposed with

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extend Differential Transform Methods for Solving Differential Equations with Multiple Delay
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In this paper, we present an approximate analytical and numerical solutions for the differential equations with multiple delay using the extend differential transform method (DTM). This method is used to solve many linear and non linear problems.


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Volterra Runge- Kutta Methods for Solving Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations
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In this paper Volterra Runge-Kutta methods which include: method of order two and four will be applied to general nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind. Moreover we study the convergent of the algorithms of Volterra Runge-Kutta methods. Finally, programs for each method are written in MATLAB language and a comparison between the two types has been made depending on the least square errors.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Graphene Oxide: A Key Solution for Future: Recent Achievements as A New Adsorbent for Water Treatment Applications: Review
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     Polluted water has been considered a critical issue nowadays, threatening the environment and lives of living creatures. Because of technological and industrial advancements, as well as increased social activities of humans in various countries, pollution sources have multiplied. To reduce the impact of this problem, many techniques have been developed in order to reach zero discharge pollution. In the last decade, graphene oxide (GO) - a member of the graphene nanomaterials family, has been the focus of many research efforts in the water treatment sector because of its extraordinary properties. This review highlights the research efforts conducted to investigate GO as a novel adsorbent for water treatment applications and recen

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Apr 17 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fabrication and Enhancement UV Photodiode Based on Mg-Doped ZnO Nanorods Films
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Magnesium-doped Zinc oxide (ZnO: Mg) nanorods (NRs) films and pure Zinc oxide deposited on the p-silicon substrates were prepared by hydrothermal method. The doping level of the Mg concentration (atoms ratio of Mg to Zn was chosen to be 0.75% and 1.5%. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were performed to characterize the prepared films. X-ray diffraction analysis showed a decrease in the lattice parameters of the Mg-doped ZnO NRs. Under 10V applied bias voltage, the responsivity of p-n junction UV photodiode based on pure ZnO and Mg: ZnO with doping ratio (0.75% and 1.5%) was 0.06 A/W and (0.15A/W and 0.27A/W) at UV illumination of wavelength 365 nm respectively, 0.071 A/W and (0.084A/W and 0.11A/W) fo

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